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Mental Bunker

Speaking on the United Russia party’s assembly, Vladimir Putin said that prosperous families with 2-4 children are Kremlin’s top priority.

Levada pollster’s survey published yesterday showed that 40% of Russians cannot afford necessities and have forgone basic groceries and other essentials in the past six months.

The aging Russian President either forgot that children have to eat or he just doesn’t seem to care. Russian poverty is scary mainly because it is hitting even those who have jobs.

Anyway, we think that the aging Russian President shouldn’t even talk about any family values, considering circumstances of his personal life.

Perhaps, Putin thinks that the poorer the people are, the more children they will have. Like in failed states of Africa or Afghanistan. Russian poverty under Putin makes sense then – Kremlin is just trying to boost Russian demography.

Perhaps, this is the strategy.
Thirteen years ago Russia recognized two former Georgian republics – South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

Time showed the cultural incompetence of Russia and its inability to export not only oil, gas and weapons, but ideas and effective political institutions – which is a sign of a true superpower.

South Ossetia’s President is a Russia-supported criminal Anatoly Bibilov, who plunged his nation into a devastating political crisis caused by a killing of local citizen Inal Dzhabiyev by policemen. The Parliament of South Ossetia is pushing for no-confidence vote against the government.

Neither of Abkhazia’s presidents after 2008 was able to serve his full term because of a permanent political turbulence in the country. Khadzhimba overthrew Ankvab only to be ousted by Bzhania.

Russia is failing culturally in both republics and cannot do anything about it. South Ossetia and Abkhazia are turning into little copies of the stagnating ineffective Russian political model.
Natalia Poklonskaya, former Crimean prosecutor under Ukraine and the symbol of Crimea’s reunification with Russia, will be sent out of the country to represent Russia as an envoy to Cape Verde.

Poklonskaya was the MP from the United Russia, but clearly wasn’t used to putinism in sense that all the MPs vote the way Kremlin orders them to. Poklonskaya opposed the notorious “pension reform”, which was actually a robbery of Russian pensioners, and some other federal initiatives.

Kremlin couldn’t just destroy Poklonskaya the way it usually does with people who oppose its plans inside the country because of her symbolic connection with Crimean case.

Exile to Africa and comfortable life is not that bad for a hero of Russian Reconquista.
Kadyrov Is Russia

Russian police is using leaked personal data from projects linked to Aleksei Navalny to investigate people who have watched Navalny’s anticorruption videos or simply subscribed to his youtube channel.

Journalist of St.Petersburg’s “Fontanka” talked to a local police officer on behalf of one of those who got a call from police. According to the policeman, they have been ordered to contact every person from the leaked data because Navalny’s FBK is designated by Kremlin an extremist organization.

We all know, that fighting corruption in Russia is an extremism, but it is really too much.

What is even more ridiculous, not the police or, for that matter, Russian courts have to prove that all people from the leaked lists are extremists. No, it’s up to people: all of them are guilty until proven innocent, not vice versa.

When we talk about human rights violations in Russia, Chechnya comes to mind instantly. Ramzan Kadyrov has created himself a personal lawless feudal republic with no regard for human rights and lives.

Russians like to point fingers on Chechnya, but we challenge anyone to name us one thing Kadyrov does which is not done by Kremlin all over Russia. One thing.
Foreign Minister Lavrov said today that attacking Joseph Stalin is attacking the history of WWII.

Stalinism as a form of etatism and personalist cult is Russia’s curse. Poor country just cannot get rid of Stalin and get a life the way Germans got rid of Hitler, only because Hitler lost the war.

It is a perfect example of how even a great Victory could be turned into a long-term loss. Putin's Victory cult is taking its toll on Russia’s future.

Lavrov would have to put his own spokesperson in line now: Maria Zakharova isn’t that enthusiastic about the bloody notorious dictator. - we respond to all inquiries and guarantee your anonymity. Pishite po-russki, we will respond.
We are not doing any propaganda, Andrew Gusiy. The Fontanka article, as well as other media sources, is literally about a man who got a call from the police only because he once subscribed to FBK's youtube.

