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天安门事件大事记 5/17

As the student hunger strike entered its fifth day, ambulances transported the students on hunger strike to the hospital around the clock, and the sound of sirens stung the people of Beijing from all walks of life, finally erupting into a great march. According to statistics, more than 1.2 million people from all walks of life in Beijing took to the streets that day in solidarity with the hunger strike students. HAN, Dacheng, a professor of history at Renmin University of China, who was in the solidarity procession, said solemnly, "I believe this day will definitely be recorded in the history of China."



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Particularly notable among those that marched in solidarity were PLA* soldiers, policemen, farmers, and students and teachers from the Central Party School of the Communist Party of China. A sergeant from the Beijing Air Force and soldiers in civilian clothes rode bicycles and carried a flag that read "Military in Solidarity". According to the soldier, there were many soldiers supporting the students, and many of them joined the march in civilian clothes.
*PLA = People's Liberation Army


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Solidarity march continued on the streets in Beijing, although with fewer people than on the 17th and 18th. Due to the tense situation in Beijing, more than 20 cities, including Tianjin, Baoding, Shijiazhuang, Jinan, Dalian, Xi'an, Zhengzhou, Lanzhou, Taiyuan and Hohhot, have sent students from universities to Beijing in solidarity, and there are more than 50,000 non-Beijing students in the capital.


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As martial law was announced, all sectors of Beijing exploded, with the vast majority of teachers, students, government officials and citizens condemning it. More than 200 reactions to the martial law were reported to Zhongnanhai * on the same day, with more than 80% expressing disbelief or open opposition to martial law.
*Zhongnanhai = Chinese equivalent of the White House


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At about 7am, a train full of soldiers pulled into Beijing train station, and a group of students gathered around to introduce the situation in Beijing to the officers and soldiers. Many students were in tears, and gifted cigarettes, food, and water to the soldiers. The soldiers only knew that they came on duty. In Fengtai, Jinsong,and Luliqiao*, students and residents preached the truth about the student movement to the besieged soldiers.
*All on the outskirts of Beijing


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During the day, there were about 50,000 students in Tiananmen Square, mostly students from colleges and universities who had gone to Beijing to show solidarity, while some students from Beijing returned to school or went home to rest. The Voice of the Student Movement radio station broadcasted several times articles demanding evacuation and opposing evacuation of Tiananmen Square. The students who remained in the square largely disagreed with the evacuation.


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At 2PM, YU, Zhijian, YU, Dongyue and LU, Decheng from Liuyang, Hunan, threw eggshells filled with ink at the portrait of Mao on the Tiananmen Tower. The three were immediately sent by the students to the student command centre in the square, and after a discussion and vote, the students sent the three to the public security authorities. The students feared that the three men were police in disguis and were creating a reason for the crackdown.



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About 5,000 people rallied in Paris on Wednesday to voice their support for the mainland students' demand for a pro-democracy movement.

“为了推进祖国民主化进程,为了维护宪法的尊严,为了中华民族不沦落为法西斯的专制统治, 我愿用我全部的生命和忠诚,誓死保卫天安门,保卫首都北京,保卫共和国。排除万难,斗争到底!”


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At around 2PM, hundreds of thousands of students and people from all walks of life took to the streets in response to the call of the newly established Beijing Intellectuals Federation. A significant number of the marchers were students coming from other cities. A student said that students from 216 colleges and universities in 27 provinces and autonomous regions have come to Beijing, numbering more than 100,000.

“中共元老、前任全国人大委员长彭真说,搞资产阶级自由化是违宪的。这次游行示威就是动乱。全国人大是代表11亿人民的,不能服从搞游行示威的那一小部分人。” “你的自由不是自由,我的才是!”


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To entertain the students and lighten their mood, the command centre of the square invited students from the Central Conservatory of Music, the China Conservatory of Music, and the rock band "Mayday" to perform at the square. The concert ended at 5:00AM. the following morning with over 10,000 students singing The Internationale in unison.



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The 12-hour concert, organized by the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China, was held at the Happy Valley Racecourse in Hong Kong. More than 300 performers participated in the concert, and the number of audience often remained close to 300,000, with an estimated attendance of 500,000 for the whole day.




