The Hong Kong Scots
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A Hongkongers-led Scottish company not for profit but looks for the interest of community.
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【Anti-Winter Olympics Tour】

As Feb 4 is the commcement of Winter Olympic Games in Beijing, where China is hosting the Games. As we are a Hongkonger organisation keen on spreading the truth about CCP's violation in human rights, we will host a tour of events to expose the reality of the CCP with a black cloths. You are welcome to sign on the black cloth and leave your words to CCP.

Location: Union Bridge
Date: 27-1-2022
Time: 1300-1500
Content: display the black cloth and distribute leaflets

Location: Desperate Dan Statue
Date: 28-1-2022
Time: 1400-1600
Content: display the black cloth and distribute leaflets

Location: opposite of St Enoch Square
Date: 29-1-2022
Time: 1300-1500
Content: stand silently with the black cloth

Location: outside National Record of Scotland
Date: 30-1-2022
Time: 1300-1500
Content: stand silently with the black cloth


【Anti Winter Olympics Activities updated】

While Western countries are boycotting the Olympic Games diplomatically, we are responding to the public in Scotland . We will hold 4 street booths in #Aberdeen, #Dundee, #Glasgow and #Edinburgh in the coming week. All tyranny and evil deeds done by CCP, will be shown to the world. Finally, we will march to Roseburn Public Park and pay an early Lunar New Year call to the CCP Embassy.

西方國家採取外交杯葛奧運會的同時,身在蘇格蘭的我們在民間響應,未來一週於 #Aberdeen#Dundee#Glasgow#Edinburgh 設街站,讓中共暴政惡行展現在世人眼前;最後在Edinburgh遊行至Roseburn Public Park,並向旁邊的 #中國大使館 拜早年。

30January Rundown

13:00 Preaching statement
13:10 Sing Glory to Hong Kong together
13:15-14:15 Stand Silently
14:30 March starts to Consulate General of China
16:00 Disband at Roseburn Public Park

【The first stop of the tour anti Beijing Winter Olympics】

-蘇格蘭巡迴反冬奧 首站 Aberdeen -

We have arrived at #Aberdeen Union Street and will be showing the black cloth from 1-3 pm, hope to see you all.

We invited a guest to attend the #Glasgow event and speak on 29 Jan Saturday. Her speech will help us to know more about the Tibetans who were oppressed by the CCP. We hope that more people who are oppressed by the CCP will come forward to join us and accuse CCP. let the world see the ugly truth of human rights violations by CCP.

我們已經抵達 #Aberdeen Union Street,並將會在下午一時至三時展示反冬奧黑布,希望可以見到大家。

我們邀請了嘉賓在後日出席 #Glasgow 的活動及發言,他的發言讓我們對一同被中共壓迫的藏人了解更多,期望日後有更多被中共壓迫的朋友能站出來與我們聯結一起指控中共,讓世界看到中國侵犯人權的醜陋真相。
– Scroll for English version -

本週末風暴正吹襲 #東蘇格蘭,但仍未消減我們講述真相的熱情。剛過去的下午,我們連同 Tibet Solidarity在 #Glasgow 的反冬奧街站照常,並有幸邀請 Collette Stevenson MSP for East Kilbride發言,感謝MSP的支持,也感謝大家的付出。

明天(1月30日)我們繼續前往 #愛丁堡 完成反冬奧之旅。提提參加的朋友預備雨具,以應付不穩的天氣。

Storm Malik is battering eastern Scotland this weekend, but that hasn’t dampened our enthusiasm for telling the truth. This past afternoon, Tibet Solidarity with us at the #Glasgow Anti-Winter Olympics Booth as usual. And had the honor to invite MSP Collette Stevenson to speak. Thanks MSP, and thanks all volunteers for their efforts.

Tomorrow (30th January) we will continue our journey to #Edinburgh to complete the anti-Beijing Olympics journey. Please prepare rain gear to cope with the unstable weather.
【1st July CCP Anniversary Street Stall】

English Version


1941年7月1日,中共中央正式把七月一日定為 #建黨紀念日


2022年7月1日,#李家超 被北京政權欽點成香港特首。


在此就請所有同被中共迫害的朋友,都在七月一日中共建黨紀念日站出來向極權說不,讓全世界都看到 #中共侵犯人權 的罪證。

Location: Union Bridge
Time: 1200-1400

Location: National Record
Time: 12:00-1400

Location: Opposite to St Enoch Square
Date: 7/4/2022
Time: 1200-1400
Three years on, everyone in Scotland, please join our street booth for stand in silence. Let more peoples know what happened in Yuen Long Station on 7.21!

See you on 7.21!

