Merkel: Will keep addressing concerns over Beijing's treatment of One Country Two Systems

Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, criticized China of horrible treatment of minorities in China and showed grave concerns on the suppression of Hong Kong dissidents.

Merkel addressed the Bundesrat, the German Parliament, ahead of the EU special summit which China's human rights appear as a top agenda item. The German leader believes China has repeatedly undermined the One Country Two Systems principle. In future dialogue with China, Germany will clearly express concerns over human rights issues and Hong Kong's situation.

Merkel added that there is currently no significant progress on investment negotiations between China and EU. She reiterated that the EU hopes to establish fair trade with China over reciprocity and market access, and aims to make progress by end of the year.

Source: RTHK #Sep30

#Germany #EU #AngelaMerkel #HumanRights #OneCountryTwoSystems