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Joshua Wong's Phone Allegedly Hacked by the Police Under Warrantless Condition

From Joshua Wong's Twitter, December 19, 2019

//1. Arrested on August 30, my phone was seized by #hkpolice. The phone can only be unlocked with passwords. Before court resumed yesterday, I have NEVER provided any passwords to #police, nor received any notice nor warrant for a search of my mobile device.

2. However, #hkpolice yesterday submitted an evidence list, which allegedly included 4 text messages of mine from iPhone XR. Police can even identify how the messages were sent out, whether it's from a mobile or desktop version of the app.

3. Since such functions can't be found on ordinary user interface, that can only be possible with the help of state-sponsored hacking. It's utterly alarming that police begins to hack mobile devices of #HKers, just like #China hacking iPhones & Android devices to target #Uyghurs.

4. Such warrantless search is also a blunt violation of the freedom & privacy of communication enshrined in Basic Law. I doubt whether such a search is lawful. Now it seems state-backed hackers get involved in the crackdown on HK movement. I urge to strengthen your cybersecurity.//


#PoliceState #WarrantlessSearch #JoshuaWong
#FaceMask #Shortage #Feb17
Pro-democracy Group Demosisto Announces the Procurement of another 1.2 million Face Masks for Hongkongers

From Joshua Wong's Twitter:

#JoshuaWong #Demosisto
Security Company Director: Staff following Joshua Wong was a Coincidence

Recently, pro-democracy figures not limited to Joshua Wong, secretary-general of Demosistō, and Tammy Yuen, Southern District Councillor, were stalked and filmed in Hong Kong.

On June 6, Wong posted a video showing a man who had reportedly followed him for 4 to 6 hours and Demosistō also showed the plate numbers of the vehicles involved.

According to the Certificate of Particulars of Motor Vehicle, one of the two cars was registered under "Guard Alliance Ltd".

Stand News reporter visited the address, and found that the site was occupied by Guard Alliance Ltd and three other companies including Kuokon Security Limited. The staff claimed they had no idea if the company was involved in following Demosistō members.

The reporter then approached Cheung Kam Fai, one of the three directors of Guard Alliance in Choi Hong. When the reporter indicated that a car registered under Guard Alliance was found following Joshua Wong, Cheung seemed to be prepared, and said immediately, "We were not following him, we don't follow political clients".

Cheung said that his colleagues were spotted because they happened to be working on another case at the same place. "They were following another client, we don't do political cases". A female worker inside the office added "We didn't follow him (Wong), it was someone else. I was there".

The reporter then asked if "following" meant "protecting" instead of stalking, Cheung said "Of course, we don't do such things. Our clients do not like to be involved in any political cases. We are neutral". He added, it was a coincidence that the car belong to Guard Alliance appeared at the scene, and the company is "100% not involved (in anything political)".

Source: Stand News #Jun8
#Stalking #JoshuaWong #GuardAlliance
#FirstHand #Jun19
Demosisto activist Joshua Wong to join the pro-democracy camp’s primary for the Legislative Council election

Jannelle Leung, Kwun Tong District Councilor, showed her support on June 19.

#JoshuaWong #Demosisto #JannelleLeung
#SocialCreditSystem #MassSurveillance #HealthCode
#JoshuaWong: Health Code is an eHandcuff, a path to CCP's Social Credit System

Recently in Hong Kong, pro-China newspapers and Beijing royalists have been ferociously pushing for the implementation of Health Code in eateries and shopping centers. They even blustered of taking on the same system straightly from Mainland China.

Pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong criticized on his Facebook that Health Code is effectively no difference than an "eHandCuff". He called it a means for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to tighten their grip on Hong Kong, and pave way for Social Credit System and masd surveillance.

Wong pointed out that there is no scientific evidence showing Health Code is useful in epidemic prevention, as health experts reiterated.

Given that coronavirus has an incubation period, negative test result at one point of time does not mean that there is no risk of infection in the future. That is to say, implementing health code, could actually deceive citizens to believing that they are safe to commute, which inadvertently, would speed up the spread of Coronavirus.

Wong further elaborated that Health Code was implemented in China as an integral element to #NationalSurveillance. A source, claiming responsible for data management of Health Code in Hang Zhou said, “once the health code is activated, its database will start running, examining and analyzing across all available data-sets relevant to the user, including location data on Alipay and the shop the user frequented.”

