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HK today, Philippines tomorrow: They are coming for us

by Leila de Lima

//When people choose to be a democracy, they are, in fact, choosing the quality of life that lends itself best to the survival of humanity: one that values every life, gives everyone the opportunity to contribute to society, while allowing the most capable – as opposed to the most vicious and power-hungry – to lead the nation both through the travails of daily life as well as through the great uncertainties of the grave crises that humans will inevitably face once in a while.

//The freedom they fight for is both the incentive to participate and the key to the success of the organization. They fight because they want to live free. And the nation is the better for it.

//As we watch the protesters in Hong Kong, including political leaders who are willing to sacrifice themselves to fight for Hong Kong and its people, what we ought to see are protesters that are fighting for democracy everywhere, including here in our own nation.

//So I continue to stand with Hong Kong, as I have more than a year ago. Not just because their fierce and fearless protest leaders stood up for me when my freedom was taken, but, more importantly, because they are standing up for the Filipino nation when they stand up against the Chinese government’s violent bullying.

//I can only hope that other countries, their leaders, and their people, will stand for Hong Kong, for Taiwan, and for the Philippines. Because tyranny is never satisfied; it is perpetually hungry.

//They are coming for us. After Hong Kong. After Taiwan. Or maybe all together at the same time. They are coming after our freedom. They are coming to take away what we hold dear: our own humanity and human rights, and the life, liberty, and security of our children.

//Filipinos, I call on you to stand for Hong Kong, for we all know that, very soon, the fight will come to us.

Full article: Rappler, (03-Jun)

#Philippines #GlobalSupport #Freedom #Democracy

Provincial authorities ordered to eradicate crosses “no matter what,” and in four months, many state-run Protestant churches were left without them by Lu An

//From January to April, crosses were removed from at least 250 Three-Self churches in Lu’an, Ma’anshan, Huaibei, and other cities in the eastern province of Anhui. A local believer revealed that in November and December last year, crosses were removed from 22 Three-Self churches in Bozhou, Huaibei, and two other cities.

//A congregation member told Bitter Winter that local officials claimed that the cross-removal campaign was being implemented in line with a national policy, which requires to eliminate all Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, and other religious symbols. Such orders are being passed down from one government level to another, and every cross in Anhui will be eradicated eventually, the believer added.

//In mid-April, officials from the county’s United Front Work Department and other government institutions removed crosses from all the 33 Three-Self churches in the county. As the cross of the largest church in the county was being removed, believers attempted to save it. Still, the demolition proceeded as planned because local officials feared repercussions from higher authorities for disobeying their orders.

//A congregation member told Bitter Winter that local government officials declared at the end of last year that because of the animosity between the United States and China, the government fears that Christians, whose number is growing in China, will “unite with foreigners against the state.”

Full article: Bitter Winter, (09-Jun)

#China #Church #CrossesRemoved #Religion

Who are you on foreign soils?

Two years ago, we visited an old temple in Japan. At the entrance, we saw an notice that was written in simplified Chinese with a somewhat irritated message that goes like this, ‘we treat you with courtesy, and please treat us the same'.
We were at ease because we knew from the bottom of our heart, that this was not meant for us, who read and use traditional Chinese only.

When I was in Australia, a European blue collar told me that there are three kinds of ‘Chinese’: those born in here (Australia), those from Hong Kong, and those from China. The identity will reveal itself by how the person behave.

//the term Huaren 華人 meaning “ethnic Chinese” became popular. It represented the ethnicity, and somehow it also represented that they do not have the Chinese nationality... Ethnic Chinese, meant that their ancestors were from areas in China...

//But in English, there is no distinction between the two, both refer as “Chinese”.

//Many Chinese moved to Canada, were furious about Meng Sabrina arrested (Huawei's CFO), but were indifferent when two Canadian were arrested in China for policial reasons.

//In the Little Pinkies’ mind, it is absolutely normal for others want to join them in China and "kowtou".

//they wanted to be buried in China after death. Only a few truly settle down in overseas, and viewed their new homeland as their forever home... these oversea Chinese changed their mind, and see the country they settled as true homes.

//their attitude reversed and they have the same mindset as in the old days.. people again call themselves as Chinese, instead of “ethnic Chinese”...

//Ethnic Chinese, has no obligation to become Chinese nationals, and have no moral reason to love China, a country which he/she has no say or involvement at all.

//We, ethnic Chinese should also give ourselves a new name, to distinct ourselves from the country, China.

Full translation:

Source: Stand News

#Hongkonger #Chinese #Nationality #ethnicChinese #Han #Huaren #Identity
#OpinionArticle #NganShunKau

Why's the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (FAPRC) playing nice to the US recently?

