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#PoliceState #AsiasFinest
Two more ministers with a police background in Hong Kong; Pro-China lawmaker: "I don’t think there’s any problem with a police state"

On June 25, 2021, the Hong Kong SAR government announced personnel change in the top adminstration, where at least two more officials with law enforcement backgrounds will take up key senior positions.

The current Secretary for Security #JohnLee has been appointed as the new chief secretary. He is the city's first top minister with a police background.

Police Commissioner #ChrisTang will become the Secretary for Security. One of his deputies, #RaymondSiu, is promoted to the police chief.

The personnel change was announced by Chief Executive Carrie Lam in Hong Kong and officiated by the State Ministry of the PRC in Beijing.

The "promotion" has stirred up discontent among the public. Many deemed it as a blatant manifestation of a "police state" in Hong Kong.

However, pro-Beijing lawmaker Alice Mak, of the Federation of Trade Unions, said, "If it’s a police state, why not? I don’t think there’s any problem with a police state."

The government's announcement came one day after the police and the Security Bureau had cracked down the city's pro-democracy newspaper #AppleDaily, by forcing the newspaper and related magazine under #NextDigital to close down on June 24, 2021. The police arrested and charged several editors, news commentators and executives under the #NationalSecurityLaw, while the Security Bureau froze the assets of the newspaper and three related companies.

Source: InMedia #Jun25

#FailedState #PoliticalSuppression
Police Bust Dinner Gathering due to Rape Report; Hong Kong's Top Government Officials Violate Gathering Ban

Several top government officials including some heads of disciplinary forces in Hong Kong were found violating the gathering ban, as Stand News revealed on July 7, 2021.

Commissioner of Customs and Excise, Hermes Tang; Director of Immigration, Au Ka-wang; and the Undersecretary for Security, Sonny Au were all fined in a dinner event that took place in Wan Chai on March 2, 2021.

According to two sources, among the 9 people involved, at least one top manager of a China-owned property developer that is listed in Hong Kong Stock Market was present at the dinner. The related company, however, did not respond to the inquiry of Stand News.

The said dinner was discovered when the police investigated a rape case. According to sources, the rape took place in the same venue as the dinner, which is a residential unit in Wan Chai.

The man who was arrested and charged for attempted rape worked for a China-owned enterprise and had participated in the dinner gathering.

On July 8, 2021, the heads of customs and immigration department issued two separate but identical statements, claiming that they have paid the fine.

However, they refused to answer the journalists questions with regard to the nature and the purpose of the dinner and the conflict of interests. The government officials did not revealed whether they were treated.

Source: Stand News #Jul8

#GovernmentOfficial #GatheringBan #599G #Rape #Dinner
#WhiteTerror #Censorship
Hong Kong University Management Continues Crackdown on Pro-democracy Students

According to the #CampusTV and the journal #Undergrad run by the students of the University of Hong Kong (#HKU), the University management has been removing pro-democracy slogans and materials posted on campus.

These targeted locations include the Democracy Wall, the building where the office of Students Union was located, and notice boards in general.

The #StudentsUnion (#HKUSU) said this is a continuous crackdown by the University authorities following the deprival of the Union's right to use the office on campus.

Source: Stand News #Jul11

#University #Students #DemocracyWall #FailedState
#PoliticalPersecution #PoliceState
HK Pro-democracy Activist punished in solitary confinement for arbitrary offences

On July 20, 2021, Former Councilor of Southern District, #TiffanyYuen Ka-wai, had finished serving her 4-month jail term after taking part in the June 4 vigil at Victoria Park in 2020, which was banned by the police for the first time in 30 years.

At the end of her prison term, she was sent to the Lo Wu Correctional Facility to continue to be detained for charges linked to the pro-democracy camp primaries of Legislative Council election in 2020.

At the detention cell, she hugged several other pro-democracy activists also being detained.

Soon afterwards, Yuen was penalized by the authorities for “making physical contact with other prisoners” and placed in solitary confinement for 10 days.

