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#OpinionArticle #NganShunKau

Why's the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (FAPRC) playing nice to the US recently?

(10 Jul) Recently, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) held an seminar about framework of foreign affairs, including WANG Yi who was the former Vice Foreign Minister; all expressed soft and pleasure gesture to United Stated (US). It’s well-known that CCP was tricky on its foreign affairs communication, its attitude could reflect the shift of political benefit practically.

//It is only a strategic consideration of the timing to put a bet or observe for opportunity, which has no correlation with its country policy.

//Why CCP release an signal of compromised... nothing is happening in Hong Kong locally due to National Security legislation Law

//CCP forcedly imposes the Law without paying for painful price

//The most important thing for CCP now is to make US people to feel better, not to fight heavily against CCP.

//If US accepts these terms... it’s a win-win situation for both US and CCP if US Organizations are still staying and making money in Hong Kong.

//Yet, US would lost its propriety of defending universal value... more difficult to reunion other countries when coping with CCP in a long run.

//CCP is just playing US via its gimmick of unseeable soft and hard attitudes, to evaluate whether US is serious in fights with China

//If US is still having unrealistic hope on CCP, falling of empire region (US) would be the destination.

//requires our persistent belief to fight for the last

//US views National Security Law as its future relationship with CCP

Full Translation:

Source: Ngan, Shun-kau's Faceboook
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#nationalsecuritylaw #foreignaffairs #US #China #wolfwarrior #diplomacy #FAPRC #onecountrytwosystems
Merkel: Will keep addressing concerns over Beijing's treatment of One Country Two Systems

Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, criticized China of horrible treatment of minorities in China and showed grave concerns on the suppression of Hong Kong dissidents.

Merkel addressed the Bundesrat, the German Parliament, ahead of the EU special summit which China's human rights appear as a top agenda item. The German leader believes China has repeatedly undermined the One Country Two Systems principle. In future dialogue with China, Germany will clearly express concerns over human rights issues and Hong Kong's situation.

Merkel added that there is currently no significant progress on investment negotiations between China and EU. She reiterated that the EU hopes to establish fair trade with China over reciprocity and market access, and aims to make progress by end of the year.

Source: RTHK #Sep30

#Germany #EU #AngelaMerkel #HumanRights #OneCountryTwoSystems
Yoshihide Suga Showing Grave Concern over Hong Kong, urged Upholding a Free and Open System under the "One Country Two System"

The East Asia Summit, held by leaders of China, the U.S. and Japan, was held by video conference on Saturday (14th November). At the meeting Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said developments contrary to the rule of law have been unfolding in the region, including the South China Sea. He also express grave concerns over the the enactment of the National Security Law in Hong Kong, urged upholding a free and open system under the "One Country Two System" framework.

According to Kyodo News, in the dispute over the sovereignty of Senkaku Islands (a.k.a. Diaoyu Island in China), Yoshihide Suga said China's activities in the East China Sea violate Japan's sovereignty, ballistic missile launches and further militarization in the South China Sea also increase tensions in the region. The U.S. National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien participate on behalf of President Donald Trump. He also criticized China on its actions over the Mekong River basin and the South China Sea for threatening the peace, stability and sovereignty of other countries.

Source from: The Stand News #Nov15

#Japan #China #UnitedStates #NationalSecurityLaw #OneCountryTwoSystems #EastAsiaSummit #YoshihideSuga #RobertOBrien #SouthChinaSea #EastChinaSea #SenkakuIsland #DiaoyuIsland
#EU report: #Beijing "Consciously dismantling" HK's One Country Two Systems

The European Commission and the High Representative have on Mar 12, 2021 reported on political and economic developments in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

EU High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell said: “Over the course of 2020, we have witnessed an alarming political deterioration in Hong Kong. The National Security Law imposed by Beijing is being used to crack down on pro-democracy forces, stifle dissent and pluralism, and erode fundamental freedoms. The arrest of dozens of pro-democracy activists in January this year confirmed that this trend is accelerating.

