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2/4/2023 妮可戰友談為何會有這麼多新中國聯邦的戰友們相信郭先生和聯盟
#滅共 #爆料革命 #新中國聯邦 #喜馬拉雅農場
2/4/2023 Nicole explains why so many fellow fighters of the New Federal State of China trust Miles Guo and the Himalaya Global Alliance.
#takedowntheCCP #WhistleblowersMovement #NFSC #HimalayaFarms @NFSCHimalayaNews
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2/4/2023 長島哥:滅共已經很明顯成為了當下的大勢,美國和西方各國都在背後採取著行動,所有滅共的勢力正在凝聚成一個強大的合力。美國媒體也知道,滅共已經是熱點,為了繼續賺錢,他們不可能逆勢而行,只能加入到滅共的勢力來一起滅共。
#滅共勢力 #美國媒體 #爆料革命 #新中國聯邦
2/4/2023 Brother Changdao: Taking down the CCP has become an obvious trend at this time. The U.S. and Western countries are all taking actions quietly. All the forces of taking down the CCP are merging into a stronger one. The U.S. media has also realized that taking down the CCP has become a hot topic, and to keep making money, they will have to be part of the force of taking down the CCP instead of going against the trend.
#forceoftakingdowntheCCP #USmediai #WhistleblowersMovement #NFSC
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2/4/2023 長島哥:戰友們的抗議活動不僅讓中共的走狗們惶惶不可終日,美國人,美國的媒體和記者們也意識到新中國聯邦人做的是正義的事! 一個美國路人對戰友們說: 「你們在做一個上帝希望我們做的事情」。
#滅共 #香草山告魏麗紅案 #爆料革命 #新中國聯邦 #喜馬拉雅農場 2/4/2023 Brother Changdao: The protests of our fellow fighters not only made the CCP lackeys panic every day, but also helped the Americans, the American media and journalists to realize that citizens of the New Federal State of China are doing the righteous thing! One American said this to our fellow fighters: "You are doing what God wants us to do".
#takedowntheCCP #HimalayaMOSvsSaraLihongWei #WhistleblowersMovement #NFSC #HimalayaFarms @NFSCHimalayaNews
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2/8/2023 文貴直播:中共的滅爆小組在過去的45天企圖找油管大咖做節目來詆毀我和爆料革命,其中就有著名的老梁,但是這些油管主播們都沒有向中共的威脅恐嚇妥協。
#滅爆小組 #油管 #老梁 #爆料革命 #新中國聯邦 2/8/2023 Miles Guo: In the past 45 days, the Whistleblower Eradication Task Force of the CCP have asked a few YouTube influencers to make shows to smear the Whistleblowers’ Movement and me, and well-known Lao Liang was one of those influencers who were threatened by the CCP. However, none of those Youtube influencers yielded to the intimidation of the CCP.
#WhistleblowerEradicationTaskForceofCCP #YOUTUBE #LaoLiang #WhistleblowersMovement
#NFSC @NFSCHimalayaNews
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02/13/2023 早在六年前文貴先生就提出,中國人不等於中共;經過爆料革命的不懈努力,如今很多國會議員都已認清了中共和中國人的區別,中共是邪惡的,而中國人是友好的。#滅共 #爆料革命 #新中國聯邦 #國會山

02/13/2023 Six years ago, it was Mr. Miles Guo who first put forward the idea that the Chinese people are not equal to the CCP. Thanks to the unremitting efforts of the Whistleblowers’ Movement in the past few years, many members of Congress have already understood the differences between the CCP and the Chinese - It is true that the CCP is evil, but the Chinese people are friendly. #takedowntheCCP #WhistleblowersMovement #NFSC #US #CapitolHill @NFSCHimalayaNews
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02/13/2023 長島哥在國會山告訴美國議員,新中國聯邦人既不需要錢,也不需要美國人來救中國人;美國要做的是:停止幫助中共、清理賣美賊;我們新中國聯邦有能力在中國消滅共產黨!#滅共 #爆料革命 #新中國聯邦 #美國 #國會山 #消滅中共

