#NeverForget #NeverForgive
Over 10,000 People Arrested: 2 Years After the 1-million Pro-Democracy Protest in Hong Kong

Jan (alias), a 17-year-old Hong Kong youth, was charged with rioting.

In the end, he chose to plead guilty.

During a junior high school field trip, Jan visited a prison in Hong Kong. At the time, he thought, "I would never go to jail in my life. What's the point of the visit?"

He never imagined that in just a few years, he would be imprisoned because of a pro-democracy movement.

During a relatively mild clash, Jan was arrested on a charge of unlawful assembly. While he was detained, however, the police suddenly changed his charge to rioting. This was a complete surprise to Jan, and he thought the new charge was ridiculous.

His lawyer eventually managed to secure approval for his bail, though with strict curfew conditions. "I've lost most of my freedoms well before they declare me guilty," Jan said.

During a meeting, his lawyer explained to him that the police already had enough evidence to make the rioting charge stick. His mother immediately broke down in tears; Jan himself was overwhelmed by lethargy, staying up late and skipping school for a whole month, only imagining what prison life would be like.

Eventually, he decided to plead guilty, since it would lead to his sentence being reduced by one-third. After the court hearing, he saw forum posts questioning his plea when he had done no wrong. He was perplexed at their thinking. "'If your heart is truly in this movement,' I thought, 'why would you want any of us to get a longer sentence?"


As of April 2021, the Hong Kong Police has arrested over 10,000 people in connection to the 2019 Anti-ELAB movement. Among them, 1,700 were minors.

As of June 7, 2021, according to statistics provided by Stand News, 757 people are charged with riotting. 70% of them are below 25 years old and 75 of them are underaged. As of April 13, 2021, 28 people have been convicted. 23 of them have been sentenced; the longest jail time among them is 5 years and 6 months.

Source: Stand News #Jun9

#PoliceState #HumanitarianCrisis #PoliticalProsecution #PoliticalPrisoners