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【NFSC 2nd Anniversary 】06/04/2022 GETTR CEO Jason Miller:We must stand up and take down the CCP. The corporate and global leaders sold out the Chinese people, the people of America and other countries in order to make additional money after the 1989 massacre in Tiananmen Square. We have to separate very clearly the Chinese people from the CCP. The mission with GETTR is to make sure that free speech is always protected.

【新中国联邦2周年】06/04/2022 盖特总裁森·米勒:我们必须站起来打倒中共。 1989 年天安门广场大屠杀后,企业和全球领导人出卖了中国人民、美国人民和其他国家人民,以赚取更多的钱。 我们必须把中国人和中共分得很清楚。 盖特的使命是确保言论自由始终受到保护。

#新中国联邦 #NFSC #ROLF #法治基金 #纪念六四 #rememberjune4th
【NFSC 2nd Anniversary】06/04/2022 Mr. Bannon is interviewed by Little Aila on the 2nd anniversary of the NFSC: The NFSC people proved to the world the lies of the CCP; the Chinese people are fully capable of self-management, and you should make good use of Gettr the social media platform, to spread the evil of the CCP to the world; although there are going to be brighter days ahead, we are going to go through many dark days before we get to the sunlit uplands; only the Chinese people themselves can free themselves.

【新中国联邦2周年】06/04/2022 班农先生在新中国联邦2周年庆典接受小飞象采访:新中国联邦人向世界证明了中共的谎言;中国人民完全有能力自我管理,你们要善于利用盖特这个社交媒体平台,向世界传播中共的邪恶;尽管光明的日子终将到来,但在我们到达阳光明媚的高地之前,必将经历很多黑暗的日子;只有中国人民自己才能解放自己。

#新中国联邦 #NFSC #ROLF #法治基金 #纪念六四 #rememberjune4th


Media is too big
【NFSC 2nd Anniversary】06/07/2022 Abi, a World Liberty TV reporter, pays attention to the June 4 celebration of the NFSC and expresses support and respect for our movement of taking down the CCP. He says communism is an obsolete thing that has to be toppled. He is willing to get involved and help Chinese people rise.

【新中国联邦2周年】06/07/2022 世界自由电视台记者阿比关注新中国联邦的6月4日庆典,对我们的灭共运动表示支持和尊重。他说共产主义是过时的东西,必须被推翻。他很愿意参与其中,帮助中国人民站起来。

#新中国联邦 #NFSC #ROLF #法治基金 #纪念六四 #rememberjune4th
Forwarded from NFSC👁‍🗨News
The vaccine disaster is terrifying. Many countries have dropped the vaccine mandates. The evil CCP’s malicious manipulation is still influencing the world! How dangerous it would be without the New Federal State of China, without our Whistleblower Movement!

疫苗灾难 很吓人。许多国家已经取消了强制疫苗。中共 的 九层妖塔 还在继续影响着世界。这个世界如果没有 新中国联邦,没有 爆料革命 是多么的危险。

#vaccinetruth #vaccinekills #vaccinemandate #ccpliedpeopledied #covidorigin #unrestrictedwarfare #bioweapon #boughtout
#theRuleOfLawFoundtion #theNewFederalStateOfChina
#milesguo #milesgettr #milesgrandlive

#法治基金 #新中国联邦
Forwarded from NFSC👁‍🗨News
The devaluation of the fiat currencies of various countries will accelerate the development of digital currencies around the world. Although the US dollar is the only one that remains strong, it is not good for itself, and the world economy will be worse off in the future! The abolition of the treatment of Communist China as a developing country means the beginning of the world's decoupling from the CCP. Europe will eventually decouple from the CCP even though it will take some time to do so. The next 6 months will be the critical period for Europe to determine its actions to decouple from the CCP.

各国法币的贬值 会加速全球 数字货币 的发展,而唯独 美元 保持强势对其并非好事,未来 世界经济 会更惨!取消 中共国 的 发展中国家待遇 意味着世界跟 中共 脱钩 的开始;虽然脱钩需要时间,但欧洲最终必将跟中共脱钩,未来6个月是决定 欧洲脱钩行动 的关键期。

#中共必灭 #中共币灭
#theRuleOfLawFoundtion #theNewFederalStateOfChina
#milesguo #milesgettr #milesgrandlive

#法治基金 #新中国联邦