Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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HKDMovement aims to provide the latest updates on the democratization progress and politics in Hong Kong.

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/hkdmovement
Twitter: hkdnow1
Gab: hkdnow
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#CCPChina has spent years to gain control over mainstream media in #HongKong. They took over TV channels and newspaper 1 by 1. As it turns out, #HKers stop reading and watching news that favors #CCP or #China. You can be sure that CCP has a huge influence in western MSM as well.
The term #Chinazi wasn't a racist joke at all. There are a lot of similarities between #Nazi and #CCP. They are racist and always undermine or persecute the minorities. Under #CCPChina, #HKers, #Uyghurs, #Tibetans, #Mongolians and now #Jews are all victims.
It's reported that the 12 detained #Hkers have been formally charged by the Yantian Procuratorate. 2 charged with organising illegal crossing border. 8 illegal crossing border. 2 underaged will be subject to closed door hearing later.
#Facebook has been shadow censoring our page. Our page views has been significantly dropped from over 100k views to under 1k views each post. Some local groups and pages in #HK are banned. We are not complaining because we are lacking of attention, but it is obvious that Facebook is helping #CCP to silence #HKers and anything that's opposing #CCPChina. They are helping a tyranny which has already become a threat in their own country instead of supporting democracy. We hope that you can follow us or other activist groups on #MeWe & #Gab to keep our voice heard.
I wish that our MeWe and Gab account will have more followers than Facebook and #Twitter. Then, we will close those accounts at once.
Lawyer and District Councilor, Daniel Wong, was arrested & is now bailed. #HKPoliceTerrorist claimed that he was related to the #12HKYouth. However, Daniel said he was still unclear what he was arrested for. "#democracy, #RuleOfLaw, #Freedom, #HKers don't give up." he said.
The history of Hong Kong began on January 26, 1841. From that day, #HK has evolved into an international city. The city was built upon its autonomy and #ruleoflaw. 180 years later, #HKers are struggling to preserve our heritage.
It is the least interest for the CEO of #HSBC to show the entire truth of the whole matter of how the banks has bided with all of HKPF's request. To follow their request, HKBC had skipped all procedure in order to freeze accounts. This simply helps the #GovHK to further undermine #HumanRights of #HKers.
There are much more than just 8 people that are trying to "Reclaim #HongKong". Every #HongKongers around the world are striving to end the totalitarian state that is affecting #HKers, #Taiwanese, #Uyhurs and #Tibetans.
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
Do Not Split, a short film about Hong Kong Protest, is nominated for best short documentary at the Oscars. #CCP is trying hard to censor it. Regardless whether it wins or not, Hongkongers' story must be told. Please share the short film: https://vimeo.com/504381953
I had tears coming out from my eyes watching it. In a way, glad that #HKers' identity have changed from materialism to freedom fighter, yet sad at the same time seeing our home getting destroyed by the CCP day by day. I really fucking love #HK.
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
We would like to think that our modern society would help safeguard #humanrights. However,2021 has not been a glorious year for humanity. #CCP continues to enslave #Uyghurs, eliminates the original language of #mongolian, abuses #HKers freedom of speech and destroys #TheRuleOfLaw. Meanwhile, military coup in #Myanmar has turned the country into hell.

Worst of all, despite the lip service the free countries provided, #EU led by #German continues to make trade deals with #China.

#US continues to allow apps run by CCP owns corporates to steal personal data from their own citizens; letting CCP espionage disguise as Confucius Institute in its own universities to steal all the intellectual properties.

Giant tech monopolies all help #CCPChina to censor anything that mention about #humanrights, #freedom or #justice.

The #worldwiderallyforfreedom shows how angry people are. Let this protest be a start. More and more people will commit themselves to vote out those politicians who say one thing and act as another out and boycott those companies who do not fulfill their corporates duties.
Today, #HKGov announced a law to forbid people from promoting blank vote in the newly amended election. They claimed that blank vote would hurt the legitimacy of the lection. However, the logic behind this is to forbid #HKers to have any kind of method to protest. The amendment itself has already violated the basic law & breached the Sino-British Joint Declaration.

While already having the full control of the election, they also force citizens to agree with them by putting candidates they have already planned for. The other countries that have similar election are Norrth Korea & Iran.