Yuen’s friend Wong Li-li told reporters that there was no enforcement guidelines in the Correctional Services Department decision. Wong explained that “physical contacts” occur naturally in prison routines, condemning that the Department’s decision is arbitrary and targeting unfairly at Yuen.

Look into the Prison Rules in Hong Kong for offences against prison discipline, it certainly didn’t consist of making “physical contact with other prisoners," Wong said.

#HKProtest #NationalSecurityLaw #WhiteTerror #FailedState

Source: InMedia; #Jul24


#PoliticalSuppression #PoliticalActivists #Prison
#AsiasFinest #PoliceState #FailedState
#HongKongPolice Reinstates #NationalSecurity Director Caught in Unlicensed Massage Parlour as Personnel and Training Director

Frederic #ChoiChinPang, the National Security director of the Hong Kong Police Force (#HKPF) has been placed on leave after he was caught in a raid on an unlicensed massage parlour in May 2021. It was the first big scandal to hit the National security unit after it was set up to enforce the controversial #NationalSecurityLaw a year ago.

In just 3 months’ time, Choi has resumed duty and will be reinstated as Director of Personnel and Training in mid-August, 2021.

Police chief Raymond Siu Chak-yee quoted the Department of Justice that Choi’s case "does not involve any criminal offense". Siu also confirmed that Choi will resume his duty in the police force and take the post of Director of Personnel and Training.

Source: Stand News; #Aug12


Overpassing gathering restrictions, more HK Government Officials found in private dinner with #CCP officials and businessmen

In a tip-off story published in late August 2021, the Under Secretary for Security #SonnyAu Chi-kwong, Director of Immigration #Au KaWang and Commissioner of Customs and Excise, #HermesTang Yi-hoi were found attending a controversial private dinner with senior executives of #ChinaEvergrande in March this year in Wanchai.

Police reportedly fined the three top officials for violating the COVID-19 gathering restriction.

Sources further revealed that more high-ranking CCP officials have also attended the private dinner, including officials from the Liaison Office of the Central Government in Hong Kong, and the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China in Hong Kong.

At the time of this report, the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China in Hong Kong has not responded to press inquiry. The Security Bureau, on the other hand, did not deny that assistant Commissioner Song Ru’an has attended the dinner.

The Bureau, however, stressed that only three Hong Kong officials were involved. It refused to divulge further, citing privacy and ongoing criminal case investigation as reasons.

Hong Kong Police did not reply whether a fine ticket will be issued to the assistant commissioner, Song.

Other attendees of the private dinner were Lai Wai-ha, Deputy Director of China Affairs of the University of Hong Kong; a commissioner of Fire Department and current senior executives of four Chinese enterprises in Hong Kong.

Responding to press inquiry, the University of Hong Kong (#HKU) denied that it was an official event saying that Lai was "invited by her friends" to the dinner.

The Fire Department said the concerning official has left the Department so it could not comment on personal matters.

All four Chinese enterprises have yet to respond.

Source: Stand News; #Aug30

#Gathering #GatheringBan #Officials #FailedState
Government Makes #LeaveHomeSafe app Compulsory in Hong Kong Starting from Nov 1; Police Makes Arrests

The Hong Kong SAR Government implemented yet another controversial rule on November 1, 2021, mandating the population to check in with the LeaveHomeSafe tracking app when entering government premises. These locales include libraries, wet markets, courts, and sports facilities.

On the first day of its implementation, the Hong Kong Police arrested at least 5 people in the morning at Immigration Tower in Wan Chai, accusing them of using a fake app.

RTHK reported that the arrestees included two immigration officers, one staff member of the Audit Commission and two contractors.

Although exemptions are given to children, the elderly and disabled people, they are still required to submit their personal details.

Civil Service Secretary #PatrickNip claimed the government will "exercise flexibility"; however, according to InMedia, outside the Tai Po Municipal Complex, many domestic helpers and elderly had difficulties in adapting to the policy. Some had to download the app on the site, while some left for the street market instead.

As the people of Hong Kong expressed concern over the privacy issue of the government-monitored app, many citizens bought a new phone just for installing the app and to prevent personal information from being tracked.

