Forwarded from 12港人關注組
22/10/2020 最新消息:



希望大家繼續保持關注,並呼籲更多人參與 #1025網上集會 ,支持十二人及一眾家屬 🙌🏼

22/10/2020 Latest Update:

Under Chinese policy, the cost of the detainees’ daily necessities is deducted from designated accounts with the money deposited by their relatives.

In the early stage of the detention, family members tried to remit money to those accounts but were refused and some of them even had their accounts suspended. Today, some families noticed that the account balance were reduced, implying that the 12 Hongkongers might be able to use the money deposited. The families would like to thank all the people of Hong Kong and the world for their keen attention to this matter.

Please remain concerned to the 12 Hongkongers and encourage more people to join the online assembly on 25th October to support the 12 Hongkongers and their families.