02/13/2023 Brother Changdao told the congressmen on Capitol Hill that we, the citizens of the New Federal State of China, do not ask for any money, nor do we need the Americans to save the Chinese people. What the Americans should do is to stop providing aid to the CCP and remove the American sellouts. We, the New Federal State of China, have the ability to destroy the CCP in China! #takedowntheCCP #WhistleblowersMovement #NFSC #US #CapitolHill #takedowntheCCP @NFSCHimalayaNews
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2/13/2023 長島哥向美國議員講述自己為何加入爆料革命,我們要讓美國人看到,我們滅共的堅定信念源于我們本身就是中共的受害者。
#滅共 #爆料革命 #新中國聯邦 #美國 #國會山 2/13/2023 Brother Changdao explained to a congressman why he joined the Whistleblowers’ Movement. We must show the Americans that our strong conviction to take down the Chinese Communist Party stems from the fact that we ourselves are victims of the CCP.
#takedowntheCCP #WhistleblowersMovement #NFSC #US #CapitolHill
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2/13/2023 早在六年前文貴先生就提出,中國人不等於中共,經過爆料革命的不懈努力,如今很多國會議員都已認清了中共和中國人的區別,中共是邪惡的,中國人是友好的。
#滅共 #爆料革命 #新中國聯邦 #美國 #國會山 2/13/2023 Six years ago, it was Miles Guo who first put forward the idea that the Chinese people are not equal to the CCP. Thanks to the unremitting efforts of the Whistleblowers’ Movement in the past few years, many members of Congress have already understood the difference between the CCP and the Chinese - It is true that the CCP is evil, but the Chinese people are friendly. #takedowntheCCP #WhistleblowersMovement #NFSC #US #CapitolHill
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3/1/2023 文貴直播:爆料革命度過了過去極為黑暗和危險的兩年,等到了麥卡錫議長上任和美國三權鼎立的恢復; 讓文貴最欣慰的是,早前加入爆料革命的戰友們都跟下來了,誰說中國人不團結? 戰友們這次受邀出席CPAC,你說這在兩三年前可能嗎?
#爆料革命 #美國 #三權分立 #中國人的團結 #CPAC 3/1/2023 Miles Guo: In the two extremely dark and dangerous years in the past, the Whistleblowers’ Movement had been waiting for Speaker McCarthy to take office and the restoration of the check and balance of powers in the U.S. What makes me the most gratified is that the fellow fighters who joined the Whistleblowers’ Movement earlier are all still with us. Who would say the Chinese people are not united? The fellow fighters have now been invited to attend the CPAC, the world's most powerful political gathering. Do you think this was possible two or three years ago?
#WhistleblowersMovement #US #separationofpowers
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03/25/2023 #Nicole on Wise Guys: The #WhistleblowersMovement and the New Federal State of China, founded and led by Miles Guo, seek to take down the Chinese Communist Party from within. For those who admire communism, we would like to have a fair trade with you, and you can go to Communist China to enjoy the free indoctrination and concentration camps. #WiseGuys #JohnTabacco #LouisGelormino #NFSC #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuoNow 03/25/2023 妮可參加#WiseGuys脫口秀:郭文貴先生創立和引領的爆料革命和新中國聯邦就是要以共滅共;我們願意和那些羨慕共產主義的美國人做個交換,你們去中共國享受免費的集中營和思想洗腦吧。 #新中國聯邦 #消滅中共 #立即釋放郭文貴 @NFSCHimalayaNews
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4/17/2023 Miles Guo told us over the phone that he got a new nickname, "Bruce Guo." He said that he had shed tears not for his wife but for fellow fighters after he was detained. Our fellow fighters are everywhere, even in prisons. You cannot imagine how great the impact of the New Federal State of China and the Whistleblowers' Movement is!
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #NFSC #WhistleblowersMovement #BruceGuo

4/17/2023 郭先生在電話里告訴我們,“郭小龍”成了他的新外號,而且他自從被拘押以來,雖然沒有為七嫂流淚,但卻為戰友們流過眼淚;我們的戰友無處不在,連監獄都被我們”滲透”了!你無法想象新中國聯邦和爆料革命的影響力有多大!
#釋放郭文貴 #釋放王雁平 #新中國聯邦 #爆料革命 #郭小龍 #吉姆喬丹 @NFSCHimalayaNews
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4/17/2023 Miles Guo on the phone: During the live broadcast of the "Miles Insight" program, Mr. Miles Guo suddenly called in and told his fellow fighters not to worry about his safety and food, and he thanked his brothers and sisters, and fellow fighters with blown kisses.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #NFSC #WhistleblowersMovement 4/17/2023 文貴先生在《Nicole看七哥》節目的直播中突然來電,他告訴戰友們無需擔心他的安全和飲食,並以飛吻感謝戰友和兄弟姐妹們!
#釋放郭文貴 #釋放王雁平 #新中國聯邦 #爆料革命 @NFSCHimalayaNews
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4/17/2023 Miles Guo on the phone: During the live broadcast of the "Miles Insight" program, Mr. Miles Guo suddenly called in and told his fellow fighters not to worry about his safety and food, and he thanked his brothers and sisters, and fellow fighters with blown kisses. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #NFSC #WhistleblowersMovement 4/17/2023 文貴先生在《Nicole看七哥》節目的直播中突然來電,他告訴戰友們無需擔心他的安全和飲食,並以飛吻感謝戰友和兄弟姐妹們! #釋放郭文貴 #釋放王雁平 #新中國聯邦 #爆料革命 @NFSCHimalayaNews
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4/19/2023【The 6th Anniversary of 419 incident 】American rapper DVS 7.0: Miles Guo hasn't committed any crimes here in America or anywhere else, and he is being held without bail simply because of false accusations supplied by the CCP. Who are the FBI and DOJ working for? What interests drive them to persecute the enemies of the CCP?
#419incident #FreeMilesGuo #WhistleblowersMovement #NFSC #takedowntheCCP

