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#Court #PoliceState
2 handed suspended 2-month sentences for inciting others to cast invalid votes in Hong Kong’s ‘patriots only’ election

//Two people who were convicted of inciting others to cast invalid votes in Hong Kong’s “patriots only” legislative election last December have been given suspended sentences of two months’ in prison.

...The pair were accused of sharing a Facebook post by self-exiled pro-democracy lawmaker Ted Hui calling on Hongkongers to cast blank or invalid votes in the Legislative Council (#LegCo) election. As part of Beijing’s sweeping electoral overhaul, the authorities amended electoral laws last year, making it illegal to incite others to cast invalid votes and obstruct others from voting.//

Read the full article:

Source: Hong Kong Free Press #Apr19

#Election #ICAC
HK Government Proposes System to Screen Arrivals who might "Endanger National Security"

The Hong Kong government suggests at a Legislative Council (#LegCo) meeting to set up system to report passenger information for incoming flights, requiring airline companies to provide the information at least 40 minutes before take-off.

Sonny Au Chi-Kwong, Undersecretary for Security, stated at the meeting that the government will assess the risk of those entering the city, "to filter people who are disadvantageous for Hong Kong and at high risk". Factors include national security and potential non-refoulement claimants.

He also indicated that when considering companies tendering bids for building the system, the government will also consider whether they are related to countries with sanctions against Hong Kong.

In a submitted document, the Security Bureau explains that setting up this system and amending the relevant laws under the Immigration Regulation satisfies the requirement of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, allowing airline companies and the border control department to have real-time, two-way communication.

Au stated that more than ten thousand people were being banned from entering the Hong Kong border in the past three years. He emphasises that the immigration officers will also check whether passengers can enter Hong Kong.

#SonnyAu #AuChiKwong #Immigration #SecurityBureau

Source: Inmedia #May03
Former Student Union President Arrested for Sharing Post in Social Media

In Hong Kong, former president of the Chinese University of Hong Kong student union Owen Au Cheuk-hei was arrested by officers of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). He was accused for sharing a post on social media urging people to cast a blank vote in the Legislative Council (LegCo) election in 2021.

In response to an inquiry from Hong Kong In-Media, the ICAC confirmed the arrest of a person on July 12, 2022 for sharing a post on social media, allegedly inciting others to cast blank votes or not to vote in the 2021 Legislative Council general election, breaching section 27A of the Elections (Corrupt and Illegal Conduct) Ordinance.

Source: Hong Kong In-media (#Jul12)

#CUHK #StudentUnion #SocialMedia #ICAC #LegCo #Election #FreedomOfSpeech #PoliticalPrisoner #Censorship

25th Anniversary of the Transferral of Hong Kong's Sovereignty: "Huge fallback of democracy"

In 2022, the sovereignty over Hong Kong has been transferred from Britain to the PRC for 25 years but with no plans for universal suffrage. The currrent electoral system is a "huge fallback of democracy".

With the enactment of Hong Kong National Security Law (#NSL) since 2020, the #CentralGovernment largely changed Hong Kong's electoral system, as the city's #LegislativeCouncil (#LegCo) no longer has an opposite voice.

With the enormous change in the political system and the environment in Hong Kong, what hapened to the promise of "High Degree of Autonomy" and "Hong Kong ruled by Hong Kong people"?

"When I was in Hong Kong, I saved my diary for the first time in my life. I hope it can be the evidence of Hong Kong being a British colony with a democratic society." said former and the last Hong Kong Governor Chris Patten.

Hong Kong once experienced a higher level of democracy and more freedom. However, the circumstances have changed a lot in the last 25 years. The promise of a "real universal suffrage" has never been fulfilled. Worse still, the electoral system had been changed.

Source: RFA #July01

#HighDegreeofAutonomy #ChrisPatten #ElectoralSystem #Handover
Overseas activists launching Hong Kong Parliament in exile are suspected of violating national security law : Hong Kong Security Bureau

A group of overseas #Hongkongers announced their proposal of "Hong Kong Parliament", and plan to have the first election next year.