Source: InMedia; RTHK #Nov1

#FailedState #BigData #Privacy #Obstruction #Elderly #Regime
Sports Event Organisers in Hong Kong Ban "Hong Kong Add Oil" in Upcoming Events

The Hong Kong Cycling Festival and the Cross-harbour Swimming Competition announced on November 16, 2021 that their events will resume after the cancellations due to the 2019 Anti-ELAB movement and the subsequent #COVID19 pandemic in 2020.

However, the organizers are banning the participants from displaying slogans such as “Hong Kong Add Oil” (meaning, "Go for it, Hong Kong") at the upcoming events. They called it a "political slogan."

The organisers warned they will involve the police if people refuse to cooperate.

Manson Hung, director of event & product development at the Hong Kong Tourism Board said that, if the cyclists show political slogans on their outfit or bicycles, the organisers will demand them to remove them. If this is to no avail, then the organizer will involve the “appropriate law enforcement departments.”

When asked if "Hong Kong add oil” was a so-called "inappropriate" Cantonese phrase, Hung gave a vague response, “I think you understand.”

Source: Stand News; #Nov17

#CrossHarbourSwim #CyclingFestival #HongKongTourism #FailedState #NationalSecurityLaw #Oppression #AddOil
#AnimalRights #PoliceState
Hong Kong Govenment Order to "Catch and Kill" Wild Boars, Sparking Outcry from Citizens and Animal Rights Groups

On November 9, 2021, an auxiliary police officer in Hong Kong was said being bitten by a wild pig in North Point. The boar was later found fell to its death from a 10-meter high ground.

On November 12, 2021, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (#AFCD) immediately announced a "catch-and-kill" policy to euthanise wild boars that enter urban areas.

Eight animal rights group quickly launched a signature campaign titled "Wild boars are innocent. Do Not vent your hatred and anger at animals," urging the authorities to scrap the "catch-and-kill" policy.

One of the concern groups issued an open to Sophia Chan Siu-chee, Secretary for Food and Health and Leung Siu-fai, Director of AFCD.

In the letter, the group pointed out that boars are wild animals indigenous to Hong Kong. "They are living creatures with conscious and thoughts and should be respected."

The group criticized the authorities for disregarding the wild boars' rights to live in urban areas, calling the "catch-and-kill" policy utterly unreasonable.

In less then one day, the campaign received more than 30,000 signatures.

Source: InmediaHK; #Nov14

#AnimalCruelty #FailedState #WildBoars #Death
Hong Kong pro-democracy defendants face much heavier sentences than before 2019 protests

Since outbreak of the anti-ELAB movement in Hong Kong in 2019, over 2,000 citizens have been convicted for their involvement in pro-democracy protests.

Stand News, a local newspaper consolidated relevant public data from June 2019 through November 2021, which showed a total of 34 people being charged over "behaving in disorderly manner in public places".

Among them, 8 (24%) were accused of obstructing road; another 8 (24%) being charged over hurling objects, while the remaining 18 (52%) were found guilty for making noises (swearling, chanting protest slogans, or hurling insults at Hong Kong Police).  These cases saw a high conviction rate exceeding 60%.

With regards to sentencing, a large proportion of nearly 60% (12 people) of those being convicted were imprisoned for a period ranging from 3 weeks to 7 months. 

Another 5% of the defendants were sent to the Correctional Services' training centers. The rest faced lighter penalties such as signing bind-over orders for conduct and probation (14%); and community service orders (24%).

In comparison, most convicts in cases of similar nature in the past were not sentenced to jail.

A legal professional group in Hong Kong explained that in the past, only some defendants with criminal records would likely be put behind bars.

However, in recent cases, even first offenders are often imprisoned.

The group added that this showed the court's intention to deploy heavier penalties against defendants from the pro-democracy movement, particularly for cases under Public Order Ordinance, as deterrence.

#RuleofLaw #RuleByLaw #PoliceState #FailedState

Source: Stand News, #Nov14
Five Overseas Hongkongers including #NathanLaw wanted by HK Authorities Over #BlankVotes and #NoVote 'Incitement'

In Hong Kong, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (#ICAC) issued a warrant on December 18, 2021 to arrest five exiled activists, including Nathan Law Kwun-chung, for inciting voters to cast blank or invalid ballots in the Legislative Council election on December 19, 2021.

