Hong Kong Democracy Movement
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for the past month, #fakenews has become a term 4 major news media to silence the public with different opinions. The tactic of denying things with no evidence can simple deny anything or everything. A tactic that is used by #HKPoliceTerrorists and #GovHK to silent #HKers.
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
#WuhunVirus #CCP #China #HK #app #surveillance #withoutlipig
#CarrieLam & #GovHK has been talking about enforcing people to have a health code for months. The 4th wave of the pandemic has become an opportunity for them. With the app created by the #CCP, they can have access to the location and any data in the phone. They can also stop anyone from going to certain places just like how it is in #China.
Despite #HK medical staffs help protecting the lives of the people, #GovHK punishes them for speaking out from their profession knowledge. #CCP always punish people for speaking out. This makes the a city extremely vulnerable from a pandemic.
Most part of the world would consider what #AgnesChow, #JoshuaWong and #IvanLam have done as noble. However, pushing #HongKong to have democracy is considered as a crime for #CCP and #GovHK. They do not deserve to be put in jail!
Currently, #GovHK is using #lawandorder as a weapon to suppress activists. It is obvious that the Department of Justice isn't persecuting fairly. After the arrest of #JoshuaWong, #AgnesChow and #IvanLam, Jimmy Lai, founder of #applenewsdaily was also arrested.

#HKPoliceTerrorists & #CCP have been targeting him for years because applenews is the only newspaper that is not willing to compromise with #CCPChina.

He isn't allowed to bail and is put into custody until April next year. This itself is equivalent as putting him in jail without trial.

By now, #CCP obviously thinks that they have gain full control over #HK's autonomy. It has given order to #HKPoliceTerrorists and #GovHK to arrest not only the prominent activists and lawmakers but anyone who opposes them. This includes freezing the bank account of a church and police raiding restaurants that supported the protest. They want to create white terror to everyone. In the future, they will also arrest any ordinary person.
#CarrieLam and #GovHK have given up to use excuses to defend themselves. Now they simply give false information to cover up their wrongdoings.
Today is World Human Right day. However, #HuamnRights have been violated significantly in #HongKong.
In only one week, #HSBC has frozen a church, a pastor, and an ex-law maker's accounts claiming that they were only following #HKPoliceTerrorists' order.
Famous activists, #JoushuaWong, #AgnesChow & #IvanLam were arrested for protesting and were not allowed to bail.
The harassment from #HKPolice has never stopped. #CarrieLam and #GovHK never ceased to use the pandemic as an excuse to forbid people from protesting and trying to enforce "Health code" to track citizens' phone.
This is what's happening on World Human Right day in Hong Kong!
#CarrieLam led secretaries and political assistants to take oaths in a close door ceremony. This ceremony was organized within a short time. The oath also represent that the #GovHK will no longer serve the people of #HK but the #CCP. Another hint that #HongKongers will become a race similar to the #Jewish in #WW2
Jan 6th might be the toughest day for me since the first day I started fighting for Hong Kong's democracy. I've witness the first tear gas being shot on Sept 28th, 2014 which led to the #UmbrellaMovement; the Fishball Revolution which I passed by; and witness #HKPoliceTerorrist ambushed protesters on June 12th, 2019. None of those was as saddening as the mass arrest yesterday.

Seeing people that I've met getting arrested for #NationalSecurityLaw only because of the Primaries. The unjustice, the anger, the helplessness all appear at the same time. I remember I volunteered to help out, urging people, and even begging my friends and family to vote. I knew that no matter what, the #GovHK or #CCP would rig the election anyway, but what I did not expect was them getting arrested.

~Founder of Hong Kong Democracy Movement 民主運動
Hong Kong Democracy Movement
Lemme remind you. US capitol siege and HK legislative council siege do NOT equate to each other. HK protestors are trying to defend democracy. And the US one is trying to dismantle it.
While some may think that the siege at the capitol yesterday isn't justified, not every HongKonger thinks the same. It is true that there is a winning side and a losing side in a democratic system. However, the process has to be justify and to be seen as justify. Whether you believe there is voter fraud or not, there is a huge speculation of it. It is the government & politicians' responsibility to examine & clarify speculation. To blame a protest in any form as riot is to dodge their responsibility to the protester. In this case, the very same method used by #GovHK.
(It is obvious that there're differences among the admins of HKDM Team on this matter, but there is no censoring on this channel)
Recently, people in #HK found themselves not able to access to hkchronicles.com. Rumor about #GovHK blocking the internet was then spread immediately. Although only 1 website is blocked right now, but a #firewall in Hong Kong can happen just like #China in any second.

#GovHK issue arrest warrant to 2 Denmark politicians who has helped #TedHui. #CCP has arrested Chinese outside of #China before and abduct them back to #China. They sure will abduct politicians who are against them once they are able to. They are now showing their intention through GovHK.

27 #EU counties are sending representatives to monitor the trials of the 53 arrested democrats. These sort of things would only happened in #China & have never happened before in HK.
Although the #GovHK still insist that #RuleOfLaw exists, it has completely vanished.
We heard information that prominent I-Banks are disbanding their #HK teams as early as Dec 2020. #GovHK grills executive for leaving is something no one could have imagined. This desperate action shows several indications.
1. Claiming that #Beijing has been supporting HK's finance was simply a propaganda. In fact, Chinese corporates rely on HK for their 2nd IPOs.
2. Beijing & GovHK miss calculate that investors & I-Banks would still base in HK even after imposing #NSL.
3. Currently, Beijing's plan for HK is "keep the island, not the people". UK is expecting up to 200k - 300k HKers moving there by March this year with the majority of them are middle class and professionals in different fields. This might just be the last straw that breaks the camels back.

It is the least interest for the CEO of #HSBC to show the entire truth of the whole matter of how the banks has bided with all of HKPF's request. To follow their request, HKBC had skipped all procedure in order to freeze accounts. This simply helps the #GovHK to further undermine #HumanRights of #HKers.
After #NSL is completely implemented in #HK, all other agendas follow. The plan is to completely wipe out the qualities and the systems of HK and replacing it with the method #CCP uses in China. At this stage, #GovHK's plan is not recognizing BNO & real name registration for sim card.

Ultimately, CCP wants to run the social credit system which will be disguise as the "health code" and cancel the dual citizenship which a significant number of citizens have in HK. When this is done, the CCP will hold one of the biggest big data in the world and no body will be able to keep any secret from them.
The sudden micro district lock downs show that #GovHK uses every means to follow CCP's order. It's obvious that this type of lock downs have no effects on helping to ease the pandemic. They are imposed at less wealthy areas only & are extremely annoying as they don't suit the landscape of the city. They become like traps for citizens without any preparations. The true intent is not about finding new COVID cases but using COVID testing from China which is suspected for collecting DNA data.
#CarrieLam & #GovHK is trying to further control the press in #HK so that citizens will have no opportunity to monitor the government. This is part of her assignment from CCP to create a complete totalitarian state for the "2nd return" of HK. When it is completed, HK will become exactly like #XinJiang.