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【國際連動 聲援十二港人】


[Global Solidarity Campaign]

23rd October marks the 60th day that the 12 Hongkongers have been sent to China. Various Campaigns will be held globally in different cities to support the 12 Hongkongers and demand the Authorities for their early release.

達蘭薩拉(印度) Dharamshala, India

三藩市(美國) San Francisco, US
Hong Kongers in San Francisco Bay Area
09:00 PDT: https://www.facebook.com/events/349425766124803/
San Francisco Hong Kongers bot - 三藩市香港人公海bot
19:30 PDT: https://www.facebook.com/events/1046432492493718/

愛丁堡(蘇格蘭) Edinburgh, Scotland

紐約(美國) New York, US
NY4HK - New Yorkers Supporting Hong Kong FreeKazakhs Students for a Free Tibet Keep Taiwan Free Lion Rock Café
15:00 EDT: https://www.facebook.com/events/635465530450053

波士頓(美國) Boston, US
波士頓香港人權組織 Hong Kong Social Action Movements in Boston Frances Hui 許穎婷
14:00 EDT: https://www.facebook.com/events/852151048926217/

西雅圖(美國) Seattle, US
Lamp Of Liberty Hong Kong Democracy & Human Rights Association at UW Seattle Hong Kong Students Alliance 西雅圖香港學生聯盟
14:00 PDT: https://www.facebook.com/events/828518581221094/

聖地牙哥(美國) San Diego, US
15:00 PDT: https://www.facebook.com/events/983709022143868/

華盛頓(美國) Washington DC, US
DC4HK - Washingtonians Supporting Hong Kong
14:00 EDT: https://www.facebook.com/events/922414584956127/

洛杉磯(美國) Los Angeles, US
洛杉磯香港論壇 Hong Kong Forum, Los Angeles - Public
13:30 PDT: https://www.facebook.com/events/373250930484392/

溫哥華(加拿大) Vancouver, Canada
思政學陣 VHKPoActs
14:00 PDT: https://www.facebook.com/events/390878648617480/

多倫多(加拿大) Toronto, Canada
Canada-Hong Kong Link
14:00 EDT: https://www.facebook.com/events/261942048572977

哈里法斯(加拿大) Halifax, Canada
Halifax-Hong Kong Link
16:00 AST: https://www.facebook.com/events/774919780029840/

倫敦(英國) London, UK
Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong. Democracy for Hong Kong - D4HK
14:00: https://www.facebook.com/events/394383575299535/

曼徹斯特(英國) Manchester, UK
Manchester supports Hong Kong 曼徹斯特撐香港
13:00: https://www.facebook.com/events/685207618772196/

錫菲(英國) Sheffield, UK
Sheffield stands with Hong Kong
13:00: https://www.facebook.com/events/699150187361498/

海牙(荷蘭) The Hague, Netherlands
Netherlands for Hong Kong
14:30: https://www.facebook.com/events/789541148258099/

亞德萊德(澳洲) Adelaide, Australia
Adelaide - Stand with Hong Kong
14:00: https://www.facebook.com/events/1632886373556550/

首爾(韓國) Seoul, South Korea
다이얼로그 차이나 한국대표부 Dialogue China_Korea
14:00: https://www.facebook.com/DialogueChina.korea/photos/a.116739869723508/405756277488531/

台北(台灣) Taipei, Taiwan
香港邊城青年 Hong Kong Outlanders 台灣人權促進會 Taiwan Association for Human Rights 經濟民主連合 永社 Taiwan Forever Association 台灣公民陣線 公投護台灣聯盟 民間司法改革基金會
14:00: https://www.facebook.com/events/804442293639038/

基督城(紐西蘭) Christchurch, New Zealand
Yellow Power NZ
11:00: https://www.facebook.com/events/648719232456546/

*Participants please notice the local policies about the COVID-19

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22/10/2020 最新消息:



希望大家繼續保持關注,並呼籲更多人參與 #1025網上集會 ,支持十二人及一眾家屬 🙌🏼

22/10/2020 Latest Update:

Under Chinese policy, the cost of the detainees’ daily necessities is deducted from designated accounts with the money deposited by their relatives.

In the early stage of the detention, family members tried to remit money to those accounts but were refused and some of them even had their accounts suspended. Today, some families noticed that the account balance were reduced, implying that the 12 Hongkongers might be able to use the money deposited. The families would like to thank all the people of Hong Kong and the world for their keen attention to this matter.

Please remain concerned to the 12 Hongkongers and encourage more people to join the online assembly on 25th October to support the 12 Hongkongers and their families.

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【中國律師爭取會見 鍥而不捨】







[Chinese Lawyers insisted to fight for access to the 12 Hongkongers]

The family-appointed Chinese lawyers have not given up their attempts to interview the 12 Hongkongers. Four of them, including Quinn Moon's lawyer Lu Siwei, Huang Lam-Phuc's lawyer Lu Tingge, Kok Tsz-Lun’s lawyer Lin Qilei and Tang Kai-yin's lawyer Song Yusheng, went to the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau this morning to complain that the Yantian Detention Centre, the Yantian District Procuratorate and the 110 police answering centre have violated the law by blocking their interviews with clients.

The aforementioned four lawyers, along with Li Yu-hin's attorney Liang Xiaojun, went to the Yantian Detention Center yesterday to request access to their clients. The officers again claimed that each of the 12 had already appointed two lawyers.

The five lawyers further requested for an interview with the client to verify the claims of the detention centre in accordance with the "Regulations on the Protection of Lawyers' Right to Practice in accordance with Law" of the five ministries were also rejected.

Mr. Lu highlighted that his client, Huang Lam-Phuc, was still a minor and could not appoint his own lawyers. He questioned the validity of the Detention Centre's claim that Huang had appointed lawyers.

The five tried to contact the Yantian District Procuratorate stationing officer in the detention center to lodge a complaint, but the call was not answered. No police officer arrived even though they called the 110 emergency number to report the case. It wasn't until the afternoon that the five lawyers went to the Yantian District Procuratorate in person to file a complaint against the detention center and 110, that the officers were willing to receive them. After documenting the case, the officers said they would reply in writing as soon as possible.

The lawyers said that two of the detainees had been able to use the money their families had deposited, but were still prohibited from accepting outside deliveries of clothing.

In fact, the 12 lawyers are now forced to "petition" to the Public Security Bureau as other citizens and are under increasing political pressure. Today, the sources from the internet said that another Chinese human rights lawyer Chang Weiping has been arrested and disappeared. Given the Chinese lawyers’s perseverance facing great danger, we must keep up the pressure in Hong Kong until the 12 Hongkongers return to Hong Kong safely.

- - - - -
Facebook: www.facebook.com/save12hkyouths
IG: www.instagram.com/save12hkyouths
Twitter: https://twitter.com/save12hkyouths
Email: save12hkyouths@gmail.com
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我地識於微時 關係由好朋友昇華至情侶。








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來到新聞中指仔仔最後一次在香港踏足的地方 —— 布袋澳,催人淚下,希望仔仔早日歸來,平安健康。

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Jimmy:嗚嗚,就快三個月喇... 無人陪我瞓覺☹️
羞羞:唔知佢而家點呢?可能佢都無嘢食,又無被冚... 😣


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