Apart from former lawmaker Law, four others, including Sunny Cheung Kwan-yang; and former district councilors Timothy Lee Hin-long, Lee Ka-wai, and Carmen Lau Ka-man are also wanted persons.  

Source: Stand News, #Dec18


#Regime #FakeElection #PoliceState #CCPStyle #FailedState
#FailedState #Covid19
Hong Kong Government Officials and Politicians Reportedly Breach Gathering Ban, Carrie Lam dodges responsibility

#CasparTsui, the Hong Kong SAR Government's Secretary for Home Affairs, was found attending a birthday party with over 100 guests organized by a Hong Kong delegate to PRC’s top legislature. Photos were leaked out showing the attendees without wearing any mask and violating the gathering ban. It was reported that Tsui did not record his whereabouts in the compulsory government-made GoHomeSafe App.

Less than a week ago, following reports of a #CathayPacific aircrew staffer violating quarantine restrictions and prompting a cluster outbreak in the city, Hong Kong's Chief Executive #CarrieLam summoned the chairman and the CEO of the airline to “express strong discontent.”

On January 4, 2022, Lam was recorded saying saying that although senior management may not be aware of their staff member’s actions, it should not be exploited as a “disclaimer” to shirk responsibility.

Sternly Lam told Cathay Pacific,
"you, being the head of an organization, are in similar capacity as me, being the Chief Executive of Hong Kong. I am accountable for every happenings in the city.”

However, Lam changed the saying after the scandal of the government officials broke out on January 2, 2022 Since a guest had contracted COVID, Caspar Tsui and other guests were sent to compulsory Covid-19 quarantine at Penny’s Bay.

This time. when asked if the Chief Executive should take similar responsibility over the case involving the banquet, Carrie Lam apparently bent "accountability" to her own interests, saying that being accountable was not equal to “taking personal responsibility for the personal decision and actions of every colleague.”

Source: Cable News, #Jan6
Hong Kong seizes
#hamsters from pet store for mass cull

//Authorities in Hong Kong have swooped in on a pet shop, seizing a number of hamsters to be euthanised following a Covid outbreak.

Crowds gathered outside the shop as the animals were carried away in boxes.

Families who have bought a hamster from the Little Boss pet store since 22 December have been told to hand over their pet for euthanasia.

Some 2,000 hamsters and other small mammals are set to be culled because of the outbreak linked to the shop.

Thousands of people have signed a petition against the move.

Unlike many other places, Hong Kong has maintained a "zero Covid" strategy focused on eliminating the disease.//

Read the full article:

Source: BBC #Jan19

#FailedState #Covid19 #Pandemic #Pet #Kill
#KwaiChungLockdown #Omicron
Chaotic Mass Testing Stokes Fear of Rampant Virus Spread at Kwai Chung Estate

Thousands of residents at Kwai Chung Housing Estate were forced to undergo immediate and ongoing daily COVID-19 tests at makeshift testing stations, after authorities placed two buildings under a mandatory 5-day lockdown and at least 4 other buildings under overnight lockdown.

Over 10,000 residents live in the 4 buildings locked down for the overnight COVID-19 testing. However, only 4 makeshift testing booths were set up.

There was, however, no arrangement for residents to be tested in batches. This caused overcrowding at lift lobbies and elevators, as many headed out for their tests at the same time. A photo of elevator CCTV showed around a dozen people squeezing into elevators; the photo has since gone viral on social media.

Long, winding queues formed as residents filed patiently into the courtyard for their tests. Residents said that the queue snaked through some narrow passageways, and those returning home after tests had to go back the same way, squeezing past the long queue.

No social distancing measures were employed, residents said, and they feared that this virus testing would instead spread the virus even further.

Source: Whats News Media, #Jan22

#FailedState #WuhanPneumonia
#Satire #SurveillanceState
Down with the live-with-COVID believers

Above four-panel-cartoon is created by a popular artist in Hong Kong, Ar To. The cartoonist attempts to bring out real intention behind the COVID-control measures purposefully imposed in the city in the face of Omicron outbreak.

