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2/4/2023 長島哥:戰友們的抗議活動不僅讓中共的走狗們惶惶不可終日,美國人,美國的媒體和記者們也意識到新中國聯邦人做的是正義的事! 一個美國路人對戰友們說: 「你們在做一個上帝希望我們做的事情」。
#滅共 #香草山告魏麗紅案 #爆料革命 #新中國聯邦 #喜馬拉雅農場 2/4/2023 Brother Changdao: The protests of our fellow fighters not only made the CCP lackeys panic every day, but also helped the Americans, the American media and journalists to realize that citizens of the New Federal State of China are doing the righteous thing! One American said this to our fellow fighters: "You are doing what God wants us to do".
#takedowntheCCP #HimalayaMOSvsSaraLihongWei #WhistleblowersMovement #NFSC #HimalayaFarms @NFSCHimalayaNews