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Jan 3: on day 5 of #JimmyLai's trial, prosecutors claiming he directed #AppleDaily's English edition to promote "yellow" viewpoints and seek foreign sanctions. They mention Lai's Twitter account, where he followed figures like Tsai Ing-wen and Mike Pence. The judge questioned the relevance, but prosecutors argue it shows Lai's connections and state of mind. Critics see these charges as an attack on free expression.

Jimmy Lai's trial highlights the concerning reality that having a Twitter account can now be used against individuals in prosecutions. The case underscores the potential risks individuals face for expressing their viewpoints and connecting with others on social media platforms. #FreedomOfExpression #freehk #freepoliticalprisoners
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
黎智英案第27日審訊|陳沛敏:黎認為中國隱瞞疫情 《蘋果》「做大啲」相關新聞 https://bit.ly/49a00on
Founder of Apple Daily, Jimmy Lai, and related companies face "conspiring with foreign forces" charges. Former vice president Chan Pui-man testifies, highlighting Lai's COVID-19 concerns and news influence.

A column by Lai in April 2020 was presented, mentioned "the courage to do what we know we can't".

Chan also admires those persisting for democracy. Trial adjourns till Feb 19. #AppleDaily #JimmyLai #PressFreedom #HongKong #Democracy
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
黎智英案第33日審訊|陳沛敏:被捕獲釋後請辭 有份批准《蘋果》最後印100萬份 https://bit.ly/3TedhH2
Jimmy Lai, founder of Next Digital and related companies, continues trial on charges of "conspiring with foreign forces." Former Apple Daily deputy chief editor, Chan Pui-man, testifies, revealing chaos within the company at the time of her resignation. She approved the printing of the final Apple Daily issue, with 1 million copies, despite feeling awkward about her role. Chan agrees with Lai's democratic values but claims her news judgment remains independent. Trial to resume on Wednesday. #JimmyLai #AppleDaily #Trial
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
黎智英案第37日審訊|楊清奇:黎曾稱不擔心被捕 若被捕相信英美不會坐視不理 https://bit.ly/4bX7UU5
During the trial, Jimmy Lai, founder of Apple Daily, revealed that he was not concerned about the possibility of his arrest. Lai expressed his belief that if he were to be apprehended, it would serve as evidence of the Chinese Communist Party's suppression of human rights and press freedom. He further stated his confidence that countries like the United States, United Kingdom, and Europe would not stand idly by in such a scenario. The trial continues to unfold. #JimmyLai #AppleDaily #FreePoliticalPrisoners #PressFreedom
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
黎智英案第54日審訊|裴倫德提及「打倒中共」 李宇軒發訊指「首要目標是建立香港」 https://bit.ly/3PFmlm4
Jimmy Lai, founder of Next Digital and Apple Daily, along with three related companies, faces charges of conspiring with foreign forces. During the 54th day of trial, witness Li Yuxuan reveals communication with UK Conservative Party member Peillun De before the National Security Law came into effect. Discussions revolve around utilizing Hong Kong to "topple the CCP," and Li acknowledges Hong Kong's willingness to play that role. He clarifies that "toppling" refers to causing chaos and confirms his willingness to bear the consequences. Li also emphasizes that their primary goal is to establish Hong Kong, with "toppling the CCP" being secondary or merely a means to "liberate Hong Kong." The trial adjourns until April 8.

#JimmyLai #NationalSecurityLaw #HongKong #NextDigital #AppleDaily
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
黎智英案第81日審訊|庭上播《蘋果》宣傳片 黎稱對市民有責、要「留低市民呢把聲」 https://bit.ly/3wKuI9M
Founder of Apple Daily, Jimmy Lai, and three related companies face charges of "conspiring with foreign forces" among others. The trial entered its 81st day at West Kowloon Court on Wednesday (22nd), where Lai's interview program and the full "Live Chat with Jimmy Lai" video were presented. In a 2020 promotional video, Lai mentioned the challenges of operating under the National Security Law and urged employees to prioritize their safety and conscience. Lai expressed a sense of responsibility towards citizens and vowed to continue voicing their concerns. He thanked the public for their support, stating that he would have no regrets in his pursuit of meaningful actions. The trial continues on Thursday (23rd). #JimmyLai #AppleDaily #NationalSecurityLaw
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
// 在台港人來了。 他冒雨舉牌聲援「濕到腳趾都爛」,仿如2019年8月18日香港人170萬雨中「流水式集會」: 「今日唔出嚟對唔住自己!」。他打開《蘋果日報》黃傘、攜同物資前來支持,沿途有人協助搬運:「因為反惡法撐自由好緊要,畀台灣人望到,香港人來支持。」他是集會聲援組織搞手,由10年前太陽花運動睇熱鬧到此時此刻集會落手落腳,心情感動但非常複雜:「如果話欷歔,反而是一種警惕,大家相信太陽花後台灣民主會走向更好,但事件反映會有民主倒退,或民主體制被利用」。 // 【太陽花運動2.0・追特寫| 淋雨濕到腳趾爛似8.18「流水式集會」…
"In the rain, Taiwanese and Hong Kongers unite. They brave the downpour, holding signs that say 'Drenched to the toes but never giving up,' reminiscent of the 1.7 million-strong Hong Kong rally on August 18, 2019. Carrying yellow umbrellas and supplies from Apple Daily, they come to show their support. Along the way, people assist in carrying the items, understanding the importance of standing against the evil law for freedom. He is an organizer of the solidarity gathering, witnessing the transformation from being a spectator during the Sunflower Movement ten years ago to actively participating now. His emotions are mixed, feeling touched but also wary. He believes that Taiwan's democracy will continue to progress after the Sunflower Movement, but recent events reflect potential setbacks or the exploitation of the democratic system."

#AntiExtraditionMovement #Taiwan #KMT #SunflowerMovement #PeopleParty #DPP #Rally #AppleDaily #HongKong #NewsCoverage #thechaser


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#Appledaily #黎智英 #freejimmylai #壹傳媒 #立場新聞 #新聞自由 #PressFreedom