Inscriptions from upper right panel:
"So it's come to this ..."
"We've got to live with the vir-"
"We've got to live with surveillance!"

Hong Kong is reeling under an outbreak of Omicron infections, recording nearly 7,000 cases in a day on February 20, straining hospitals and testing centers to their limits.

An opinion poll taken last month -- at the beginning of the current outbreak -- shows that nearly two-thirds of citizens are receptive of a "live with the virus" approach similar to other countries such as the UK.

The Hong Kong government, however, had taken this outbreak as an opportunity to tighten gathering restrictions, enforce mandatory use of its controversial #LeaveHomeSafe tracking app, and carry out sudden, community-wide lockdowns and mandatory testing that last for days. As China is growing more concerned with Hong Kong's seeming inability to contain the outbreak, Carrie Lam and her government may be hard pressed into enacting more Orwellian surveillance measures in order to satisfy Beijing's demands for "dynamic zero covid" -- whatever that now means.

image source: Ar To

See also;
New York Times: Hong Kong Can’t Live With the Virus. It Can’t Stop It, Either.

#Omicron #FailedState #CCP #Authoritarianism
#WuhanPneumonia #HumanitarianCrisis
COVID19 Quarantine Center in Hong Kong, a Torture to Patients: "No One would Remember Us"

A video of a distraught woman inside Hong Kong's COVID-19 quarantine center has gone viral on social media on Feb 22.

The video shows the woman in her flip flops at Penny's Bay, Hong Kong's main quarantine facility, breaking down in tears and yelling in desperation as she frantically looked for a way out.

Several staff members, clad in protective gear, tried unsuccessfully to calm her down and persuade her to return to her room. She eventually lashed out and kicked at a staff member who was apparently trying to approach her.

Online media Channel C interviewed another patient, Ms. P, who is also undergoing quarantine in the Penny’s Bay Center. Ms. P said that she totally understood the woman’s desperation, adding that she was also feeling very depressed during her stay.

In fact, distressed patients crying, shouting, yelling in their rooms or along the walkways are a daily occurrence in the center, she said.

A man even attempted suicide by drinking a bottle of disinfectant, Ms. P added.

“The worst thing here is you're easily forgotten,” Ms. P said. When she was admitted into the facility, she made tens of phone calls and waited for 4 days before her initial test bottle was delivered. No one came back to pick it up until she made another round of phone calls, until she finally reached medical staff.

When her quarantine period ended on Feb 19, the facility did not arrange for her to leave, and she spent another 3 days on the phone trying to contact staff - again, receiving no reply. She was elated when staff finally notified her on Feb 21 that she could leave.

However, just before she boarded the bus, she was turned away because she was not given a doctor's note. She watched all the buses leave before being sent back to her room.

"We were all very scared," she said on the interview, her voice breaking, "Once we're back in our rooms, no one would remember us."

However, she was sympathetic to the medical staff and other supporting staff members on the site. “They are suffering just like us. The staff member who came to deliver my documents was soaked in the rain.”

Ms. P questioned the purpose of putting Hong Kong people in quarantine centers where they are not properly taken care of.

She stressed that the costs and suffering inflicted upon so many citizens grossly outweigh any foreseeable benefits.

Source: Facebook; Channel C HK; #Feb23

#FailedState #PennysBay #Quarantine
Hong Kong invokes emergency powers to allow in China medics Without Local Certification

Hong Kong government invoked emergency powers on February 24 to allow doctors and nurses from China to practice in Hong Kong, citing its struggle against a coronavirus outbreak that is spiraling out of control.

Chief Secretary John Lee will be empowered to allow exemptions to existing rules governing overseas medics.

Prior to this, Chinese mainland medics had not been allowed to practice in Hong Kong without passing local exams and licensing regulations.

The emergency powers “exempt certain persons or projects from all relevant statutory requirements” to operate “so as to increase Hong Kong’s epidemic control capacity for containing the fifth wave within a short period of time,” the statement said.