In response, the Security Bureau published a statement to condemn the organisers, including Victor Ho Leung-Mau, Elmer Yuen Gong-Yi, Baggio Leung Chung-Hang, claiming that their actions may violate the 22nd Ordinance under #NationalSecurityLaw (#NSL) -- Subversion of the State, and will arrest them.

Read more:

Elmer Yuen Gong-Yi, aged 73, is the father of former People Power Chairperson #EricaYuenMiMing and current-issue commentor #DerekYuenMiChang whose wife is a #LegCo member #EuniceYungHoiYan. Elmer Yuen has been commenting social and political issues since the 2019 #AntiELAB movement.

Victor Ho Leung-Mau was an editor-in-chief at Sing Tao Daily Canada. #BaggioLeungChungHang is a former LegCo member who was disqualified from his seat in the vow-taking incident in 2016, and had announced that he was exiled to overseas in 2020.

source: In-Media HK #Aug03
Althea Suen: I never regret fighting for freedom, justice, and democracy

Former #HKUSU president, Althea Suen (#SuenHiuNam), pleaded guilty before trial. She admitted to being weak and powerless in her FaceBook post because she could not stand a predictably long sentence. She felt sorry and sad for not being able to show different perspectives of protesters in the 71 LegCo case, and she "cowardly accept libels and lies from the authority".

She said she will take care of herself in prison, "I never regret fighting for freedom, justice and democracy from the beginning. In 2023, I am in Hong Kong, trapped in prison, but my mind remains free".

#CourtNews #AltheaSuen #LegCo

Source: Inmedia #May29
Hong Kong's Pro-Democracy Movement Marks the Fourth-Year Anniversary

Today marks the fourth anniversary of the Pro-democracy anti-extradition bill movement in Hong Kong, which began with a massive demonstration of 1.03 million people taking to the streets.

On this day four years ago (June 9, 2019), the #CivilHumanRightsFront organized the "Defend Hong Kong, Protest against Extradition Bill" to express opposition to the proposed amendments to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance, also known as the anti-extradition amendment bill (#AntiELAB). The amendments were set to be deliberated in the Legislative Council (#LegCo) on June 12. The protest garnered widespread support, with an estimated 1.03 million Hong Kong citizens participating.

However, the Hong Kong Police reported a much lower turnout, stating that only approximately 153,000 individuals joined the demonstration at Victoria Park, with a peak attendance of 240,000.

In response to the demonstration, the government issued a statement at 11 p.m. that evening, affirming its intention to proceed with the amendments. This refusal to heed public demands resulted in clashes between protesters and the local police force at the Legislative Council.

Subsequent weeks witnessed a series of demonstrations and confrontations, during which the Hong Kong police employed tactics such as tear gas, rubber bullets, beanbag rounds, and pepper ball guns. These actions were met with accusations of police brutality while the government denounced the protesters, labelling their actions as "black violence" and drawing parallels to a "colour revolution."

The Civil Human Rights Front later put forward five major demands:
1. The withdrawal of the extradition bill
2. The retraction of the "riot" designation
3. The release of arrested individuals
4. An independent investigation into alleged police misconduct
5. The resignation of Chief Executive Carrie Lam

From June 2019 to early 2020, the demonstrations and conflicts persisted, shaping the course of the pro-democracy movement.

Throughout the entirety of the pro-democracy movement, a total of 10,297 individuals were arrested. Up to now (June 9, 2023), over 70% (7,369 people) of the cases remain unresolved. This figure excludes over 800 individuals accused of more severe crimes, which were claimed to have further investigation. Consequently, nearly 6,500 people have yet to face formal charges.

As of December 31, 2022, 2,928 people have either undergone or are currently in the judicial process. Among them, 1,475 people have been convicted, 304 have signed behaviour bonds, six have been issued care or protection orders, and four have been found in contempt of court (in civil proceedings). Fifty-seven people had their charges withdrawn, 387 people were acquitted after trial, and the cases of the remaining individuals are still ongoing. Additionally, 25 people were released after receiving a warning from the police.

Source: The #Collective HK; #Jun09


#CourtCaseStatistics #Arrested #5Demands #Fouryears #Jun09 #Jun12 #Review