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Concern Group Calls for Local and International Attention to Save 12 Pro-democracy Hongkongers Arrested by China

Concern group convener Owen Chow Ka-shing, former Secretary General of Demosisto Joshua Wong Chi-fung and former legislator Eddie Chu Hoi-dik and district councillor Lester Shum called for an online assembly on Sunday, October 25, to show support to the 12 Hongkongers detained in China and their families.  

Owen Chow expressed that only international attention could bring hope to this case. He revealed that 30 cities will voice support in various formats around the globe, such as assembly or rally from October 23 to October 25.

With reference to Granny Wong’s experience of detainment in China,  Eddie Chu expressed that with more attention from Hong Kong and around the world, the treatment of those detained in China will be significantly improved. He asked Hongkongers to continue paying attention to the case in order to put pressure on Chinese authorities.

Joshua Wong sponsored printing 50,000 copies of “Never Forget 12 Fellow Protesters” on transparency sheets in a bid to encourage Hongkongers’ continued support. Each sheet carried a name of one of the detainees, a small boat and a short message that read, “Bring Them Back”.  

The design of the transparencies was inspired by Zhen Jianghua, a human right activist in China who was also arrested and detained. 

Lester Shum said that 23 October marks the 60th day since the 12 youths' official arrest and detainment in China.  Shum asked for Hongkongers' attention on this case, which he believed would provide support to the detainees and their families, so that they would know that they were not left alone.

Source: InMedia HK  #Oct20

 #FailedState  #12LivesMatter
#LesterShum #JoshuaWong #EddieChu #OwenChow
#FirstHand #Feb28
Hong Kong Police charge 47 Pro-democracy Figures for "Subverting State Powers"; Lester Shum: Hongkongers Will Not Surrender to the Authoritarian Regime

See photos:

The photos captured moments before Hong Kong pro-democracy activist #LesterShum arrived at the Police Station on Feb 28, 2021. Shum had been become known as a student activist during the 2014 Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong. Currently, he is a district councillor of the Tsuen Wan District in Hong Kong and is likely to lose his seat while facing political persecution and oppression.

The 27-year-old Shum went hand in hand with his newly-wedded wife to the police station. He talked to the media calmly before heading in to face the unknown.

Shum said in 2019 he had made his decision to fight on, regardless of what might happen. He hoped like himself, Hongkongers would not surrender to the authoritarian regime.

Shum was among those 55 pro-democracy figures arrested by the police on Jan 5, 2021 for their involvement in the pro-democracy camp's primary elections in July 2020.

2 days ago, on Feb 26, they had been ordered by the police to report to the police station on Sunday, Feb 28 ahead of the scheduled date in April. Many suspected that detention and charges would be made.

The Hong Kong Police announced on Jan 28, 2021 that 47 people are charged with "conspiracy to subvert state powers" under the #NationalSecurityLaw.

The large group of pro-democracy politicians and activists include district councilor Lester Shum (see photos); 'Long Hair' Leung Kwok-hung and Jimmy Sham of Social Democrats; activist Ventus Lau.

The police said they would detain them overnight and the case will be mentioned in the West Kowloon Magistrates' Court the next day on March 1, 2021.

#MassArrest #Regime #Authoritarianism #PoliceState #PoliticalPersecution

Read more:
Pro-Democracy Activists in Hong Kong Face #PoliticalPersecution

#PoliticalOppression #MassArrest
Arrested Pro-Democracy Figures tell Hongkongers: "Hang in there", "Be a Human, be yourself"

On Sunday, Feb 28, 2021, in Hong Kong, Tsuen Wan district councillor #RoyTam Hoi-pong of Neo-democrat and former lawmaker #WanSiuKin of Democractic Party reported to the Tsuen Wan Police Station in the afternoon, as instructed by the Hong Kong Police 2 days ago.

They are among the 55 pro-democracy activists who were arrested on Jan 5, 2021 on suspicion of "subverting state powers" and violating the #NationalSecurityLaw.

As the group was ordered to report to the police over 1 month ahead of the scheduled date, many had prepared for the worst. It was proven to be the case, as on the afternoon of Feb 28, the Hong Kong police announced charging 47 pro-democracy figures with "conspiracy to subverting state powers", and that they would be detained overnight before sending them to court the next day.

Before walking into the Tsuen Wan Police Station to face whatever plans the authorities have for them, Roy Tam, who came hand in hand with his wife, hugged his friends and families. He told the media that he would "face it with a calm spirit". Tam raised his fists high and said, "Hongkongers, hang in there!"