#FailedState #DynamicZero #ZeroCovidStrategy

Sources: Inmediahk, HKFP; #Feb24
Hong Kong Government issued city-wide emergency alert for general announcement

The Hong Kong government sent out a city-wide emergency alert for the first time in late afternoon of March 9.

The bilingual warning, however, only informed citizens that one of the city's public hospitals, Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Kowloon, has been allocated for treating COVID-19 patients only. Citizens were asked to refrain from visiting.

The message failed to "alert" citizens as it was intended to. Instead, many joked about mistaking it for an alert of a Russian invasion.

Commenting on the incident, Francis Fong, Chairman of Information Technology Federation said that this alert mechanism is often used in other countries for high-impact emergencies, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, or civil defense situations.

Even pro-government district councillors questioned intention of this alert saying that it is more appropriate for emergency or immediate danger.

Source: Inmediahk; #Mar9
#FailedState #EmergencyAlertSystem
First-Ever Emergency Phone Alert Left Hongkongers Confused and Annoyed, Some have Turned Off the Alert Entirely

After the government sent out a city-wide emergency alert, Hongkongers across the city reacted with surprise and confusion, then angry criticisms against the move by the government.

Shatin District Council Chairperson Chris Mak was taking a taxi when the alert was sent out. The driver had about 12 mobile phones attached to his dashboard, and all of them went off at once. "The driver freaked out and swore aloud", he recalled.

Democratic Party's Poming Chan heard from a friend that a man thought the phone was about to explode. "He threw it onto the ground," his friend told him.

Even the pro-Beijing camp was critical of the government's use of the system. Joephy Chan, from the Federation of Trade Unions, said the information about hospitals was already on the news, and "there's no need to add an alert siren to it."

Legislator Kenneth Fok said the warning "could have given me a heart attack"; he was concerned it would scare the elderlies and children, and may even lead to accidents.

Legislator Dominic Lee, a vocal supporter of China, was even more direct: "Why aren't you sending alerts for real emergencies?" "Why wasn't it used in 2019? Or to refute the fake news that we're locking down the city?" (The system was actually introduced in 2020.)

Legislator Junius Ho also criticized the system's $150 million price tag. "It's a waste of money," he said, adding that the current SMS messages worked just fine.

The government's explanation, when it applied for the new system's funding, was that SMS alerts had to be sent through telecom suppliers, and "took too long".

Meanwhile, netizens have reported that the emergency alert triggered another wave of alerts - this time, of angry messages from their friends and chat groups. Media consultant Terry Yeung quoted netizens who called it an abuse of emergency communications, likening the government's usage to crying wolf.

Netizens have also begun sharing instructions on how to disable the alert in their phone settings. Many reported that they had already done so.

#CryingWolf #FailedState #EmergencyAlertSystem

Channel C HK


Related article
Hong Kong Government issued city-wide emergency alert for general announcement
#Poll: One out of four #Hongkonger wants to emigrate; #CarrieLam: Not interested

On March 25, 2022, the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (#HKPORI) announced some alarming survey findings that a quarter of the city population plans to emigrate, citing political uncertainty as the key reason.

Reporters took this issue to the #ChiefExecutive, Carrie Lam and asked whether measures are in place to retain talents.

Lam brushed the question aside as she responded in contempt, "I am not interested in these surveys in general. So I am not going to comment."

Lam asked Hong Kong people to stay confident as she foresees the #COVID19 pandemic receding in 4 weeks.

Lam's colleague, a member of the Executive Council, Bernard Charnwut Chan, apparently has a different view.

Chan expressed concerns over Hong Kong's role as the financial center in Asia when multinational corporations are moving their Asia Pacific headquarters away from Hong Kong.

Chan told reporters on a radio talk show that chances for these headquarters to be relocated back to Hong Kong are slim.

Although Hong Kong has lifted flight bans against 9 countries, inbound restrictions remained in force while many countries have removed COVID-19 restrictions altogether.

Source: Inmediahk; #Mar26

#BernardChan #FailedState #BrainDrain #EmigrationWave