Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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What's going on with this guy? So even when people not being able to hire their own attorney, trail behind close door, and all those corruption, China still has #ruleoflaw. If that's the case, why not suggest to adopt the legal system from #China to #UK?

國際線:中共全球渗透 (Cantonese)

Canada-HK Link President, Gloria Fung
HKPACE Queensland: Bonnie Wong

HKDMovement 很榮幸請到3名知名平權人士和政治評論員講述中共在全球的渗透活動。

HKDMovement is honored to be able to invite 3 well known activists/political commentator to explain CCP's infiltration around the globe.


HKDMovement x Hong Kong Voice (a Hong Kong democracy advocate club in Clubhouse) was honoured to invite 3 guests, Song Pao, Gloria Fung (President of Canada-HK Link), and Bonny Wong (HKPACE Queensland) to our event. They fully explained #CCPinfiltration in three different places, Australia, Canada, and Taiwan and how we should respond to it.
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
MI5, FBI chiefs warn over China in rare joint address https://app.hongkongfp.com/2022/07/07/mi5-fbi-chiefs-warn-over-china-in-rare-joint-address/
For years, we have been warning the world that China is a threat to the whole world. Their espionage is thorough in every aspect. However, we've received feedback saying we are spreading fake news and sometimes even called conspiracy theorist. With the MI5 & FBI making a rare statement acknowledged the fact that China is their biggest threat, everyone should know what kind of threat #CCP truly is.

#HSBC installed #CCP member is an example of how CCP infiltrate in to foreign corporations. It was done in several listed developers in #HK. #HSBC, which its headquarters based in #UK, is the 1st foreign financial group to do so. If nothing is done, more companies interested in the Chinese market will be forced to install CCP member as well.

How does that affect the local people? Soon, we will realize that HSBC best interest is to benefit CCP rather than it's stakeholders. They will make investment in China which will surely not make any profit, for ex: the #BeltandRoadInitiative.

#HongKong under Covid Zero policy. After going against people's will, most a lot of professionals, middle class citizens have left #HK. Now, the #HKGov has no capability to rule the city.


Credit: IG @vawongsir
#CCP has 300 secret police stations operating around the globe. What they can do is bring people back to China, monitoring their opposition, collect data, & espionage. In Toronto, Trudeau and Doug Ford actually congratulate it's opening.

Hong Kong Democracy Movement
Now the world knows who owns Canada... Xi to Trudeau at G20: Everything discussed yesterday "has been leaked to the paper(s), that’s not appropriate" and "that’s not the way the conversation was conducted." 🇺🇸Join👉 @SGTnewsNetwork 📎Twitter▪️IG▪️Truth Social
What #XiJinPing referred to was the news about China's interference in Canada's election in 2019: https://www.nationnews.com/2022/11/08/china-accused-interfering-canadas-elections/
2 days ago, he confronted Priminister Trudeau because the media reported a Canada's national security threat directly because of him.
In 2019, #CCP formed a secret society to support 11 candidates that were directly related to them. They also created a fake news campaign to interfere the election.
However, this isn't something new that we have heard of. Yet, the lack of action of the Trudeau Administration has kept Canada vulnerable.

According to Global and Mail, CSIS warned Trudeau about Toronto-area politician's alleged ties to Chinese diplomats. Michael Chan, mayor of Markham and former Ontario Liberal cabinet minister, is suspected to meet with Chinese intelligence operatives in the 2019 and 2021 federal elections. Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) also has a dossier on him related to his activities.

Chan, denied the accusation and claimed he is a loyal Canadian.


#CCPInfiltration #ResistChina
Former Canadian Security and Intelligent Service Director (CSIS), Richard Fadden, expressed his concerns about the threat that China has imposed recently in the CTV interview. He understands that China has always try to infiltrate the Canadian government at all levels for a long time. However, by using #spyballoon, China is no longer subtle about their Intention.

The host of the show also had info that Canada military has also found drones, which can only be used for military purpose. As of right now, Canada is still showing a conservative stand towards this crisis. However, it does not mean that Canada does not consider this as a military threat.

Pro-Beijing supporters disrupted a protest that supported the #whitepaperrevolution at Sydney University on February 15th. Those Chinese students tore posters down and cut the microphone's power source.