(10 Jul) Recently, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) held an seminar about framework of foreign affairs, including WANG Yi who was the former Vice Foreign Minister; all expressed soft and pleasure gesture to United Stated (US). It’s well-known that CCP was tricky on its foreign affairs communication, its attitude could reflect the shift of political benefit practically.

//It is only a strategic consideration of the timing to put a bet or observe for opportunity, which has no correlation with its country policy.

//Why CCP release an signal of compromised... nothing is happening in Hong Kong locally due to National Security legislation Law

//CCP forcedly imposes the Law without paying for painful price

//The most important thing for CCP now is to make US people to feel better, not to fight heavily against CCP.

//If US accepts these terms... it’s a win-win situation for both US and CCP if US Organizations are still staying and making money in Hong Kong.

//Yet, US would lost its propriety of defending universal value... more difficult to reunion other countries when coping with CCP in a long run.

//CCP is just playing US via its gimmick of unseeable soft and hard attitudes, to evaluate whether US is serious in fights with China

//If US is still having unrealistic hope on CCP, falling of empire region (US) would be the destination.

//requires our persistent belief to fight for the last

//US views National Security Law as its future relationship with CCP

Full Translation:

Source: Ngan, Shun-kau's Faceboook
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#nationalsecuritylaw #foreignaffairs #US #China #wolfwarrior #diplomacy #FAPRC #onecountrytwosystems

DNA database created for dictatorship

(19 Jul) Is the Wuhan pneumonia testing accurately or not? Is Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI) reliable? Is it necessary to conduct testing for 400 million people labelled as high risk in the Chinese community? It is essential to ask these questions, but it is just like a smoke grenade. The reality is the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) supports and expands its “umbrella industries” worldwide. A few days ago, Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI) celebrated when it listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange for three years. Beneficial from virus testing kit selling like the hot cake over the world, sales record jumped 40% in Q1. The first half-year sales revenue increased 232.96%, and net profit was 1.63 billion RMB. In their report, BGI established 58 “Fire Eye” laboratories all over the world in a few months. Each laboratory can handle at least 4000 virus testing per day. CCP penetrated and monopolized the genetic engineering industry in 18 countries, including Angola that just signed agreement lately. It was a big move to get closer to their target in establishing a global human genetic bank.

Setting up the laboratory was the first step only. Next will be how to utilize “Fire Eye” laboratories to upgrade the facilities in those fortified countries and expand their services step by step from genetic disease testing to cancer, infant, pregnant women, genetic disease, etc. Then, they can participate in the medical system revolution in different countries and change the medical industry focus from surgical, medical and pharmaceutical manufactories to genetic engineering. It is the real ambition of BGI. It is noteworthy that one of five laboratories newly established in Angola, Africa is a greenhouse laboratory. It is obviously not related to Wuhan pneumonia. It revealed how BGI implements its agenda secretly with the splendid excuse of “disease testing for anti-epidemic”. “Greenhouse laboratory” involves another big business which is genetically modified food and the market in Africa.

Full translation:

Source: Patreon - 作者

Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#China #control #DNA #BGI #generic #worlddomination

CCP’s hand has reached Singapore long ago

(24 Jul)No one will expect an international relation expert in Singapore is indeed a spy sent by CCP to spy on the US. The show hand of the espionage battle between China and US is only getting more and more intense. First, on researchers like Tang juan, who conceal their military studies background, the states can charge them with Visa fraud, which has a lower bar for prosecution. The merit of such charge is that no-one has to prove any state secret is stolen at all, and 10 years in jail will be given if found guilty. So people can make an example of it, so to scare the Chinese researchers.

The details of the espionage case was released today but the spy had been arrested in Nov 2019. It shows that the intelligence department has already begun tightening the net, and is no longer afraid of alerting the enemy.

Defendant Yao Jun Wei admitted to breaching the Foreign Agents registration act, section 951. This section was used against Cuba, and is then expanded to all agents who threaten the US homeland security. Combining with the Foreign agent registration act, it is being put into full use. As long as the agents are not registered and are acting in substance in their spy role, they commit a crime. In this sense, all those Chinese enterprises who expand their businesses in the US, will easily be affected under this law. Who will disclose that they are indeed working for the CCP? TikTok wishes to sell the business in a rush, and swaps all the Chinese management personnels. This is simply because they, too, fear this law.

Yao Jun Wei expanded his business in the US for the CCP, and runs a fake consultancy company, like those civilian think tanks. Intelligence, that is not publicised, is the most difficult to obtain, and is highly restricted to those in the authority. According to those mole cases disclosed by the Department of State, most were tempted with woman or money. Mostly those in financial difficulty were reached. Yet, when the Trump government arrested these moles high profile, the public servants became more careful and no longer accept gifts easily. This in turn, increases the difficulty for CCP to steal intelligence. Yao Jun Wei’s case demonstrates CCP’s move adapt to such changes.