He wasn't in the staff of Navalny's foundation, he didn't give a cent to it. Hopefully he won't have to apologize like Kadyrov's critics, but it won't make any significant difference anyway.
The explosion in Kabul airport changed a lot for the US and Americans. It would be difficult to impeach Biden, but the Republicans now have good chances for 2024.

We have said earlier that the withdrawal of Americans from Afghanistan won’t give Taliban an ultimate control over the country. The movement is fractured.

What is ISIS-Khorasan, allegedly responsible for the explosions? This piece of writing points toward the right direction. Amrullah Saleh says that every evidence shows that ISIS-Khorasan has its roots in Haqqani network of Taliban, and this we can also confirm.

A group of talibs is just using the ISIS brand, that’s it. The explosions show that there is no ultimate leader in Taliban, as well as there will be no peace in the country.

In a long term the US should dismantle Pakistan.

Russian diplomats are flirting with talibs, calling them reasonable and so on. Russia and China didn’t vote for the latest UN resolution regarding Taliban’s commitments.

Won’t help.
Worthy Trophy

We haven’t written about Vladislav Klyushin for a long time, which surely doesn’t mean that he is forgotten.

Switzerland has officially rejected an attempt by Moscow to extradite Klyushin to Russia, so he will likely end up in the US.

Klyushin is accused of insider trading, but actually he is interesting because of his contacts with high-ranked officials like Alexei Gromov. His M13 company has been getting lucrative deals from Kremlin since 2016 for monitoring social networks.

Kremlin’s telegram major Nezygar was also in Klyushin’s portfolio, but is controlled by other people from Staraya Ploshad now.

Klyushin is being held in a maximum-security facility in southwestern Switzerland. He will make a worthy trophy for the US.
Vladimir Putin has made lately two ridiculous claims.

The aging Russian President said first that the population of Russia could’ve been 500mln if not for the fall of Russian Empire and Soviet Union. We have no clue whatsoever how and why Putin The Historian is counting non-existent people, but could remind Putin of his own joke.

Second, Putin said that American operation in Afghanistan produced a zero outcome. Let’s take into consideration though that Putin was speaking in front of children.

The outcome and the results are coming, don't hurry. The question is whether Russia will be ready to accept them.

We strongly recommend everyone to follow Afghan case closely. It is a rare opportunity to see how different world powers are operating, because they have to do it more or less publicly. This window will close soon.
Today is the 17th anniversary of Beslan massacre, when terrorists took about 1200 hostages in Beslan, a town in Russian region of North Ossetia.

Unwilling or unable to reach an agreement over terrorists’ demand to withdraw federal troops from Chechnya, Russian siloviks assaulted a school with hundreds of kids in it.

The outcome – 334 people dead, including 186 kids.

Russian authorities still insist that they were forced to storm the school by the explosion inside. The survivors say otherwise. Anyway, Beslan showed that lives of people, even lives of kids, do not mean much for Kremlin.

Top Russian officials and top FSB officers were in charge of the assault with heavy weapons. In its aftermath Vladimir Putin used Beslan tragedy to cancel the direct elections in regions.

Vladimir Putin hasn’t visited Beslan to honor the victims of the massacre ever since.
Two individuals made careers and fortunes after Beslan. Dmitry Peskov was in charge of information coverage. The journalist of federal channel Margarita Simonyan lied to the whole country saying that there are only 354 hostages in the school.

The services of both were rewarded. Simonyan became the head of Russia Today next year, Peskov was appointed Putin’s press secretary in 2008 and now has millions on his wrist and is enjoying his life.
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Beslan As A Choice

Dmitry Peskov (in red) instructs local official in Beslan. He will later announce that there are only 354 hostages in the school, making matters for more than 1100 people (excluding terrorists, who cannot be considered human) inside even worse.

Beslan is a story about a choice. Putin, Patrushev and others were choosing between lives of children and “state interests” the way they understand them.

They made their choice, 186 kids were killed. Do the likes of Peskov and Simonian feel their little share of responsibility for it?
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Margarita Simonian, then a young journalist, is publicly saying that there are only 300-400 hostages in Beslan.

