天安门事件大事记 5/30

The 7-meter-tall statue of the "Goddess of Democracy" was installed on the north side of the monument in Tiananmen Square, attracting tens of thousands of onlookers. During the unveiling of the statue, one of the leaders of the Beijing Students' Autonomous Federation read out the "Declaration of Goddess of Democracy", which stated the purpose of establishing the "Goddess of Democracy".

「久违了, 民主之神。七十年前, 我们的前辈曾高高呼唤过你的名字。为了你, 难道我们还要等七十年吗?........我们坚信, 真正民主到来之日, 我们一定会再来广场, 树立起一座雄伟、高大、永远的民主之神像。这一天会到来的。中国人把民主之神永远挂在我们每个人的心中。」《民主女神宣言》節選。


#八九六四 #8964 #6433