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#FirstHand #Court
Consulate Representatives Attend Hearing of 47 Pro-Democracy Activists

1100 | West Kowloon Magistrates' Courts, Hong Kong

As the pro-democracy activists charged under the National Security Law appear in court today, a large crowd of supporters turned out to attend the hearing.

Representatives of the EU consulate and several other countries are also in attendance.

They express great concern for the case today, as it is indicative of the government's continued suppression of dissenting voices.

They demand that the government promptly release the prisoners.

#Mar1 #PoliticalPrisoners #YNWA
#FirstHand #Court
"Release Political Prisoners": Hundreds Queue Outside Court in Support of Pro-Democracy Activists

Over 200 hundred citizens were queuing to attend the court hearing by 9am this morning. A number of police vehicles were deployed nearby, and officers set up cordon lines outside the court.

A number of activists were involved in the case but not yet charged are also attending the hearing. These include Convener of Civil Human Rights Front Figo Chan, Chairman of Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China Lee Chuk-Yan, and former Democratic Party lawmaker Roy Kwong Chun-Yu. Citizens held up banners that read, “release political prisoners”.

The long queue of supporters are still outside the court at 11am, often chanting "Liberate Hong Kong, the revolution of our times".

Source: RTHK
Photos: first hand

#Mar1 #PoliticalPrisoners #YNWA
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#FirstHand #Mar5 #Court
"Hang In There": Citizens Line the Streets in Support as 47 Activists are Taken Back to Custody

0007 | Lau Chi Kok Reception Center

Police had cordoned off the parking area by the Magistrates’ Courts, only allowing journalists to enter.

After midnight on 5 March, the crowd of citizens waiting in support for the 47 arrested activists thus went to the Lau Chi Kok Reception Center to see them off.

They lined the sidewalk, waving cell phone lights and shouting words of encouragement as their vehicle passed by: "Hongkongers, add oil!" "Hang in there!"

#FirstHand #Mar5 #PoliticalPrisoners #YNWA #47Democrats
#Court #47Democrats #PoliticalSuppression
A Journalist's Account of Witnessing the Trial of 47 Pro-democracy Activists in Hong Kong's Court

Part 1

[Editor's note: The Hong Kong authorities arrested and charged 47 pro-democracy with #NationalSecurityLaw violations for their participation in the primary election of the democratic camp in 2020. The trial began in the West Kowloon Magistrates' Courts on March 1, 2021.

The following is a reflective account written by Hong Kong journalist Cheung Hoi-kit.]

In the court room, the 47 pro-democracy activists took half of the seats, crowding the area behind the defendant fence and the seats outside. It is like the entire dissidents camp has been arrested at once. Regardless of their ages, ranks and the political party, they became a community, facing their fate together.

With the large number of defendants and their lawyers, the main court did not have seats for the families, reporters and the public. Families could not stay close to the defendants, not even to have any eye contact, as they had to watch the hearing through the live broadcast.

The main court accomodated neither family members nor reporters. Even more so, no bail statement discussion was allowed. The marathon-style trial was like an epic, where countless tales were recounted.

The court debated on a wide range of media reports of the 47 pro-democracy activists. Although the chief magistrate Victor So said that those stories were touching, he claimed that those reports did not point to any public benefit.

Linda Wong, a senior counsel representing the defendants, argued that those stories were not a paragraph in a fiction, but the experience and the true background of a person. The defendants were not mere numbers.

The cold legal provisions and heart warming personal stories continued to compete in the court room.

Source: HK Citizens News #Mar14
Image: Sophiekiu.artsy


#Reflection #PoliticalPrisoners
#PoliticalSuppression #Court
“I Plead Guilty, But I Have Done No Wrong”: Former Democratic Party Chairman in Hong Kong on Protest Charges

73-year-old Yeung Sum, former chairman of Hong Kong's Democratic Party, was among the few who plead guilty to participating in an unauthorized protest in the city on August 31, 2019.

The trial began on April 7, 2021 in the District Court in Hong Kong. Below are snippets from Yeung’s guilty plea:

“Your Honor, I plead guilty to the charges related to participating in an unauthorized assembly on Aug 31, 2019, but I have done no wrong, and I will not plead for mercy. The following is my submission."

“I plead guilty to participating in an unauthorized and illegal demonstration, but I will not admit that I did anything wrong.