In Wong’s opinion, Health Code is just a step away from a big data enabled “point-to-point” or “people-to-people” surveillance system, not only monitoring citizen’s daily routine, but also confining their mobility by restricting how they travel and where to go. The real function of Health Code is like an electronic handcuff.

Source: Stand News #Aug18 #FailedState #CCP #HangZhou
#Stalking #Mobbing
#JoshuaWong Pestered by 6 People in a Car Reportedly Owned by Police

Former Secretary-General of Demosistō Joshua Wong stated on his social media account that he had been pestered by six individuals at Victoria Peak Garden on the afternoon of August 23.

Wong later discovered that the owner of the car was registered to live at Shun Lee Disciplined Services Quarters, which made him suspect that the owner was a police officer.

Wong stated that after looking through security footages, he found that a woman had waited at the site before he arrived, and that she started filming as soon as he arrived at the park. When he was arguing with the people who pestered him, his friend heard the woman calling for others to come to the park. Later more people arrived by car and shouted insults at him.

Source: Joshua Wong's Facebook #Aug23
#Politicization #MidAutumnFestival #FailedState
Hong Kong Correctional Services Rejects Retired Cardinal's Applications to Distribute Mooncakes to Persons in Custody for "Political" Reason

Retired cardinal of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong, Joseph Zen Ze-Kiu, have been sending mooncakes to persons in custody for Mid-Autumn Festival since 2010. He was still able to do so in the midst of the 2019 anti-ELAB movement.

However, the Hong Kong Correctional Services Department (CSD) has rejected his application in 2020 on the grounds of categorizing it as a politicised activity.

In Zen’s blog, he felt upset to be forced to discontinue this tradition of his, because he understood that this year's mid-autumn festival for the persons in custody would be less warm. They have always looked forward to the mooncakes and always asked him during visitations, “Cardinal, any mooncake this year?”

Some of them said, “At least, there are people who still remember us and are willing to care for us during this festive season.”

Pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong shared this activity on his Facebook page earlier and said he had received Zen’s mooncakes three years ago for the first time in jail. At that time, he and other inmates longed for the distribution of Zen's mooncakes.

Zen said that the activity this year was planned to be the same as every other year. He speculates that the reason behind why the the government rejected him was due to the mentioning by Joshua Wong,
Secretary-General of the now disbanded Demosisto, and pro-democracy lawmaker Bottle Shiu Ka-Chun, who is also a social worker.

Source: HKC News #Sept2

#CSD #MoonCake #JoshuaWong #ShiuKaChun #JosephZen #CatholicDioceseHongKong #Cardinal
Concern Group Calls for Local and International Attention to Save 12 Pro-democracy Hongkongers Arrested by China

Concern group convener Owen Chow Ka-shing, former Secretary General of Demosisto Joshua Wong Chi-fung and former legislator Eddie Chu Hoi-dik and district councillor Lester Shum called for an online assembly on Sunday, October 25, to show support to the 12 Hongkongers detained in China and their families.  

Owen Chow expressed that only international attention could bring hope to this case. He revealed that 30 cities will voice support in various formats around the globe, such as assembly or rally from October 23 to October 25.

With reference to Granny Wong’s experience of detainment in China,  Eddie Chu expressed that with more attention from Hong Kong and around the world, the treatment of those detained in China will be significantly improved. He asked Hongkongers to continue paying attention to the case in order to put pressure on Chinese authorities.

Joshua Wong sponsored printing 50,000 copies of “Never Forget 12 Fellow Protesters” on transparency sheets in a bid to encourage Hongkongers’ continued support. Each sheet carried a name of one of the detainees, a small boat and a short message that read, “Bring Them Back”.  

The design of the transparencies was inspired by Zhen Jianghua, a human right activist in China who was also arrested and detained. 

Lester Shum said that 23 October marks the 60th day since the 12 youths' official arrest and detainment in China.  Shum asked for Hongkongers' attention on this case, which he believed would provide support to the detainees and their families, so that they would know that they were not left alone.

