Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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Panorama has spent the last year with young journalists and protestors as they live through the most turbulent period in Hong Kong's recent history. When the British government transferred sovereignty back to China in 1997, it promised to protect freedom of speech, but new laws have effectively silenced all criticism. Street protests have all but stopped, pro-democracy lawmakers have been replaced by Beijing loyalists and Hong Kong's new chief executive is its former security chief, who led the crackdown. Reporter Danny Vincent has been following those who've lived through the street protest movement, both as activists and reporters, many of whom are now in prison.

Link to BBC: https://is.gd/L4KiYw

#七一淪陷日 #沒有回歸只有淪陷 #七一 #沒有兩國何來兩制 #消失的香港 #香港大監獄


香港今年的評分為41分,較去年下跌1分,其中「政治權利」(Political Rights)40分滿分只有9分,「公民權利」(Civil Liberties)60滿分,則有32分。本港去年先後有47人初選案開審、律政司就《願榮光歸香港》一曲申請禁制令、區議會選舉減少直選議席,投票率創新低、以及壹傳媒創辦人黎智英的國安案開審。報告認為,本港於2020年實施《港區國安法》、以及於翌年改變選舉制度,均對一國兩制構成重大侵害。


#全球自由報告 #消失的香港 #國安法 #消失的民主自由

報導 : 香港大紀元 @hk.epochtimes
擁有460萬訂閱的美國YouTube頻道「Wendover Productions」,最新以香港為題發片,片名為「香港緩慢、安靜的死亡(The Slow, Quiet Death of Hong Kong)」,解釋香港「由治及衰」的過程。片末總結:「未來,世界會把香港視為中國短視的例子,北京出於對民主的恐懼,摧毀一座曾經偉大的城市」。

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wjFcTcWa4U

影片從三方面講述這個轉變。首先提及2019年反修例運動和《國安法》的實施。然後講述香港政制,特別強調2021年「愛國者治港」的選舉改制,形容是「民主已死」(Democracy is dead in Hong Kong)。最後直指港中融合削弱香港原有的商業優勢,將被新加坡、上海取代。

影片又指,「在民主制度內,異見是必然存在的(In a democratic system, dissent is inherent)」,稱在民主的香港,反中陣營就會一直存在(In a democratic Hong Kong, therefore, there will always be an anti-China camp)。

影片最後總結:「未來,世界將把香港視為中國短視的例子——北京出於對民主的恐懼,而摧毀一座曾經偉大的城市(In the future the world will look back on hong kong as an example of chinese short-sightedness-destruction of a once-great city out of fear of what democracy could do to Beijing)」。

頻道「Wendover Productions」由Sam Denby和Tristan Purdy組成,每週影片以一個地方或社會議題作主題,解釋背後的來龍去脈。頻道坐擁460萬訂閱,曾發布逾230條影片,每條影片的點擊率均過百萬。

#愛國者治港 #反修例運動 #國安法 #消失的香港 #消失的民主自由

報導:光傳媒 Photon Media www.photonmedia.net