Yao Jun Wei used Linkedin to “remodify” action of espionage into a legal business. He sent out recruitment ads en masse, and recruited target to write consultancy reports of different subjects. He lied that these reports are for research of Asian clients, and such action will be safe. Each report is priced from USD 1000 to 2000, and this scam is targeted at public servants who want quick money. The court released three examples, in which the CCP obtained three insider news from such operation, including Japan purchasing F35A, the influence of retreat of US army in Afghanistan on China and the confidential background of a cabinet official.

Source: Author
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#ChinaInfluence #Singapore #Spy #YaoJunWei #US #China #Tiktok #EspionageBattle #Linkedin
#Analysis #OpinionArticle #HealthCode #MassSurveillance
Why Health Code is worse than National Security Law

Part 4/4.

A researcher of the Human Rights Watch once said, “the outbreak of Coronavirus is becoming a milestone for China to carry out large scale surveillance.” (n.b. China has recently sanctioned the Chief Executive of Human Rights Watch.)

The long-deployed social credit system in China failed to perform rigorous surveillance, which was criticized for giving rise to “loopholes” during epidemic outbreak.

When designing Health Code, it was meant to gear up suvellience control. Its encroachment to people's privacy is appreciably worse than social credit system.

Today the government may collect your health data, personal data, and details of daily activity for Health Code. Soon afterwards, collecting people's vital data, contents of their online chats will no longer be a fantasy Arabian Nights.

Once the Health Code is put in place, you do not need a prison cell to be imprisoned as your home will become a prison, sparing also court deliberations.

"Want to go out? Denied. … A red health code! "
"Want to ride a car? Denied. … A red health code!"
"Want to go shopping? Denied. … A red health code!"

Compred to Health Code, the detriment of National Security Law is nothing at all.

Source: 書生百用 #Aug13

#SocialCreditSystem #BigData #Privacy #CCP #BlackMirror

Further Reading
Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:
#OpinionArticle #TangHao

Why does the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) accelerate launching digital Renminbi (RMB)?

Editor’s note: Below is a summary but very close to the script of the first part of the video which is about digital Renminbi.

(15 Aug) The Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China had an announcement on 14 August about "Complete intensify trial locations for a new transaction service with innovative technology". 28 locations in China have been selected as trial locations to promote digital RMB. Besides the first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, sites include Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone, Guangdong-Hong Kong – Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), Urumchi, Xian and Midwest Chinese cities, etc. In April this year, Chinese National media reported that the trial campaign of the digital RMB in a closed system has already been started in Shenzhen, Suzhou, Xiongan New Area and Chengdu. We have discussed that in our channel. Just less than four months till now, CCP can't wait anymore to extend the trial location to 28 places over China. CCP's reaction shows the urgency in launching digital RMB. We have many newly joined subscribers on this channel. Let's have a revision of some key points first.

1. Easy to manipulate the quantity of currency and stimulate the economy

2. Tracing in all dimensions results in surveillance civilians

3. Control capital movement and prevent capital outflow

4. Restructure economy with “waste banknotes”

5. Establish a new currency system to confront USD and avoid sanction

6. Expand the penetration internationally for the United Front and surveillance the world

Full Translation:

Source: Tang Hao’s Crossroad of the World Youtube Channel
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

Further reading:
China’s State-Run Banks Reportedly Testing Wallet for Digital Yuan

#DigitalCurrency #RMB #Sanction #Surveillance #SWIFT #Banknotes

Sherry Chan: In the era of disappointment and hope for coexistence, do you still believe in love?

(19 Aug) In mid-July, the National Radio and Television Administration released a list of 20 "items requiring censorship and alternative expressions", some of which involved the regulation [of depicting] love or romantic relationships: "Romantic dramas cannot be too sweet" and "contemporary themes should maintain proper values; social conflicts must not be highlighted. Endeavour to portray the beautiful lives of normal people..."

To sum up these 20 items, the essence of love according to the #totalitarian regime is this: It shall follow social norms absolutely, teens shall not indulge in puppy love, love shall not be regarded as the be-all and end-all; they should work on upward mobility and enter Tsinghua or Peking University to contribute to society and serve the country.

From the perspective of sociologist Sherry Chan, the essence of love is #individualism. It causes a person to desire #freedom and possess their own mind and soul. As such, love and totalitarian rationale are completely incompatible... In the 21st century, we are still chasing after this most quintessential question: Can love overcome all obstacles?

Source: Initium Media
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#Love #RegulationOfLove #FreedomOfSpeech #Censorship #ChineseMedia