【NFSC 2nd Anniversary】06/04/2022 Mr. Bannon is interviewed by Little Aila on the 2nd anniversary of the NFSC: The NFSC people proved to the world the lies of the CCP; the Chinese people are fully capable of self-management, and you should make good use of Gettr the social media platform, to spread the evil of the CCP to the world; although there are going to be brighter days ahead, we are going to go through many dark days before we get to the sunlit uplands; only the Chinese people themselves can free themselves.

【新中国联邦2周年】06/04/2022 班农先生在新中国联邦2周年庆典接受小飞象采访:新中国联邦人向世界证明了中共的谎言;中国人民完全有能力自我管理,你们要善于利用盖特这个社交媒体平台,向世界传播中共的邪恶;尽管光明的日子终将到来,但在我们到达阳光明媚的高地之前,必将经历很多黑暗的日子;只有中国人民自己才能解放自己。

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