Hong Kong Democracy Movement
//壹傳媒創辦人黎智英與《蘋果日報》三間相關公司被控串謀勾結外國勢力及串謀刊印煽動刊物等罪,周一(8日)在西九龍裁判法院續審。控方讀出承認事實,包括黎智英與多名美國前官員的電郵聯絡紀錄;另外在《蘋果》主筆楊清奇的手提電話找到他跟已故作家李怡及區家麟的對話紀錄,又顯示《蘋果》在出事前有設立「國安法應變委員會」,成員包括多名被捕高層。控方稱將會傳召15名證人出庭,包括張劍虹、陳沛敏及李宇軒等5名「從犯證人」。// 【黎智英案.第七日審訊|黎智英電郵有跟前華府官員聯絡   控方將傳召張劍虹陳沛敏李宇軒等「從犯證人」】…
Jan 8: day 7 of the trial, Founder of Next Digital, Jimmy Lai, and three related companies including Apple Daily, are charged with conspiring with foreign forces and inciting secession in Hong Kong. Prosecution presented evidence of email correspondence between Lai and several former US officials. These charges not only raise concerns about the criminalization of contact with foreign officials but also undermine freedom of expression in Hong Kong. The trial continues. #HongKong #JimmyLai #AppleDaily #FreedomOfExpression