FREEHK文宣總谷:Free HK Xmas Card🖍🎅🏻
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投稿: @windseasonbro
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FREEHK文宣總谷:Free HK Xmas Card🖍🎅🏻
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 急切需要寫比傳媒既template 如果要寫啲傳媒 我覺得佢主旨會係我哋香港人搞咗一個咁嘅活動 係想話比世界聽 係普天同慶嘅日子 香港人仲抗爭緊 有好多小朋友可能被拘捕 希望藉住呢個機會 當大家慶祝緊嘅時候會記起香港人 想佢地係聖誕節嘅時候帶比我哋一個希望 同埋多謝佢哋一直報導我地既新聞 等大家都可以知道關注到呢件事? - 知道好多香港手足都好忙所以需要考國外手足幫手 小妹感激不盡💦💦💦💦💦 #手足投稿 #admin求救
Dear (Name of Press),

Happy Holidays! Sending you a big hug from across the globe on behalf of the Hongkongers, who have been restlessly fighting for democracy for the past 7 months against an authoritarian government. Apart from demonstrating on the streets, we have also explored different means to rally support inside and outside Hong Kong, from decorating our communities with Lennon Walls to spreading the words to the outside world through social media. However, the oppressive government has shown no genuine sign or intention to resolve the issue as number of dead bodies and "suicide" keeps on increasing day by day.

As Christmas is a season to celebrate joy, peace and family reunion, we are initiating a campaign #freehkxmascard to spread the story of Hong Kong through mailing Christmas cards to people in the free world to remind them that freedom comes at a great cost, yet without it, everything you treasure can be at stake. We also welcome anyone to send Christmas cards to us back and we will pass them to the protestors, so they know that they are not alone.

It would mean a great deal to me if you can help to spread the words in your country. Please learn more about the #freehongkong movement or visit this website: (website).


A friend in need of help from the other side of the world
投稿 #freehkxmascard

Dear Santa,

This year, I don’t want much for Christmas. All I want is your attention and care for what’s happening in Hong Kong for the past 7 moths.

Hong Kongers have been restlessly fighting for democracy for the past 7 months against an oppressive government.

A lot of our kids may not be able to spend their Christmas with their family due to the severe police brutality. The Hong Kong police dehumanized, injured and even attempted to murder the kids trying to fight for their rights.

I beg you to stand with Hong Kong and stand for human rights. Please share this card to your family, your friends, and the social media in your country and using the hashtags "#FreeHongKong" and "#freehkxmascard"

It will mean a lot to our people if you could know more about the #freehongkong movement. We, Hong Kongers, from the other side of the world, are in much need of your help.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you.

Dear (Name of Press),

Happy Holidays! Sending you a big hug from across the globe on behalf of the Hongkongers, who have been restlessly fighting for democracy for the past 7 months against an authoritarian government. Apart from protesting on the streets, we have also explored different means to rally support inside and outside of Hong Kong, from decorating Lennon Walls in hopes of providing mental support and raise awareness, to spreading our desperate cries for help to the world via social media. However, the oppressive government has shown no signs of listening to what the people are saying. Instead, it tolarates police brutality and injustices, as the number of dead bodies and suspicious "suicides" increases day by day. The government is, quite obviously, treating the deaths of protesters as the best measure to terrorize citizens and solve the problem.

Christmas is a season to celebrate joy, peace and family reunion, therefore we are initiating a campaign #freehkxmascard to spread the story of Hong Kong through mailing Christmas cards to people in the free world, reminding them that freedom comes at a great cost, yet without it, everything you treasure can be at stake. We also welcome anyone to send Christmas cards to us back and we will pass them on to the protestors, so they know that they are not alone.

It would mean a great deal to me if you can help to spread the words in your country. Please learn more about the #freehongkong movement or visit this website: (website).


A friend in need of help from the other side of the world
我send 咗channel入面嘅韓文template俾一個韓國女仔,問佢有冇嘢改,佢幫我哋改返啱啲字眼!!!!


메리 크리스마스 그리고 해피 뉴 이어!

