Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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The recent arrests under Hong Kong's national security law serve as a reminder that no one is safe from the reach of Article 23. The apprehensions, including prominent activist Chow Hang-tung, instill fear and raise concerns about freedom of expression and the rule of law. The use of the law to target individuals and suppress dissent has a chilling effect on society. It underscores the need for continued vigilance in protecting fundamental rights and preserving the autonomy of Hong Kong. #Article23 #NationalSecurityLaw #HongKong #FreedomOfExpression #RuleOfLaw

In a deeply troubling development, 14 Hong Kong democrats have been found guilty while 2 were acquitted in an unfair trial that lacked a jury and involved judges appointed by the government. This landmark national security case not only undermines citizens' voting rights but also raises serious doubts about the impartiality and fairness of the proceedings. The absence of a jury denies defendants their right to a trial by their peers, further eroding the principles of justice. Upholding democratic values and safeguarding individual rights must remain a top priority. #HongKong #UnfairTrial #NoJury #AppointedJudges #VotingRights #NationalSecurityCase #JusticeUnderThreat

Hong Kong Democracy Movement
Part 1 初選 47 人案,經過三年多終於有裁決,毫不意外地 16 個不認罪的被告,絕大部分被判罪成,47 人只有兩人暫時脫罪,但仍要面對上訴。雖然結局早已注定,但作為香港歷史上最重大的政治審判,仍然有必要將法庭如何將香港反對派代表人物全部打成顛覆國家罪犯,留下一個簡單的紀錄。 由當日民主派大搜捕開始,公眾心中都有同一個疑問:立法會議員行使憲制權力,否決政府提出的財政預算案,如何可以被指稱是顛覆國家政權? 今日,李運騰、陳慶偉和陳仲衡三個法官,給出了法庭的答卷。他們前後用了 337 頁、87000…
The Hong Kong court twisted logic and law to imprison opposition figures and strip away citizens' voting rights. They exploited the broad definitions of the national security law, labeling peaceful actions as subversion. The court equated legislative activities with unlawful conspiracy, undermining democracy. They ignored the defense's argument and extended "unlawful means" to non-criminal acts. This sets a dangerous precedent, allowing the government to criminalize dissent. The trial unjustly imprisoned individuals and eroded voting rights, undermining democracy. This highlights the erosion of Hong Kong's autonomy and the need for international support.

Credit: @mwcartoons @renews_hk @inmediahknet

#HongKong #PoliticalRepression #TwistedLogic #StrippedRights #VotingRights #RuleOfLaw
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
// 香港終審法院前非常任法官岑耀信(Jonathan Sumption)上周撰文評論香港法治垂危,隨即惹來特區政府與中方駐港機構連日發文攻擊。 曾任終院非常任法官長達18年的梅師賢(Anthony Mason)是澳洲高院前首席大法官,一直很支持香港終院保留海外法官的制度。他接受《明報》訪問時表示,強烈不接納中方對岑耀信人格作出的批評,形容岑耀信是高度受人尊重的法官。對於岑耀信評論「港區國安法」衝擊香港法治,梅師賢認為即使法官不同意條文內容,包括認為嚴苛或侵犯人權,但只要法例是有效,法官也只能依法判案。//…
Former Australian Chief Justice Anthony Mason, who supports the retention of overseas judges in Hong Kong's Court of Final Appeal, strongly rejects the attacks on former UK Supreme Court judge Jonathan Sumption's character by the Hong Kong government and Chinese authorities. Mason describes Sumption as a highly respected judge. Regarding Sumption's comments on the impact of the national security law on Hong Kong's rule of law, Mason believes that even if judges disagree with the law's provisions, including finding them harsh or violating human rights, they must still apply the law if it is valid. #JudicialIndependence #JonathanSumption #AnthonyMason #OverseasJudges #RuleOfLaw #HongKong #NationalSecurityLaw
Hirano Uryu's denial of entry into Hong Kong further highlights the significant deterioration of freedom in the city. The restrictions on individuals expressing their views and commemorating events like the tragic incident involving Leung Kin-fai demonstrate the shrinking space for dissent and the erosion of fundamental rights. The situation underscores the concerns raised by many regarding the diminishing freedoms and the impact of national security legislation in Hong Kong. #FreedomOfExpression #DeterioratingFreedom #HongKong #NationalSecurityLaw
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
【都做到好明下】 繼同志組織「大同」原訂 629 到 71 在尖沙咀 iSQUARE 舉辦的同志驕傲月市集,因食環署指無申請臨時娛樂牌取消後,再有同一時間舉行的市集取消舉行。 文創市集「Marketoo」原本計劃聯乘電影《公開試當真》,6 月 29 日到 7 月 1 日在啟德AIRSIDE 辦市集,但主辦方今日公告,市集「因不可抗力因素需要取消」。 Marketoo 在公告中為突如其來的轉變致歉,「呢個決定真的很痛心, 亦抱歉地說我地不能透露太多原因」,稱自確認與試當真聯乘深感興奮,數個月來用心準備…
In addition to the recent event cancellations, the repeated disruptions and cancellations of cultural and community gatherings in Hong Kong further underscore the extremely limited freedom in the city. The stringent regulations and arbitrary enforcement by authorities have created an environment of uncertainty and fear, stifling the vibrant expression of diverse voices and restricting the fundamental rights of the people. The shrinking space for social and cultural activities reflects the alarming erosion of freedom in Hong Kong. #LimitedFreedom #EventCancellations #Uncertainty #ErosionOfRights #HongKong
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
【當年今日|反修例回顧】2019年7月1日:示威者佔領立法會 https://bit.ly/4co9yOr 2019年7月1日示威者衝擊並佔領立法會大樓,被視為反修例運動中標誌性的事件。
On July 1, 2019, protesters stormed and occupied Hong Kong's Legislative Council (LegCo) building, a significant event in the anti-extradition bill movement. Demonstrators clashed with police, resulting in arrests and subsequent charges of rioting. Later, protesters escalated their actions by assaulting the LegCo entrance with metal barricades and rods. The government condemned the violence, and in the evening, protesters breached the building, raising banners and defacing symbols. The police eventually cleared the area, leading to further arrests. The aftermath saw individuals facing charges of rioting and unlawfully entering the LegCo premises. #July1st #LegCoOccupation #AntiExtraditionBill #Protests #HongKong
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
新投資移民是否華人居多? 投資推廣署:唔用種族統計 https://bit.ly/3RSZ7dd
The increasing presence of mainlanders in Hong Kong through programs like the 'New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme' may alter the city's dynamics, but it cannot replace the professionals and the unique cultural aspects that define Hong Kong. The city's vibrant professional community and rich cultural heritage continue to shape its distinct identity. Despite changes, Hong Kong's resilience and the contributions of its people remain integral to its character. #HongKong #ProfessionalCommunity #CulturalIdentity
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
過去三年擔任記協主席的陳朗昇宣布不再連任,香港記者協會在上月 22 日舉行周年會員大會,選出《華爾街日報》記者鄭嘉如出任新主席,她在 7 月 1 日正式上任。 記協在今日下午公布,鄭嘉如突然被《華爾街日報》「無理辭退」,她稍後會見記者交代詳情。 在記協周年大會舉行前一日,保安局局長鄧炳強回應查詢,指留意到記協選屆選舉的參選人中,大部份都是外媒的記者,「最初看起來,我還以為是外國記者協會」,又指部分參選人是自由身記者,有些甚至不是記者。 上任香港記者協會主席僅十七日的鄭嘉如,今日突然被任職的《華爾街日…
Selina Cheng, the current HKJA president, was dismissed by WSJ allegedly due to her presidency role. This event has raised concerns about press freedom and the challenges faced by journalists in Hong Kong. Cheng's situation underscores the complexities journalists encounter in the region.