4/19/2023【419事件六周年】說唱歌手肖恩(DVS 7.0):郭先生從未在美國或任何地方有過任何犯罪行為,僅僅因為中共的誣陷就把他關起來並拒絕保釋。聯邦調查局和司法部究竟是在為誰工作?是什麼樣的利益驅動了他們要去迫害中共的敵人?
#419事件 #釋放郭文貴 #爆料革命 #新中國聯邦 #消滅中共 @NFSCHimalayaNews
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4/19/2023【The 6th Anniversary of 419 incident 】Fellow fighter Little Lamb: After Mr. Miles Guo’s live interview on VOA was cut off on April 19, 2017, more and more people joined the Whistleblowers’ Movement. After Mr. Guo’s illegal imprisonment on March 15, 2023, the righteous forces around the world have gathered to take down the CCP. The tide of taking down the CCP is unstoppable!
#419incident #FreeMilesGuo #WhistleblowersMovement #NFSC #takedowntheCCP

4/19/2023【419事件六周年】戰友小羊: 419斷播門讓更多人參與了爆料革命,而315郭先生被拘捕事件則讓全世界正義力量集結滅共,滅共大潮已勢不可擋!
#419事件 #釋放郭文貴 #爆料革命 #新中國聯邦 #消滅中共 @NFSCHimalayaNews
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4/19/2023【The 6th Anniversary of 419 incident 】Fay Fay: When Americans become aware that the CCP not only released the virus to ruin their lives, but also infiltrated their country and ruined their economy, while some American traitors are siding with the CCP, wouldn't they stand up and resist? I can say with confidence that we will definitely win this war!
#419incident #FreeMilesGuo #WhistleblowersMovement #NFSC #takedowntheCCP

#419事件 #釋放郭文貴 #爆料革命 #新中國聯邦 #消滅中共 @NFSCHimalayaNews
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4/19/2017 What happened behind the scenes of the "419 cut off interview incident" in 2017? It's just the beginning!
#MilesGuo #419cutoffinterviewincident #WhistleblowersMovement #VOA #SashaGong

4/19/2017 2017年美國之音“419斷播門”的台前幕後都發生了什麼?一切都是剛剛開始!
#郭文貴 #419斷播門 #爆料革命 #中共 #美國之音 #火雞龔 #freemilesguonow #freeyvettewang
#takedowntheccp @NFSCHimalayaNews
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4/19/2023【The 6th Anniversary of 419 incident 】Fellow fighter Daguan: Every second Miles Guo spends in jail is proof that the CCP is violating the US Constitution and freedom of speech. On April 19, 2017, Mr. Miles Guo had to fight against the CCP on his own. But after March 15, 2023, tens of millions of fellow fighters stood up for justice, and this is a leap for us! It is Mr. Guo who has sown the seeds of faith and upholding the truth so that each of us has become a good person.
#419incident #FreeMilesGuo #WhistleblowersMovement #NFSC #takedowntheCCP

#419事件 #釋放郭文貴 #爆料革命 #新中國聯邦 #消滅中共 @NFSCHimalayaNews
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4/19/2023【The 6th Anniversary of 419 incident 】Little Sarah: The New Federal State of China has always been protected. We are not at the dawn of victory. Instead, we are victorious.
#419incident #FreeMilesGuo #WhistleblowersMovement #NFSC #takedowntheCCP 4/19/2023【419事件六周年】小Sarah:新中國聯邦一直在被保佑著,我們都不用叫勝利的曙光,勝利就是屬於我們的!
#419事件 #釋放郭文貴 #爆料革命 #新中國聯邦 #消滅中共 @NFSCHimalayaNews
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4/19/2023【The 6th Anniversary of 419 incident 】American rapper DVS 7.0: I wrote the song "Free Miles Guo" because when I learned about what happened to Mr.Miles Guo, I felt compelled to let the whole world hear what happened. Politicians and members of Congress need to seriously investigate CCP’s infiltration into the U.S.
#419incident #FreeMilesGuo #WhistleblowersMovement #NFSC #takedowntheCCP 4/19/2023【419事件六周年】說唱歌手肖恩(DVS 7.0):我創作《釋放郭文貴》這首歌是因為當我瞭解了發生在郭文貴先生身上的事情的時候,我覺得我需要讓整個世界聽到到底發生了什麼; 政客和國會議員們需要認真調查中共在美國的滲透!
#419事件 #釋放郭文貴 #爆料革命 #新中國聯邦 #消滅中共 @NFSCHimalayaNews