According to the protesters, the school security helped those Chinese supporters by not stopping them nor calling the police. Those protesters had to go find the police themselves. The police has yet to charge those saboteurs.

One of the protesters, Aaron, said that the school, students and police do not support freedom of speech nor basic human right because Sydney Univeristy is heavily relied on money from China.

Protest and assembly throughout the day in Toronto.

National Day assembly that advocates freedom and democracy in Hong Kong will start from 11am to 1pm.

Then, protest against Chinese infiltration in Canada will start immediately at Grange Park Toronto.

A Chinese secret medical lab was discovered in California in March. Prestige Biotech, a Chinese medical company allegedly operate the unlicensed lab.

At least 20 infectious agents were detected. Viruses such as HIV, COVID-19, hepatitis were found. 180 lab rat were found dead out of 900 of them.

"Certain rooms of the warehouse were found to contain several vessels of liquid and various apparatus," court documents said. "Fresno County Public Health staff also observed blood, tissue and other bodily fluid samples and serums; and thousands of vials of unlabeled fluids and suspected biological material."

Hundreds of mice also were found at the warehouse, where they were "kept in inadequate conditions in overcrowded cages" with no food or water, according to court documents. An associate with Prestige Biotech told investigators the mice were "genetically engineered to catch and carry the COVID virus," the documents added.


#Hongkongers in #Canada are now proposing a Foreign Influence Transparency Registry to fight against #CCP influence in Canada. After Chinese Secret Plice Stations are exposed by the Candian Security Intelligent Service (CSIS), a lot of Canadians are concerned about the influence China has in Canada. Setting up a comprehensive system of Foreign Influence Transparency Registry is one of the most effective ways to safeguard the Canadian democratic system.

If the registration is passed, Foreign agents will need to list out their activities in the country. Hence, becoming more transparent about Foreign influences on policies within the country other than its own democratic system.

Anyone in Canada who successfully applied for Permanent Residence can sign this petition.


Hong Kong Democracy Movement
Explosive revelations in the UK expose a hidden network of Chinese influence, raising concerns about national security. The investigation by pianist 'Dr K' Brendan Kavanagh uncovers the infiltration of Chinese infiltration the UK education sector, highlighting the tactics of CCP's influence.

Newton Leng, known as 'Roaring Man,' provides teaching materials for GCSE Chinese with ties to Confucius Institutes, amplifying concerns about CCP's impact on education.

Adelina, also known as Zhang Ning, have close ties to the Chinese Embassy and UK political circles, raising further national security concerns.

Additionally, Liu Mengying, founder of Top Offer Academy, a recruitment company, attracts attention due to her connections and the changing addresses of her registered company.

#CCPInfiltration #ConfuciusInstitutes #ChineseInfluence #NationalSecurity"
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
繼英美及新西蘭本周初譴責中國支持的黑客組織「APT31」多年間對海外發起數千次網絡攻擊後,比利時和芬蘭分別證實該組織對其發動網絡攻擊。評論認為,習近平擴張野心在現實和網絡世界同時推進,認為民主國家應採取更有力措施,包括阻止中國獲得有關技術。⁣ ⁣ 美國周一(25日)證實七名來自中國駭客組織的間諜對美國白宮、國會及批評北京的西方議員等進行了數千次網絡攻擊。周二(26日),芬蘭警方證實,與中國國家安全部有關的「APT31」黑客組織是 2021 年芬蘭議會遭網絡入侵事件的幕後黑手。芬蘭安全情報局也和國際合作伙伴…
Belgium and Finland join the condemnation as they confirm being targeted by China-backed hacking group APT31. Criticisms grow over Xi Jinping's expanding ambitions in both physical and online realms, urging democratic nations to take stronger measures, including restricting China's access to relevant technologies. The US confirms thousands of cyberattacks by seven Chinese spies on the White House, Congress, and Western legislators critical of Beijing. Finland's police link the APT31 group, associated with China's National Security Ministry, to the 2021 cyber intrusion in their parliament. Joint investigations focus on espionage, communication breaches, and intrusions into Finland's parliamentary information systems, pointing directly at Beijing.

#ChineseHackers #CyberAttacks #CCPInfiltration #APT31 #EvilCCP #TakeDownCCP

source: @rfacantonese