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Nikki Miu國際新聞台
#HongKong That’s Pro-#CCP civilians in #HongKong think about #HealthCode. Surrender your own rights is easy, but once you give up your rights, they are gone forever, governments are happy to take them, but never give them back. Hong Kong Communist govt considers…

People under COVID quarantine will have to wear electronic bracelets in order to prevent them from leaving home, Honk Kong's new health minister announces.

Just like house arrest.
Secretary for Health Lo Chung-mau said “If we give confirmed patients freedom and allow them to roam around, it will limit the freedom of us who test negative.”
Having Covid is a crime in Hong Kong.

The Communist govt is considering adding code features in the existing #LeaveHomeSafe App, straight up #CCP style #HealthCode with info of ppl’s real names, ID card numbers, birth dates and phone numbers.
The city becomes a huge prison now.

The freedom fighters in Hong Kong spotted the surveillance lamp posts and took one of them down at #KowloonBay back in 2019 pro-democracy protests.

Now that the pro-#CCP lawmakers urge to install at least 400 more of these so called “smart lamp posts”.

These so called smart lamp posts not only equipped with lights, but also cameras, which possibly facial recognition-enabled, and Bluetooth beacons.
They’re turning the city into a surveillance state like #Xinjian.

74 yr-old #Milan -born missionary Father Franco Mella launched a 3-day hunger strike since yesterday under the heat outside a Hong Kong prison, urging the Communist government to release of political prisoners held under the draconian national security law.

Father Mella is known for his advocacy work supporting marginalised groups in the city, including prisoners, asylum seekers and the homeless. And this is not the first time he stages hunger strike.

He might be a Leftist but I admire his courage, reminds me another priest, a pro-#CCP one, Peter Douglas Koon, he’s being loyal to the Communist Party, a so-called cleric who worship Xi Jinping.

It’s been 3 years since July 21 2019.
I can never forget the tragedy which took place in #YuenLong that night.
Justice never arrived.
It is the darkest chapter of the pro-democracy movement.

Gang members who served #CCP started the attack outside the train station, beating people bypassed literally.
And then they got inside the train station.

There were plenty of witnesses and victims, over 40 were injured, Hong Kong Police and the Justice Department refused to summon them to testify on the trials or investigate the incident.

The then chief executive Carrie Lam refused to set up independent investigation panel, the police watchdog #IPCC released a so-called fact-finding report on the incidents, after the international expert panel hired to help with this study stepped down.

Turns out these thugs walks free, some fled to the U.K., some might still living in the city.
And guess what, the Police Chief back then, Stephen Lo, his entire family is living right here in the US.

It’s been 3 years, this broadcast sound left a hole in the hearts of #HongKongers.

It all started from a couple of pro-#CCP guys waving hammer, tried to pick up a fight with passengers who they thought just participated a pro-democracy protest, and they called the cops.

Cops stormed in Prince Edward MTR station, platform 4 and started indiscriminately attacked passengers. One of the victim Siu chun was arrested once, he was wounded and blacked out for over a minute.

The press were barred outside the station, even the paramedics from fire department couldn’t get in the station.

First aid volunteers read the breaking news on livestreams rushes to the scene also barred from getting in, they begged the cops to let them give the wounded medical assistance.

It’s been 3 years, no cop is under investigation or punished over the incident.
As a Hong Konger, I’ll never forget.
#China 🇨🇳

Chen Siming, a Chinese human rights activist, has been detained for 15 days after he tweeted a thread on Twitter that Dong Jianbiao, the father of "ink girl" Dong Yaoqiong, had died in detention on Sept 23, and relatives who saw Dong’s corpse said it was full of wounds and rectal bleeding.

Netizens from China already have to use VPN to be able to use Twitter. How they are still caught by the #CCP officials is highly suspicious.

Twitter’s former security chief Peiter Zatko has testified to the Congress, and he said there’s at least one CCP spy working in the company.
It might not be relevant to the case, but this is going to be a huge national security issues to the US, and the Democrats can’t keep turning blind-eyed to this.

Today is #CCP’s National Day holiday.
It’s also a tragic day that true #HongKongers will never forget.

2019 Oct 1st, a teenager protester was shot by the police, point-blank double tap. The young protester Tsang Chi-kin appeared in court on July after hiding out for nearly two years and moving between safehouses.
His case was adjourned to November.

What about the cop who shot him?
No independent investigation, no suspension on duty, no nothing.

Since then, Oct 1st became a wound that can never be healed to HKers, we don’t celebrate dictatorship CCP’s National Day.

And there’s another reason which makes Oct 1st a tragic day for HKers.
The 2012 Lamma Island ferry collision, this year marks 10-yr anniversary of the collision, the tragedy killed 39 people, Hong Kong Coroner’s Court will not investigate the crash, families of victims in disaster are still waiting for the justice.

There’s an update to #HongKong's so called Covid-19 app #LeaveHomeSafe , which the app will automatic checking the health codes for the vaccine passes of accompanied persons.