"China is consciously dismantling the 'One Country, Two Systems' principle in violation of its international commitments and the Hong Kong Basic Law. The regressive electoral changes approved yesterday in Beijing are yet another step down this path.”

The report highlights that, over the course of last year, Hong Kong experienced a further severe erosion of its high degree of autonomy, its democratic principles, and the fundamental freedoms that the Chinese authorities committed to protect until at least 2047. This rapid deterioration calls into question China's willingness to uphold its international obligations and its commitments to the people of Hong Kong under the ‘One Country, Two Systems' principle and the Hong Kong Basic Law.

Full press release from European Commission:

Source: Stand News #Mar12 #OneCountryTwoSystems #NationalSecurityLaw #PoliticalSuppression
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Now that #HongKong has fallen, #CCP is eyeing #Taiwan next. The crumpling of #OneCountryTwoSystems was a wake up call to the #Taiwanese who have experienced fully democratic elections, it is extremely unlikely they would be fooled by #Beijing's 1C2S deal, yet #XiJinping is increasingly impatient about bringing Taiwan in the fold, with force if necessary.
#marine #coastguard #IndoPacific #english #diyms
HK Authorities Force Taiwan's representatives in Hong Kong to sign “One China Commitment”

The Mainland Affairs Council (#MAC) of Taiwan pointed out that Hong Kong Government requested the Taiwanese staff of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office to sign the “One China Commitment”.

The Taiwanese staff refused, so their visas could not be renewed. 7 staff members had to leave Hong Kong and returned to Taiwan on Jun 20, 2021.

The President of MAC in Taiwan Chiu Tai-san criticized that the “One China Commitment” was a political barrier set up by Hong Kong Government, and it violates the Taiwan-HK agreement made in 2011 “with the aim to belittle the National status of my country, and forced the staff members to bow their heads to the Beijing authorities”.

Taiwan insists on rejecting it. Chiu also stated that #CCP is undoubtedly the “shadow fighter” behind all these operations, by attempting to take advantage of the Taiwan office in Hong Kong as a tool for political conspiracy against Taiwan. Once again, it proves Hong Kong’s “One Country Two Systems” becomes only an empty title.

As a consequent, countries that have signed contracts and negotiated with Hong Kong government "shall put a question mark on the autonomy and integrity of this authority”.

Source: Stand News #Jun22

#OneChinaPolicy #OneCountryTwoSystems
Forwarded from 國際文宣組 IFC
Wonders why this guy loves and trusts the #CCP so much but stores his assets in #Australia... #Patriotism by the tongue maybe 🤔
Please comment examples of #CCP henchmen with foreign passports and citizenships!
#meme #gtfo #australia #citizenship #tax #onecountrytwosystems #hongkong #election (putting these two hashtags together made me laugh, then I cried)
Today's Hong Kong, Tomorrow's Taiwan? #Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council: Refuse "One Country Two Systems"

[Editor note: July 1st is the Establishment Day of the Hong Kong SAR, noting the change in Hong Kong's sovereignty from a British colony to a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the PRC since the 1997 handover.]

2022 marks 25 years since the sovereignty over Hong Kong was trasferred from Britain to the #PRC.

The Taiwan government reiterates their refusal of "#OneCountryTwoSystems". Since the #AntiELAB movement in Hong Kong in 2019, Taiwanese people has become more concerned about the happenings in Hong Kong.

How do Taiwanese people see the current situation in Hong Kong? How would they comment on the so-called "unchanging state" promised by the PRC to Hong Kong for 50 years? Are they worried?

#RFA interviewed a few Taiwanese on the 25th anniversary of the change of Hong Kong's sovereignty.

Many people analogise "Today's Hong Kong, Tomorrow's Taiwan" in recent years. One of the interviewees mentioned the change in Hong Kong in these 25 years -- Hong Kong was very vigorous in the media and the publishing industries. She mentioned that Taiwanese sought Hong Kong publishers to produce their "blacklisted books" during the white terror era, but now it is the opposite. She said the so-called unchsnging state is a lie for the regime to deceive people.

Source: RFA #July01

#EstablishmentDay #Taiwan #TransferralofSovereignty #Handover #censorship