
HK today, Philippines tomorrow: They are coming for us

by Leila de Lima

//When people choose to be a democracy, they are, in fact, choosing the quality of life that lends itself best to the survival of humanity: one that values every life, gives everyone the opportunity to contribute to society, while allowing the most capable – as opposed to the most vicious and power-hungry – to lead the nation both through the travails of daily life as well as through the great uncertainties of the grave crises that humans will inevitably face once in a while.

//The freedom they fight for is both the incentive to participate and the key to the success of the organization. They fight because they want to live free. And the nation is the better for it.

//As we watch the protesters in Hong Kong, including political leaders who are willing to sacrifice themselves to fight for Hong Kong and its people, what we ought to see are protesters that are fighting for democracy everywhere, including here in our own nation.

//So I continue to stand with Hong Kong, as I have more than a year ago. Not just because their fierce and fearless protest leaders stood up for me when my freedom was taken, but, more importantly, because they are standing up for the Filipino nation when they stand up against the Chinese government’s violent bullying.

//I can only hope that other countries, their leaders, and their people, will stand for Hong Kong, for Taiwan, and for the Philippines. Because tyranny is never satisfied; it is perpetually hungry.

//They are coming for us. After Hong Kong. After Taiwan. Or maybe all together at the same time. They are coming after our freedom. They are coming to take away what we hold dear: our own humanity and human rights, and the life, liberty, and security of our children.

//Filipinos, I call on you to stand for Hong Kong, for we all know that, very soon, the fight will come to us.

Full article: Rappler, (03-Jun)

#Philippines #GlobalSupport #Freedom #Democracy