Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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【7.1 淪陷廿五年活動】籲海外港人黑衣白絲帶 · 悼念抗爭義士犧牲

今年7.1 獨裁者習近平訪港,港共政權企圖對外打造香港歌舞昇平的假象,現呼籲海外港人支持以下行動,抗衡港共外宣手段:

(1) 可於7.1當日穿上黑衣白絲帶,拍照上傳社交媒體,並hashtag #Hongkongisnotchina#七一淪陷日

(2) 參與聯署,向外表明不承認李家超為特首:https://chng.it/Mn5vPprNYN (簽署時可選 “Do not display name”)

(3) 如你所在的城市有舉辦遊行或集會,請務必參與。


#七一 #集會 #七一遊行 #七一淪陷日 #沒有回歸只有淪陷 #梁健輝 #Hongkongisnotchina

Panorama has spent the last year with young journalists and protestors as they live through the most turbulent period in Hong Kong's recent history. When the British government transferred sovereignty back to China in 1997, it promised to protect freedom of speech, but new laws have effectively silenced all criticism. Street protests have all but stopped, pro-democracy lawmakers have been replaced by Beijing loyalists and Hong Kong's new chief executive is its former security chief, who led the crackdown. Reporter Danny Vincent has been following those who've lived through the street protest movement, both as activists and reporters, many of whom are now in prison.

Link to BBC: https://is.gd/L4KiYw

#七一淪陷日 #沒有回歸只有淪陷 #七一 #沒有兩國何來兩制 #消失的香港 #香港大監獄
#聯署 : https://chng.it/HFFfg5qnzB

Have you seen this billboard?

It has just popped up all over Australian cities - Leichhardt, Rozelle and Silverwater in #Sydney and Carlton in #Melbourne to name a few locations - and bears the stamp of Chinese Communist Party propaganda, broadcast blatantly on our streets. What it seeks to do is to normalise and glorify China's so called 'New Era' of repression in Hong Kong, following the brutal crackdown of democracy activists and civil society.

For Hongkongers in Australia, it is a cruel reminder of the rights and freedoms that they have lost in their home city. It is also offensive to all democracy loving Australians.

Similar signage in Brussels was taken down 24 hours after citizens registered their outrage and we can do the same - these billboards must come down!

這些巨型廣告牌在 #澳洲 多個城市包括 #悉尼#墨爾本 等多區樹立,他們都是打著中共旗號的大外宣。


#NeverTrustCCP #TakeDownTheCCP #沒有回歸只有淪陷