Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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Since #CCP passed #NationalSecurityLaw in #HK, the situation worsen each day. #NSL gave unlimited power to #CarrieLam and #HKPoliceTerrorists. With this speed, no one can imagine how bad #HongKong will be in a month.
for the past month, #fakenews has become a term 4 major news media to silence the public with different opinions. The tactic of denying things with no evidence can simple deny anything or everything. A tactic that is used by #HKPoliceTerrorists and #GovHK to silent #HKers.
Chinese University students are known to be brave and outspoken for the truth. They did not forget about the Seige last year, and for that reason, #HKPoliceTerrorists accuse them for breaching #NationalSecurityLaw.

telegram: http://publielectoral.lat/HKDMovement
#HKPoliceTerrorists don't only arrest politicians and journalists anymore. Giggs is a YouTuber known for criticizing the #HKGov and #CCP. Arresting him would mean that no body is safe in #HK when he/she criticizes the government. After #CCP stopped people protesting by passing #NationalSecurityLaw and arresting journalists, they are trying to control the narrative online. There is no room for #freedomofspeech at all.
#Breaking: Keith Fong, student union president of #HongKong Baptist University, just got arrested again this morning by more than 20 police officers. Charges include: perverting the course of justice, resist arrest and possession of offensive weapons.
Currently, #GovHK is using #lawandorder as a weapon to suppress activists. It is obvious that the Department of Justice isn't persecuting fairly. After the arrest of #JoshuaWong, #AgnesChow and #IvanLam, Jimmy Lai, founder of #applenewsdaily was also arrested.

#HKPoliceTerrorists & #CCP have been targeting him for years because applenews is the only newspaper that is not willing to compromise with #CCPChina.

He isn't allowed to bail and is put into custody until April next year. This itself is equivalent as putting him in jail without trial.

By now, #CCP obviously thinks that they have gain full control over #HK's autonomy. It has given order to #HKPoliceTerrorists and #GovHK to arrest not only the prominent activists and lawmakers but anyone who opposes them. This includes freezing the bank account of a church and police raiding restaurants that supported the protest. They want to create white terror to everyone. In the future, they will also arrest any ordinary person.
Today is World Human Right day. However, #HuamnRights have been violated significantly in #HongKong.
In only one week, #HSBC has frozen a church, a pastor, and an ex-law maker's accounts claiming that they were only following #HKPoliceTerrorists' order.
Famous activists, #JoushuaWong, #AgnesChow & #IvanLam were arrested for protesting and were not allowed to bail.
The harassment from #HKPolice has never stopped. #CarrieLam and #GovHK never ceased to use the pandemic as an excuse to forbid people from protesting and trying to enforce "Health code" to track citizens' phone.
This is what's happening on World Human Right day in Hong Kong!
According to RTHK, it was Carrie Lam who proposed to remove Matthew Cheung & promote John Li as Chief Secretary.
However, including Chris Tang, most important roles in #HKGov were once a police officer. Obviously, #CarrieLam isn't in control, but instead getting removed by the #HKPolice.
With this reform happened right after Apple News being taken down, it is hard not to link the connection between the 2 incidences.
Obviously, #CCP strives to remove all the news outlet that monitors them. Now AppleNews is gone, the darkest days for HK has finally begun. We as protesters must find a way to prepare for what is to come.


Never forget about how #HKPoliceTerrorists attacked citizens indiscriminately on Aug31, 2019 in Prince Edward!
Although it is hard to hold protest in #HongKong, numerous protest will be held around the world.
Join us if you are in #Toronto. 👇👇
I dare not to forget what happened exactly 2 years ago. #HongKongers witness how #HKPoliceTerrorists attacked indiscriminately. We saw how evil prevailed. Until today, we still don't know who those police are and put them in justice.
Nov 12, 2019 #HKPoliceTerrorists sieged Chinese University of #HongKong. #HKPolice claimed that there was a riot, but those were students at school. Their intention was clearly to assault the school. Over 2000 teargas were shot and the vice council was 1 of the victim. Everyone in #HK were raged and a lot vulunteer to guard the school. Drivers blocked the road so that the police couldn't reinforce their operation.

A 25 years old man was arrested for rioting from the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong Siege. Remember, they were surrounded, students were attacked by the #HKPoliceTerrorists.

Aug 31 Hong Kong Police Terrorist Commemorate assembly hosted by Somebody in Toronto. The organiser aims to spread the words to local people about how Hong Kong Police, who visted Winnipeg during Fire and Police Games, suppressed the freedom of Hong Kong. They will also raise awareness about the infiltration the Chinese Cimmunist Party operates in Canada.

Time: 7:00 p.m. Aug 31, 2023
Location: Downtown Yonge & Dundas (H&M)

#HKPoliceTerrorists #831HKPoliceTerroristAttack