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#Arrest #PoliticalOppression
Australian-Chinese dual citizen accused of violating National Security Law
HK authorities : No obligation to grant consular visitation to dual nationals

Source: Radio France Asia; #Feb8

#PrimaryElection #Primaries #Legcopetition #Australia #SecurityBureau #GorgonNg #NgChingHang

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#Arrest #PoliticalOppression
Australian-Chinese dual citizen accused of violating National Security Law
HK authorities : No obligation to grant consular visitation to dual nationals

On February 8, Australian Broadcast Company (#ABC) quoted the federal government that an Australian-Chinese man was charged under the National Security Law (#NSL).

Although the authorities did not reveal his identity, a spokesperson at Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (#DFAT) indicated that the defendant was arrested on Jan 6, 2021, for "conspiring to subvert state power".

He was released on bail the next day but was then re-arrested on March 1 when attending court, and charged with "subversion".

With reference to the date of arrest and the accusation, the man is said to be one of the #47Democrats, Gordon Ng (#吳政亨).

Yet, ABC cannot confirm whether the defendant mentioned by DFAT is Gordon Ng.

DFAT has also revealed that Australian officials have been repeatedly refused consular access to the man, because Hong Kong authorities no longer recognise dual citizenship.

"The Australian Consulate-General in Hong Kong was notified by Hong Kong authorities of the arrest of a dual Australian-Chinese citizen under its National Security Law in January 2021," a DFAT spokesperson said.

The report continued that the Hong Kong Security Bureau declined to provide any further details about the prosecution, saying that it could not comment on individual cases; and that the Hong Kong government was not obliged to grant consular visitation rights to dual nationals.

Editor’s Note: Gordon Ng is the founder of Legcopetition, a voluntary group for primaries. He is also known as "#Liberal (#李伯盧)" on social media platforms.

#PrimaryElection #Primaries #Legcopetition #Australia #SecurityBureau #GordonNg #NgChingHang

Source: Radio France Asia; #Feb8
HK Government Proposes System to Screen Arrivals who might "Endanger National Security"

#SonnyAu #AuChiKwong #Immigration #SecurityBureau

Source: Inmedia #May03

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HK Government Proposes System to Screen Arrivals who might "Endanger National Security"

The Hong Kong government suggests at a Legislative Council (#LegCo) meeting to set up system to report passenger information for incoming flights, requiring airline companies to provide the information at least 40 minutes before take-off.

Sonny Au Chi-Kwong, Undersecretary for Security, stated at the meeting that the government will assess the risk of those entering the city, "to filter people who are disadvantageous for Hong Kong and at high risk". Factors include national security and potential non-refoulement claimants.

He also indicated that when considering companies tendering bids for building the system, the government will also consider whether they are related to countries with sanctions against Hong Kong.

In a submitted document, the Security Bureau explains that setting up this system and amending the relevant laws under the Immigration Regulation satisfies the requirement of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, allowing airline companies and the border control department to have real-time, two-way communication.

Au stated that more than ten thousand people were being banned from entering the Hong Kong border in the past three years. He emphasises that the immigration officers will also check whether passengers can enter Hong Kong.

#SonnyAu #AuChiKwong #Immigration #SecurityBureau

Source: Inmedia #May03