FREEHK文宣總谷:Free HK Xmas Card🖍🎅🏻
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 急切需要寫比傳媒既template 如果要寫啲傳媒 我覺得佢主旨會係我哋香港人搞咗一個咁嘅活動 係想話比世界聽 係普天同慶嘅日子 香港人仲抗爭緊 有好多小朋友可能被拘捕 希望藉住呢個機會 當大家慶祝緊嘅時候會記起香港人 想佢地係聖誕節嘅時候帶比我哋一個希望 同埋多謝佢哋一直報導我地既新聞 等大家都可以知道關注到呢件事? - 知道好多香港手足都好忙所以需要考國外手足幫手 小妹感激不盡💦💦💦💦💦 #手足投稿 #admin求救
Dear (Name of Press),

Happy Holidays! Sending you a big hug from across the globe on behalf of the Hongkongers, who have been restlessly fighting for democracy for the past 7 months against an authoritarian government. Apart from demonstrating on the streets, we have also explored different means to rally support inside and outside Hong Kong, from decorating our communities with Lennon Walls to spreading the words to the outside world through social media. However, the oppressive government has shown no genuine sign or intention to resolve the issue as number of dead bodies and "suicide" keeps on increasing day by day.

As Christmas is a season to celebrate joy, peace and family reunion, we are initiating a campaign #freehkxmascard to spread the story of Hong Kong through mailing Christmas cards to people in the free world to remind them that freedom comes at a great cost, yet without it, everything you treasure can be at stake. We also welcome anyone to send Christmas cards to us back and we will pass them to the protestors, so they know that they are not alone.

It would mean a great deal to me if you can help to spread the words in your country. Please learn more about the #freehongkong movement or visit this website: (website).


A friend in need of help from the other side of the world