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It’s been 3 years since July 21 2019.
I can never forget the tragedy which took place in #YuenLong that night.
Justice never arrived.
It is the darkest chapter of the pro-democracy movement.

Gang members who served #CCP started the attack outside the train station, beating people bypassed literally.
And then they got inside the train station.

There were plenty of witnesses and victims, over 40 were injured, Hong Kong Police and the Justice Department refused to summon them to testify on the trials or investigate the incident.

The then chief executive Carrie Lam refused to set up independent investigation panel, the police watchdog #IPCC released a so-called fact-finding report on the incidents, after the international expert panel hired to help with this study stepped down.

Turns out these thugs walks free, some fled to the U.K., some might still living in the city.
And guess what, the Police Chief back then, Stephen Lo, his entire family is living right here in the US.
Nikki Miu國際新聞台
#海湖莊園事件後續 #38頁申請搜查令理據今公開 (三) #總統特朗普及公眾反應 文件公開後, #總統特朗普 在TruthSocial 發文表示: 「這些理據幾乎全修改遮蓋,完全無提及 #核武 ,文件盡是司法部與FBI對公眾的一個藉口,這也顯示法官Bruce Reinhart不應容許當局闖入我家。兩個月前,他被指派處理另一宗有關我的官司,但基於他對我一直存在敵意,最終法官被撤換,那麼為何今次他沒有被撤換? #奧巴馬 現在應很為他感到驕傲吧。」 網民反應也是一面倒,感覺一而再被敷衍,瘋狂改圖指司法系統黑…

好吧,為顯示公正,法官昨日也同意 #特朗普 律師團的要求,同意委任獨立人士複查這批文件,司法部今日卻拒絕,指FBI已經審查過全部文件。

記得 #林鄭 當日死也不肯就721、831等多宗嚴重警暴事件,成立獨立調查委員會調查,覺得警監會 #IPCC 調查即可,跟美國如今情況異曲同工。

同一時間, #總統特朗普 呼籲知情的FBI告密者站出來,他堅信局內仍有「白警」,否則當日不會有人揭發 #希拉莉 利用私人電郵處理公務,雖然最終司法部拒絕起訴希拉莉犯下這宗刑事罪行。