A year later 25-year old journalist “somehow” became the head of Russia Today. Simonian proved in Beslan that she will do whatever Kremlin wants her to do, with no regard to decency, ethics and human lives.

We congratulate Margarita Simonian with an illustrious career started in Beslan. Great job.
CEO of state-owned VTB bank and Putin’s long time associate Andrei Kostin said yesterday that major Russian banks don’t need to conduct operations in Crimea.

American and European sanctions, Kostin added, are also a major factor that makes Russian banks avoid Crimea.

Reading Russian state media and telegram channels, we thought that American sanctions do not work.

Just joking. The scale of American economic and financial power is too much for any country. When Washington sneezes, someone on the other side of the planet may catch a cold.

Russian banks cannot recognize Crimea as a part of Russia, and won’t any time soon.
Sergei Kuzhugetovich Berdymukhamedov

Proekt Media (now it’s called Agency) came up with a text about Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu carefully building personality cult in his native Tuva region and the PR machine of Defense Ministry.

Shoigu is being worshipped in Tyva as a reincarnation of Subutai, a prominent Mongol general under Genghis Khan.

Crazy ego of Shoigu is a reflection of Putin’s self-representation. Just like his boss, Shoigu sees himself as a historic figure, almost a monument. That’s why he is so obsessed with his public image.

The idea of new cities in Siberia shows the scale of Shoigu’s insane ego. Shoigu, 66, wants to put his mark on the map of Russia to be remembered the way people remember the great people of the past.

Unfortunately for Shoigu, he is nothing more than a corrupted billionaire without military talent (he isn’t especially respected in international military circles) who made his fortune due to his loyalty first to Yeltsin and then to Putin.

Being a Corporation, Russia doesn’t need Subutais and won’t produce ones. It will produce only Shoigus.
In the coming decade or so we will see a reformed American strategy. The age of senseless operations on the ground in Afghanistan and Middle East is hopefully over.

America will concentrate its effort on dismantling China.

Pentagon hasn’t done anything to help Panjshir. It's all good until Afghanistan as long as it is a pressure factor for Central Asian states. It will reduce their dependence on Moscow, for they will need more effective safety guarantees.

Enormous resources are being released with the withdrawal from Afghanistan, more will come after America withdraws from Iraq.

Neither China, nor Russia has opposed America that is not stuck elsewhere. This time is coming, and the difference will be significant.

China is the primary goal. Being very pragmatic, the Chinese won't hesitate to give Russia up to strike a deal with the US, if necessary.

Moscow has to rethink its approaches not to become a legitimate target for the US. Unfortunately, it looks like neither Putin, nor his inner circle are able to think on a necessary level. - we respond to all inquiries and guarantee your anonymity. Pishite po-russki, we will respond.
Sergei Shoigu is sometimes viewed as Putin’s possible heir even by Russian experts, although it is completely impossible.

Not only because of his age – he will be almost 70 in 2024, and there are no clear signs that Putin will abandon his throne until he is alive.

The main reason is that Russians aren’t a classic Western civic nation. Russians are mostly ethnic nationalists, the scale of xenophobia towards Asians, North Caucasians and other non-ethnic Russians is significant all over the country.

Shoigu isn’t ethnic Russian, he just doesn’t have a correct last name to be a Russian president. In America we do not distinguish Russkiys and Russians, in Russia it is often a crucial difference.
Billionaires Putin and Shoigu are going on a 4 day vacation to Siberia.

Genghis Khan and Subutai would have discussed matters of war and peace, but these two are businessmen with money on their mind.

Shoigu will have enough time to discuss his idea of building new cities in Siberia in order to intensify mining operations in the region. The idea clearly has an enormous potential for corruption.

These people will invent new ways of spending money just not to give it to the people and keep them poor.

One more time, putinism as a political phenomena is impossible without poverty.
Russia's Emergency Minister Evgeny Zinichev, a former security officer of Vladimir Putin, tragically died in Norilsk. According to local media, Zinichev fell off the cliff while sightseeing. Other reports claim that Zinichev was killed amidst emergency exercises trying to save someone.