So the app it’s not just checking the app user but user’s accompanies, apparently it violated the privacy ordinance in HK.

Worst is yet to come, the draconian app contains hidden feature, facial recognition.
This is not normal, even the West is doing the same thing in the name of national security, this is a terrible surveillance and control tactics that #CCP been using.
What happened to the Hong Kong pro-democracy protests?

It’s been 4 years since the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement started in Spring 2019.
Indeed #CCP is now fully controlled the city, after implementation of the draconian National Security Law.

Just wanna say it’s not only a wake up call to Taiwan, but also right here in our homeland.
The Biden regimes is so corrupted we’ve seen evidences which Biden’s family have ties with the #CCP, taking bribes, and the rise of the woke Communists here in the US.

People might think that the #CCP has less influence in #Taiwan than in #HongKong. But look what happened to their midterms, pro-Beijing’s #Kuomintang won landslide, people seems to be numbed by the so called pandemic which they’re not being cautious of China’s influence.

Couple days ago, the court in HK rejected to drop Jimmy Lai’s case, apparently the U.K. govt haven’t done enough to help him, so as the US govt.
Remember Biden said he won’t say anything to Xi no matter what he did to HK?
Nikki Miu國際新聞台
#六四前夕 #台灣爆王丹性騷擾 #六四 敏感時候前夕,當年學運領袖王丹接連遭指控性騷擾,受害者聲稱被強吻甚至強暴未遂。 Twitter上討論的主要是中文圈子,僅有的英文報導也是來自台媒。 #王丹 本人已用中文在Twitter帳號發了聲明。 看到香港左癌傳媒《端傳媒》則意有所表示,覺得香港網民追不上 #MeToo 潮流,寧願相信事件是有意抹黑。 香港人目前的確與國際資訊脫鉤,責任在於香港傳媒以及 #中共,非戰之罪,但香港人並非豬油蒙心,很早就接觸到左癌的 #MeToo 運動,甚至比台灣人更早,只是他們…
#June4th : #May35
34th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre

People in China can’t even mention June 4th since this is a sensitive words, they gotta called this “the May 35th”.
Just like the date of May 35th #CCP wishes this day doesn’t exist.

On the day of June 4th (local time), massive police deployed to #CausewayBay #HongKong, the district near Victoria Park, the previous site of yearly vigils.
Cops conducted stop and search operations to people who are in black, or holding candles.

According to the news, police had made one arrest and taken 23 people to police stations for investigation.
It’s sad to watch what’s happening in my home country.
This is the true color of Communism, which the radical left in the US crave for.

There’s something I won’t forget.
I guess that #HongKongers, the real ones, won’t forget either.

It’s been four years but what happened in my home country still haunts me.
I wasn’t there, but some of my friends in HK were at scene that night, trying to rescue the wounded and rushed some of them to the hospitals.

This is the timeline of the Yuen Long Terrorists Attack on July 21st, 2019, true records by the New York Times.

I’m going to put this on Twitter. We don’t need fake narratives from the #CCP’s State media, the truth have already carved in our hearts.

On the 35th anniversary of the #June4th Tiananmen Square massacre.
The HK Communist government trying so hard to silence any commemorative efforts, famous activists Alexandra Wong, aka Grandma Wong is arrested right outside a shopping mall in Causeway Bay.

Performance artist Sanmu Chen was detained by the police after he drawing “8964” in the air, he was later released.
Bypassers asked the cops, “why you guys so afraid of?”

Massive cops were deployed to Causeway Bay, to “look out” for any possible commemorative activities.
For decades, the vigil in Hong Kong’s Victoria Park used to draw thousands of people each June 4 to remember the Tiananmen Square massacre.
I’m from HK, it’s really sad to see this.

As the #CCP media outlet reports, no more commemorations, pro-Beijing groups held a carnival at Victoria park instead.
Soon, I mean the next generation will never know what happened on June 4th.

#June9th, 2019.
The 5th anniversary of a million marched to protest against the extradition bill, which led to #CCP draconian security law.
Just like the #June4th, I will never forget.

The protest changed the city forever.
After the #CCP imposed the draconian security law, my friends in Hong Kong can never talk about anything, anything against the Communist party.

No more peaceful rallies are allowed in the city, communist regimes silent every single one of the HKers.

I don’t use Facebook for years, but my bro sent me this just now.
It’s from a Facebook group.

“Hello everyone, I am a former Hong Kong police officer who served in the West Kowloon Police District back in 2019. I quit my job in 2020 and migrated to the UK. I won't say where I was at the night of 831, but what I want to say is, there were 8 people died at Prince Edward Station that night.

My superior knew that something was wrong, and seek help from “outsiders” who speak with Mandarin accent ( possible #CCP operatives ).

Those “handlers” participated the assault and left 8 dead. The wounded were then taken to Cheung Sha Wan Station by an empty train, that station is close to Caritas Medical Centre.
We knew the whole thing was out of control...
I couldn’t take this nonsense anymore and that’s why I quit my job.
Believe it or not, I just wanna share this to everyone.
Written at 7pm UK time”