Wan Siu-kin arrived moments later. He said he was not surprised, as arbitrary arrests are nothing new in Hong Kong. A former lawmaker himself, he firmly believed that he did not violate the #NationalSecurityLaw, nor the Hong Kong's Basic Law. He told his friends that he is not afraid and will embrace the challenges. He hopes all the pro-democracy figures arrested would show the same fighting spirit.

Wan added, "To be frank, I don't know what to tell you, if you ask me for methods to resist against the authoritarian regime. But there is one thing you can do: Be a human-being, be yourself."

When asked to comment on Beijing's reported plan to amend Hong Kong's electoral system, Wan said, "I cannot comprehend the logic of the authoritarian regime, and do not want to."

Wan emphasized that the crux of the problem is the erosion of the social, economic, and political structure of the city. He concluded that the "#OneCountryTwoSystems" policy should be genuinely practiced, but "not by way of any twisted interpretation".

Source: InMedia #Feb28

#PoliceState #Authoritarianism

Read more:

Hong Kong Pro-democracy Activist #LesterShum: We've Decided to Not Surrender to the Authoritarian Regime and We'll Continue with this Road

#Court #PoliticalPrisoner
#JoshuaWong: Don't Let the World Change Us

In almost 2 years since the Anti-ELAB movement broke out in 2019, Hong Kong's representative figures of the pro-democracy "resistance" camp are either in jail or in exile.

Among them, former lawmaker #EddieChu, former journalist #GywnethHo, district councillors #LesterShum and #TiffanyYuen have been detained and denied bail since late February 2021. They are among the 47 pro-democracy activists arrested for joining the primary election in 2020.

Former chair of #Demisisto #NathanLaw and former spokesman for the Hong Kong Higher Institutions International Affairs Delegation (#HKIAD) #SunnyCheung have to sever ties with their family in Hong Kong and live in exile.

On March 30, 2021, district councillor #JannelleLeung and activist Joshua Wong, alongside Shum and Yuen, were trialed for taking part in an "unauthorised assembly" on #June4 in Victoria Park in 2020.

They were among 24 pro-democracy figures who were charged for participating in the annual candlelight vigil to commemorate the victims of the 1989 #TiananmenSquareMassacre in Beijing. The vigil was for the first time banned by the Hong Kong police in 2020. It is still uncertain that whether the annual rally could be held in 2021.

The four pro-democracy activists admitted to joining the rally and were remanded in custody. In the courtroom, Joshua Wong yelled, "Even if we cannot change the world, don't let the world change us."

The 24-year-old Wong is currently serving his sentence for surrounding the police headquarters during the #AntiELAB protest, while being additionally charged with other offences connecting to the primary election and June 4th #vigil.

Source: Stand News #Mar30

#PoliticalSuppression #PoliceState #47Democrats
Lester Shum's Hopeful Message from behind the bar: Resiliance in the Face of loss

Lester Shum Ngo-fai is one of the pro-democracy politicians, lawyers, scholars, journalists, NGO workers and activists being arrested by the National Security Police in Hong Kong over their involvement in a planned Legislative Council primary election in January 2021. The incident came to be known as the arrest of “Hong Kong 47”, which symbolises the death of the city’s civil society.

On June 12, Shum found himself spending yet another birthday behind prison walls. A heartfelt message was shared on his personal social media account, managed by his devoted wife, seeking birthday blessings and support.

The Facebook post acknowledges that this marks Shum's third consecutive birthday spent in confinement, reminding us of the sacrifices he has made for his beliefs.

With a bittersweet smile, he has often joked about how time flies, going from a vibrant 27-year-old to now carrying the weight of turning 30. He seeks solace and support from the community, hoping to gather well-wishes that will uplift his spirit during this difficult time.

Shum yearns for a future where he can once again stand alongside his fellow "friends" in the struggle, reunite with his family, and celebrate together. He dreams of the simple joys of cutting a birthday cake, decorating a Christmas tree, personally presenting flowers to loved ones on Valentine's Day, and sharing a heartfelt meal with his parents on Mother's and Father's Day. Though these wishes may seem distant in their current circumstances, their hope for realization remains strong.

As we enter June 2023, Shum sends his sincerest wishes for peace to all. "Though we may lack material possessions, our hearts are filled with abundance," as Shum wrote in his post.

Source: Lester Shum Facebook; #Jun12

#LesterShum #NationalSecurityLaw #NSL #Birthday