Threats to press freedom by the Hong Kong government have far-reaching implications beyond the city, impacting international media coverage, global perceptions, trust in institutions, journalists' work, diaspora communities, and the global media landscape.

#HongKong #PressFreedom #HKJA #WSJDismissal
In the '818 Flowing Procession' case at Victoria Park in 2019, final appeal by Jimmy Lai, Lee Cheuk-yan, Wu Chi-wai, Leung Kwok-hung, Claudia Mo, Martin Lee, and Albert Ho for illegal assembly charges unanimously rejected by the Court of Final Appeal. Chief Justice Zhang Juneng emphasizes UK legal precedents differ from HK's context. Overseas judge David Neuberger, part of the ruling, finds no distinction in assessing restrictions on assembly rights between the two jurisdictions. Citizens left confused as judges no longer follow common law practice, influenced by China. #818Protests #JudicialIndependence #OverseasJudges #HongKong
"In the '818 Flowing Procession' case, HK's Court of Final Appeal rejects appeals by Jimmy Lai, Lee Cheuk-yan, Wu Chi-wai, and others for 'participating in a gathering,' sparking controversy over alleged damage to assembly rights. Former HK Governor Patten criticizes the ruling's injustice. Int'l concern mounts over unfair trials in HK. Lord Patterson comments: 'This unjust verdict is worsened by Lord Neuberger's involvement.' HK gov't condemns Patten's 'malicious defamation.' #HongKong #RuleOfLaw #JusticeSystem"
"Former police commander Luk Chun Chung stands trial for alleged molestation of subordinates in 2022 after dining in Fanling. Victims testify to incidents in restroom. Luk denies charges of molestation, dangerous driving, and misconduct. Victim recounts lack of help during assaults. This case reveals broader issues within the Hong Kong police force, highlighting challenges citizens face daily. Trial continues. #HongKong #PoliceMisconduct #LegalProceedings"
In Hong Kong, Security Chief Tang's intrusion into press freedom sparks worry as truth-telling writers face warnings to 'tread carefully.' Tang cautions media editors against publishing anti-government pieces, stressing writers' accountability. Ming Pao's chief editor also advises columnists to exercise caution amid hints of looming crises. These events unfolded recently, prompting netizens to draw parallels between these warnings and underworld 'watch your step' advice, reminiscent of gangster-like directives. #HongKong #FreedomOfSpeech #MediaScrutiny
"David Neuberger's decision to stay on as a judge in Hong Kong while stepping down from his role as the Media Freedom Coalition legal expert has stirred concerns about court independence. This move has sparked questions about his impartiality, especially in matters concerning freedom of expression, intensifying worries about judicial autonomy in politically charged environments. Reporters Without Borders expressed disappointment, highlighting the potential impact on press freedom advocacy. #HongKong #JudicialIndependence"