Location: St Nicholas Street
Time: 1400-1600(volunteers please come at 1330)
Date: 20/7/2022

#Glasgow Stand In Silence (默站)
Location: St Enoch Subway Station( Argyle Street entrance )
Time: 1700-1900( volunteers please come at 1630)
Volunteers please come at:1630
Date: 21/7/2022

#Edinburgh Stand In Silence (默站)
Location: National Record
Time: 1400-1600( volunteers please come at 1330)
Date: 23/7/2022
Forwarded from 郭子健Daniel Kwok Tsz Kin (K)
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【憶 · 元朗黑夜】

2019年7月21日晚上,親北京身穿白衣的人士於 #元朗西鐵站 追打途人和乘客,藉此阻嚇香港人與北京政權對抗,期後傳媒把 #七二一事件 定義為恐襲或 #無差別襲擊 。當時警方的不作為及 #警黑合作 ,日後更盛行於香港。

三年後,眾多當日有份無差別襲擊市民的親北京白衣人仍然逍遙法外,而事件終令當時正在進行中的#反送中運動 變得白熱化,部份支持政府的人士轉而同情抗爭者,並對警方目睹無差別襲擊毫無作為表示失望。


#昨日香港 #今日河南

在中國,中共政權仍時常用類似手段恐嚇在中國奮力維權的朋友。例如近日 #河南鄭州 爆發金融醜聞,民眾無法提款而採取維權行動時,同樣被身份不明的 #白衣人 毆打至滿臉鮮血;在中國的網絡上,相關搜尋詞條迅速被屏蔽,中國的網民只能拐彎諷刺。在中共治下,#警黑勾結 無日無之,公義並未彰顯。


Location: St Nicholas Street
Time: 1400-1600(volunteers please come at 1330)
Date: 20/7/2022

#Glasgow Stand In Silence (默站)
Location: St Enoch Subway Station( Argyle Street entrance )
Time: 1700-1900( volunteers please come at 1630)
Volunteers please come at:1630
Date: 21/7/2022

#Edinburgh Stand In Silence (默站)
Location: National Record
Time: 1400-1600( volunteers please come at 1330)
Date: 23/7/2022

如迷一般的八三一,太子站事件發生至今,#港鐵公司 拒絕公開影片、警方仍不願就事件展開調查,在真相未明之前,我們絕不能放棄尋找八三一真相。


29 Aug 5-8pm
St. Nicholas Street

30 Aug 5-8pm
Opposite the entrance of St. Enoch Subway Station

31 Aug 5-8pm
Outside the National Record

‘31th August, people were killed by hitting?’

Enigmatic Prince Edward Station incident happened on 31th August 2019. From the incident happened till today, MTR(The Mass Transit Railway) haven’t published the video records of that day, also the HK Police unwilling to investigate the sequence of events at all. As the truth is not clear, we should not give up on finding the real fact.

We are now welcoming people to join our events. You can help out with sending leaflets, showing cardboards which written with article and photos, using iPad to share the videos that related to the incident.

Dress Code : Black
Artwork : 淋漓淋浪 Lumli Lumlong
thanks for the fully support
【2023 蘇格蘭和你傾】


我哋嚟緊有兩次 #傾偈會,歡迎一齊蒞分享生活近況。與此同時,大家可以帶枝筆嚟,同我地一齊寫信俾仍在港面臨打壓嘅同路人,對象包括正在囚禁,同埋已經放學嘅同路人,繼續支持同鼓勵。

日期:12/1/2023 (Thu)
地點:City Centre in Edinburgh and Glasgow
時間:#Edinburgh (12:30-14:00) / #Glasgow (17:00-19:00)

【6.12 四周年 蘇格蘭紀念活動】

#八九民運 給了我們一個清晰的教訓,中共就是一個屠夫政權,我們根本不可能單靠和平靜坐、絕食等方式要求中共體制改革。當日在北京市犧牲的英烈,種下了中華大地對民主自由的種子,最終在香港發了芽。

二零一九年六月十二日,香港市民為阻止逃犯條例二讀包圍立法會並衝出夏愨道與龍和道,最終警方於下午三時四十五分發射催淚彈,#反送中運動 正式拉開序幕,「如水be water」等等的抗爭概念應運而生。

在二零二二年中國發生的 #白紙革命 中,香港的反送中運動仍成為了他們在抗爭運動中學習及仿效的對像。

縱使我們現在看似失敗,但香港人都不能自暴自棄,我們仍然要思考怎麼可以推動香港改善人權狀況。同時中共透過英國的 #孔子學院#海外警署 打壓異見人士,可見情況已經迫在眉前。作為曾被中共打壓的群體,請大家參與集會和街站,向更多人講解極權的可怕。

St Andrew’s 13/6 (Tue)
Street Booth: 1-3pm
Location: Church square

#Edinburgh 12/6 (Mon)
Street Booth: 12nn-2pm
Location: National Record

#Glasgow 11/6 (Sun)
Booth: 3-5pm
Location: St Enoch Centre

Taizé Prayer
12 June 2023
Time: 6-7pm
Venue: (Hall) 7 Glebe Terrace, Corstorphine,

根據我哋早前掌握嘅資料,#Glasgow 地區目前至少有1600名BNO Visa holder選擇定居。喺一個相對陌生嘅地方開展新生活,除咗接觸港人團體,本地機構能夠為大家提供情緒健康支援、緊急社福支援、性侵及家暴支援等嘅服務。歡迎記低內容以備不時之需。