Although the police did not issue a letter of no objection for the march, I still came forward to participate in the march because I want to uphold the fact that demonstration is a fundamental right of every Hong Kong citizen and should be constitutionally protected.

It was also to protest against the police’s abuse of power, who arbitrarily banned peaceful demonstrations and marches and deprived Hong Kong people of their civil rights.

Therefore, I am willing to put myself on the line and engage in civil disobedience in a peaceful manner, and I am prepared to accept the criminal liability of the law.”

For the full version in Chinese: https://bit.ly/3cUam0Y

Source: Stand News #April7

#PoliticalPrisoners #YeungSum #CivilDisobedience #AntiELAB #HongKongProtests
#Separation #Hongkongers
On #MothersDay, Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Activists, remanded or exiled, Pay Homage to Their Mothers

Usually on Mother’s Day, many families would go out and celebrate. However, some are less fortunate this year in Hong Kong.

On May 9, 2021, exiled former #Demosisto leader #NathanLaw posted a photo with his mother on Facebook. He said this festival reminds him of the many pro-democracy protestors who became separated from their families. “Only until justice is done can family warmth return.”

Nathan Law recalled, “no matter how busy I am, on Mother's Day, I can always let go of my work and sit before a dinner table with my family.”

He admitted he saw festivals as an excuse to step away from work, but this year he thought of all the protestors who were forced into leaving their own families due to political oppression.

“For everyone who is remanded, imprisoned, or exiled, there is always a mother at home waiting for their return, waiting for days, for months, for years.”

He hoped there can be a new meaning for Mother’s Day. “Please remember those behind bars and oceans apart.”

The facebook page of democrat #TakchiTam, who is remanded on National Security charges, also posted a video that was recorded earlier of him singing the song “Mother, I did no wrong.”

In the video, he said the festival also reminded him of all the young men and women exiled or imprisoned due to the movement. However, he believed when people are united in their pursuit of justice and truth, a new family will be forged.

[Editor's note: “Mother, I have done no wrong” is a song written in remembrance of the 1989 June Fourth Massacre in Beijing. The title is a reference to a famous banner raised by the pro-democracy students who went on hunger strike in Tiananmen Square in Beijing.

The lyrics sing:

“We want no one to define right or wrong.

We want no one to convict others at will."]

Source: Stand News #May9


#JuneFourth #Mothers #Exile #PoliticalSuppression #PoliticalPrisoners
#NeverForget #NeverForgive
Over 10,000 People Arrested: 2 Years After the 1-million Pro-Democracy Protest in Hong Kong

Jan (alias), a 17-year-old Hong Kong youth, was charged with rioting.

In the end, he chose to plead guilty.

During a junior high school field trip, Jan visited a prison in Hong Kong. At the time, he thought, "I would never go to jail in my life. What's the point of the visit?"

He never imagined that in just a few years, he would be imprisoned because of a pro-democracy movement.

During a relatively mild clash, Jan was arrested on a charge of unlawful assembly. While he was detained, however, the police suddenly changed his charge to rioting. This was a complete surprise to Jan, and he thought the new charge was ridiculous.

His lawyer eventually managed to secure approval for his bail, though with strict curfew conditions. "I've lost most of my freedoms well before they declare me guilty," Jan said.

During a meeting, his lawyer explained to him that the police already had enough evidence to make the rioting charge stick. His mother immediately broke down in tears; Jan himself was overwhelmed by lethargy, staying up late and skipping school for a whole month, only imagining what prison life would be like.

Eventually, he decided to plead guilty, since it would lead to his sentence being reduced by one-third. After the court hearing, he saw forum posts questioning his plea when he had done no wrong. He was perplexed at their thinking. "'If your heart is truly in this movement,' I thought, 'why would you want any of us to get a longer sentence?"


As of April 2021, the Hong Kong Police has arrested over 10,000 people in connection to the 2019 Anti-ELAB movement. Among them, 1,700 were minors.

As of June 7, 2021, according to statistics provided by Stand News, 757 people are charged with riotting. 70% of them are below 25 years old and 75 of them are underaged. As of April 13, 2021, 28 people have been convicted. 23 of them have been sentenced; the longest jail time among them is 5 years and 6 months.

Source: Stand News #Jun9

#PoliceState #HumanitarianCrisis #PoliticalProsecution #PoliticalPrisoners