Today is the 17th anniversary of Beslan massacre, when terrorists took about 1200 hostages in Beslan, a town in Russian region of North Ossetia.

Unwilling or unable to reach an agreement over terrorists’ demand to withdraw federal troops from Chechnya, Russian siloviks assaulted a school with hundreds of kids in it.

The outcome – 334 people dead, including 186 kids.

Russian authorities still insist that they were forced to storm the school by the explosion inside. The survivors say otherwise. Anyway, Beslan showed that lives of people, even lives of kids, do not mean much for Kremlin.

Top Russian officials and top FSB officers were in charge of the assault with heavy weapons. In its aftermath Vladimir Putin used Beslan tragedy to cancel the direct elections in regions.

Vladimir Putin hasn’t visited Beslan to honor the victims of the massacre ever since.