Source: InMedia HK  #Oct20

 #FailedState  #12LivesMatter
#LesterShum #JoshuaWong #EddieChu #OwenChow
#WHO Facebook Page Censors #TaiwanCanHelp Comments

Hong Kong pro-democracy activist #JoshuaWong wrote on his Facebook page:

"I intended to comment #TaiwanCanHelp on WHO's Facebook to support Taiwan's inclusion in the World Health Assembly. However, my comment was censored and I am not allowed to post the text.

#Facebook spokeperson stated that page owners can manage their comments including censoring keywords to prevent it from appearing in the comment section.

It is believed that the page owner activated this function and banned keywords related to "Taiwan Can Help", making it impossible for people to comment.

Why does WHO have to set Taiwan as a sensitive keyword? Does it have the same effect of "Voldemort" in the Harry Potter series?

I believe the WHO has to explain this."

[Editor's Note: Netizens including those who wrote in Thai and Mongolian experienced the same problem.]

Source: Joshua Wong; WHO Facebook Page #Nov12

#JoshuaWong Reveals Abuse of Pro-Democracy Student in HK's Prison Before Own Trial

Pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong will stand trial on November 23, 2020 with fellow activists Agnes Chow and Ivan Lam. The three might face immediate imprisonment after appearing in court.

One day before the trial, Wong continued to call on the public and the international community to pay attention to the fight for democracy in Hong Kong.

In a Facebook post, Joshua Wong revealed an abuse case of a pro-democracy student in prison by a correctional officer.

Wong was informed that Tony Chung Hon-lam, a student activist and convener of #StudentLocalism who was arrested on National Security charges, went through unreasonable corporal punishment while detained in Pik Uk Correctional Institution. 

Without any explanation, the staff demanded him to march for over four hours. Chung was exhausted to a point of having stomach cramps, and yet was still ordered to continue marching.

The correctional services officer Hyun Nga-tat, a Grade One Correctional Officer, is known to have commiited similar abuses. Hyun was infamous for abusing pro-democracy protesters under detention: He once forced those singing "Glory to Hong Kong" to slap themselves.  

Joshua Wong ended the post by writing:

"Although there's a chance I could be imprisoned starting from tomorrow, my Facebook page will continue running. 

I encourage whistleblowers to supply further information, and hope Yuen Long District councillors could arrange visits to Tony Chung. I believe his lawyer would also be visiting him at a later time.

I solemnly call on the Correctional Services Department to handle the matter seriously.  Tolerating intentional abuse by lower-level correctional staff against political prisoners will only bring public condemnation.  It has been half a year since abuses in prison came to light. Having it happened again would certainly reignite public anger, and may even lead to legal consequences."

Source: Joshua Wong's Facebook #Nov22

#CorrectionalServices #PikUk #Torture #PoliceState #HongKongPrison
Related News:

Correctional Officers Abuse Pro-Democracy Protesters in Prison


#AgnesChow Shares her Feelings on Social Media Before Trial
#HongkongersVoice #Court
Hong Kong Young Pro-democracy Activists #JoshuaWong, #AgnesChow and #IvanLam Tell Fellow Hongkongers Not to Be Afraid Before Their Trial

Pro-democracy activists Agnes Chow Ting, Joshua Wong Chi-fung and Ivan Lam Long-yin, who were former members of the now-disbanded Demosisto, will face trial at the West Kowloon Magistrates' Court on November 23, 2020.

Ivan Lam, aged 26 years old, is two years older than the 1996-born Agnes Chow and Joshua Wong.

Seven years ago, the trio were featured in the cover story of City Magazine, under the title "The Reflection of Scholarisn: Young Power: Post-1990s in Hong Kong, Taiwan and China". As the founding members of Scholarism, the trio were interviewed by the magazine for their roles as secondary school students in rejuvenating social activism in the city.

Seven years later, the trio, like their fellow Hongkongers, faced great adversities in the fight for freedom and democracy. In addition to this case regarding a protest outside the police headquarters in June 2019, Agnes Chow is facing another charge of violating the national security law.

As the three planned to plead guilty in court on November 23, 2020, immediate detention might follow.

Image: City Magazine, Jan 2013
Source: Joshua Wong's FB; Agnes Chow's FB #Nov22

Read more:

Agnes Chow Shares her Feelings on Social Media Before Trial


#JoshuaWong Reveals Abuse of Pro-Democracy Student in HK's Prison Before Own Trial