이런 즐거운 날 저희는 맛있는 음식과 따뜻한 집에서 지낼 수 있다는 것에 감사합니다. 그러나, 올해 홍콩의 정치 운동 때문에 몇몇 사람들은 사랑하는 사람과, 그리고 가족들과 함께 크리스마스를 보낼 수 없습니다.
이러한 분들을 위한 저희의 크리스마스 소원은 간단합니다: 여러분과 함께 자유의 공기를 숨 쉬고 싶다는 것입니다.

해시태그 #freehkxmascard를 사용하여 SNS에서 이 카드를 가족 및 친구들과 공유하고 저희를 응원 해 주신다면 감사하겠습니다!

#freehongkong 운동에 대해 더 자세히 알고 싶으시다면 다음 사이트를 방문하시면 큰 도움이 될 것입니다:

우리의 모든 크리스마스 소원들이 이루어 지길 바랍니다.
즐거운 크리스마스 보내세요!

마음을 담아,

手足表示: 之前有法文版,如果而家手足們都仲想寫法文版嘅話,可以用呢一個提供嘅改良版本!❤️

Cher (Nom de la presse),

Joyeuses fêtes! Nous vous envoyons un gros câlin du monde entier au nom des Hongkongais, qui se battent sans relâche pour la démocratie depuis 7 mois contre un gouvernement autoritaire. En plus de manifester dans les rues, nous avons également exploré différents moyens de mobiliser un soutien à Hong Kong et à l’extérieur, allant de la décoration de nos communautés avec des murs de Lennon à la diffusion des mots dans le monde extérieur via les médias sociaux. Cependant, le gouvernement oppressif n'a montré aucun signe ou intention véritable de résoudre le problème, le nombre de cadavres et de "suicides" continuant d'augmenter de jour en jour.

Comme Noël est une saison pour célébrer la joie, la paix et la réunion de famille, nous lançons une campagne #freehkxmascard pour faire connaître l'histoire de Hong Kong en envoyant des cartes de Noël à des personnes du monde libre pour leur rappeler que la liberté a un coût élevé, mais que sans cela, tout ce que vous chérissez peut être en jeu. Nous invitons également quiconque à nous renvoyer des cartes de Noël et nous les transmettrons aux manifestants afin qu'ils sachent qu'ils ne sont pas seuls.

Cela me serait très utile si vous pouviez aider à faire passer le message dans votre pays. Veuillez en apprendre davantage sur le mouvement #freehongkong ou visiter ce site: (site web).


Un ami qui a besoin d'aide de l'autre côté du monde

Hi 你好
我send 咗channel入面嘅韓文template俾一個韓國女仔,問佢有冇嘢改


메리 크리스마스 그리고 해피 뉴 이어!

이런 즐거운 날 저희는 맛있는 음식과 따뜻한 집에서 지낼 수 있다는 것에 감사합니다. 그러나, 올해 홍콩의 정치 운동 때문에 몇몇 사람들은 사랑하는 사람과, 그리고 가족들과 함께 크리스마스를 보낼 수 없습니다.
이러한 분들을 위한 저희의 크리스마스 소원은 간단합니다: 여러분과 함께 자유의 공기를 숨 쉬고 싶다는 것입니다.

해시태그 #freehkxmascard를 사용하여 SNS에서 이 카드를 가족 및 친구들과 공유하고 저희를 응원 해 주신다면 감사하겠습니다!

#freehongkong 운동에 대해 더 자세히 알고 싶으시다면 다음 사이트를 방문하시면 큰 도움이 될 것입니다:

우리의 모든 크리스마스 소원들이 이루어 지길 바랍니다.
즐거운 크리스마스 보내세요!

마음을 담아,

#Spanish #templateforstranger
Hola desconocido hermoso,

¡Felices vacaciones! ¡Te deseo unas vacaciones festivas muy cálidas con un montón de helados de bastón de caramelo, chicles hubba bubba y unicornios arcoiris!

Enviando un abrazo gratis a todo el mundo y si te encantan las cosas gratis, hay que ¡#freeHongKong! La gente de Hong Kong ha estado luchando sin descanso por la democracia durante los últimos 7 meses contra un gobierno opresivo.

Significaría mucho para mí si usted pudiera aprender más sobre el movimiento #freehongkong o visitar este sitio web: (sitio web)

Un amigo que necesita ayuda del otro lado del mundo.

意大利共和國參議院民主黨議員收到並關注 #freehkxmascard#freehongkong
