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#CNN Exclusive : Reported leak at Chinese nuclear power facility, 130km from Hong Kong

Source: CNN #Jun14

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#CNN Exclusive : Reported leak at Chinese nuclear power facility, 130km from Hong Kong

//The #US government has spent the past week assessing a report of a leak at a Chinese nuclear power plant, after a French company that part owns and helps operate it warned of an "imminent #RadiologicalThreat," according to US officials and documents reviewed by CNN.

The warning included an accusation that the Chinese safety authority was raising the acceptable limits for radiation detection outside the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant in #Guangdong province in order to avoid having to shut it down, according to a letter from Framatome the French company to the US Department of Energy obtained by CNN.

#Framatome had reached out to the US in order to obtain a waiver that would allow them to share American technical assistance in order to resolve the issue at the Chinese plant. There are only two reasons why this waiver would be granted, and one is an "imminent radiological threat," the same verbiage used in the June 8 memo.

The memo claims the Chinese limit was increased to exceed French standards, yet it remains unclear how that compares to US limits.

"It is not surprising that the French would reach out," according to Cheryl Rofer, a nuclear scientist who retired from Los Alamos National Laboratory in 2001. "In general, this sort of thing is not extraordinary, particularly if they think the country they are contacting has some special ability to help."

"But #China likes to project that everything is just fine, all the time," she added.

...the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant published a statement on its website Sunday night local time, maintaining that environmental readings for both the plant and its surrounding area were "normal."...//

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Source: CNN #Jun14

#Taishan #NuclearPowerPlant #MadeinChina #NuclearCrisis #Radioactivity #Leak
China denounces G7 after statement on Xinjiang and Hong Kong

China has accused the G7 of "political manipulation" after it criticised Beijing over a range of issues.

In a joint statement at the end of a three-day summit, leaders of the G7 countries urged China to "respect human rights and fundamental freedoms".

Issues highlighted included abuses against the Uyghur Muslim minority group and the crackdown on Hong Kong pro-democracy activists.

China's embassy in the UK accused the G7 of "baseless accusations".

"Stop slandering China, stop interfering in China's internal affairs, and stop harming China's interests," a spokesman said on Monday.

Source: BBC News #Jun14

#China #G7 #Xinjiang #HongKong
Shifting Focus, NATO Views China as a Global Security Challenge

Prime Minister Mario Draghi of Italy spoke for many when he connected this summit with the Group of 7 summit meeting just concluded in Britain and compared them unfavorably with the period of Mr. Trump. “This summit is part of the process of reaffirming, rebuilding the fundamental alliances of the United States,” which were “weakened by the previous administration,” Mr. Draghi said.

And he pointed to Mr. Biden’s similarly important meetings on Tuesday with the leaders of the European Union, which Mr. Trump considered an economic competitor and even a foe. “We are here to reaffirm these alliances, but also to reaffirm the importance of the European Union,” Mr. Draghi said.

Source: NYTimes #Jun14

#NATO #China #MarioDraghi #Italy
Accusing Beijing for Suppressing Hong Kong Democratic Protest, NATO Secretary General Emphasizes Collective Policy Against China

Source: Stand News #Jun14

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Accusing Beijing for Suppressing Hong Kong Democratic Protest, NATO Secretary General Emphasizes Collective Policy Against China

US president Joe Biden arrived Brussels on Sunday night (13 June) to prepare the NATO Summit after the G7 Summit. The NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltelberg said before the meeting that NATO member states need to strengthen their collective policy on China.

Jens Stoltelberg told Canada CBC in an interview that China has the second biggest defense budget, the biggest navy in the world, and is investing heavily in new military equipment, “that affect our security”. “China does not share our values,” he said. “We see that in the way they crack down on democratic protests in Hong Kong, how they oppress minorities like the Uyghurs and also how they use modern technology, social media and facial recognition, to monitor, to do surveillance of their own population.”

“All of this makes it important for NATO to develop a policy, to strengthen our policy, when it comes to China,” he added.

Stoltelberg said the world still have to engage with China on issues such as arms control and climate change, but China's arrest and ongoing detention of Canadians Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig is “absolutely unacceptable”.

Source: Stand News #Jun14

#NATO #suppress #democracy #michaelkrovig #michaelspavor #China #joebiden