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About 1.5 million Hongkongers responded to the "Global Chinese March" call to the streets. In Taipei, about 10,000 people responded to the call to rally and march at the CKS Memorial Hall. In Kaohsiung, more than 100 students and teachers from universities and colleges joined the march with the demand of "Long Live Democracy and Blood Ties". Nearly 1,000 Chinese students participated in the Global Chinese March in Paris. More than 3,000 Chinese students and overseas Chinese participated in the Global Chinese March in downtown Sydney, Australia.


全文阅读 https://bit.ly/2Wr1hU7

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天安门事件大事记 5/29

At about 10:30PM, hundreds of students from the Central Academy of Fine Arts and other eight Beijing art colleges took the plaster statue of the "God of Democracy" in pieces and transported it to the south of the national flag pole in Tiananmen Square on six tricycles. It is said that the original intention of the planners was to erect a statue of "Goddess of Liberty" in Tiananmen Square, later named "God of Democracy", hoping that democracy and freedom would be the spiritual pillar to make more students persevere in the square.



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The 7-meter-tall statue of the "Goddess of Democracy" was installed on the north side of the monument in Tiananmen Square, attracting tens of thousands of onlookers. During the unveiling of the statue, one of the leaders of the Beijing Students' Autonomous Federation read out the "Declaration of Goddess of Democracy", which stated the purpose of establishing the "Goddess of Democracy".

「久违了, 民主之神。七十年前, 我们的前辈曾高高呼唤过你的名字。为了你, 难道我们还要等七十年吗?........我们坚信, 真正民主到来之日, 我们一定会再来广场, 树立起一座雄伟、高大、永远的民主之神像。这一天会到来的。中国人把民主之神永远挂在我们每个人的心中。」《民主女神宣言》節選。


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At 8:00PM, more than 1,000 students from Beijing and other cities marched around Tiananmen Square to protest the arrest of three members of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Workers' Autonomous Federation and some members of motorcade "the flying tigers". By 10:00PM, the sit-in in front of the Beijing Public Security Bureau numbered nearly 10,000.
Excerpts from Chronicle of the Tiananmen Movement by WU, Renhua



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In the evening, LIU, Xiaobo* delivered a hunger strike speech in front of Beijing Normal University. He said, "The government now has repeatedly emphasized the very small minority (behind the protest), the so-called handful, which seems to be people like me who are not students. I am a politically responsible citizen, and everything I do is reasonable and legal. I am not afraid to be a black hand behind this, rather I am proud, proud and honored to be a black hand!"

*LIU, Xiaobo was a Chinese writer, literary critic, human rights activist, philosopher and Nobel Peace Prize laureate who called for political reforms and was involved in campaigns to end communist one-party rule in China.



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At around 4:00PM, the march reached the Beijing Daily News Head Office. The students gathered copies of the June 1st issue of Beijing Daily and set it on fire in front of the office to protest the publication of the article "O Tiananmen Square, I Cry for You" in the newspaper on June 1st.
Excerpts from Chronicle of the Tiananmen Movement by WU, Renhua



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Tens of thousands of students and citizens ran to dozens of intersections, including Jianguomen, Fuxingmen, Chaoyangmen, Yongdingmen, Xuanwumen, Muxidi, Caojizhuang, Chedaogou, Gongzhongmou, Xinjiekou, Xidan, Wangfujing, Nanheyan, and Liubeikou, to stop the army from marching to Tiananmen Square.



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Since there was no resistance from the students, the 27th Army task force with machine guns and submachine guns quickly rushed up to the base of the Monument to the People's Heroes, shot down the speakers tied to the monument, and destroyed the student command centre.
For more photos visit: https://bit.ly/2zG1Xx8



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People from all walks of life in Beijing generally expressed their anger at the massacre. Spontaneous resistance continued, with 41 military vehicles burned and 389 other vehicles smashed that day. A group of people burned 28 buses at the Heping Street North Exit bus station, saying they "want to bring Beijing's traffic to a standstill".



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