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11/30/2022 Miles Guo: Major historical events were always accompanied by natural disasters and the death of important figures, so Jiang Zemin chose the perfect time to leave this world; although Alvin Jiang, Jiang Zemin’s grandson, has spent huge amount of money to hunt me down around the world, we still wish the old man a good journey to the underworld, and hope he can take with him as many CCP kleptocrats as possible. #JiangZemin

11/30/2022 文贵直播:历史上的重大事件总是伴随着天灾人祸和重要人物的死亡,江泽民选择了最好的时间离世;虽然江志成花重金在全世界追杀文贵,我们仍希望江老爷子一路走好,多带走一些老杂毛们。
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11/30/2022 Miles Guo: Jiang Zemin’s credit includes the peaceful hand-over of power to Hu Jintao, prohibiting the military from engaging in business activities and not going extreme in persecuting the protesters of the June 4th 1989 incident; Jiang’s fault includes his firm oppression of the students’ movement during his tenure as Party Secretary in Shanghai and leading the CCP to rampant corruption through “making a fortune silently”; hand-picking Xi Jinping as the head of CCP was the biggest mistake of Jiang Zemin, but was the best decision for our Whistleblowers’ Movement! #JiangZemin #TiananmenSquareMassacre #CCP #XiJinping

11/30/2022 文贵直播:江泽民功在和平交权给胡锦涛、禁止军队做生意、未大肆追杀八九六四抗议者;其过在于在上海坚决镇压学生运动、通过“闷声发大财”让中共走向极端腐败;江的最大错误是选了习做接班人,但对爆料革命是最正确的决定!
#江泽民 #八九六四 #中共 #习近平
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11/30/2022 Miles Guo: The CCP regime won’t last for another ten months or so. The CCP’s 20th National Congress, the G20 Summit, Jiang Zemin’s death, the “white paper” movement and the “fire flame” revolution, and Xi’s upcoming visit to Saudi Arabia for the purpose of destroying the Petrodollar, all of these will most likely trigger a quick elimination of the 5-10 kleptocrats in the Zhongnan Pit, and end the era of Xi’s Party. The NFSC and the Whistleblowers’ Movement are the only ultimate force to end the CCP! #Jiangzemin #G20 #whitepapermovement #fireflamerevolution #xijinping #whistleblowermovement #NFSC

11/30/2022 文贵直播:中共撑不过未来十几个月。中共二十大、G20、江泽民过世、白纸运动和火焰革命,习出访沙特摧毁石油美元一系列事件很可能引发对中南坑五到十个人的迅速消灭行动,结束习家党时代。新中国联邦和爆料革命是灭共的唯一终极力量!
#江泽民 #G20 #白纸运动 #火焰革命 #习近平 #新中国联邦
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12/01/2022 Miles Guo's GETTR: “Xi the Sun” wants to dig out the dark power within the CCP that is behind the White-Paper Movement; Xi will never stop the Zero-Covid policy because if he does, both Xi’s Party and the CCP will come to an end, but China as a nation will stay!

12/01/2022 文贵盖特:习太阳想找出白纸革命的党内幕后黑手;习不会停止清零隔离政策,因为其后果一定是习家党、共产党灰飞烟灭,但国不会破!

#江泽民 #江泽民发丧 #胡锦涛 #习访问沙特 #清零隔离 #白纸革命 #火焰革命

#JiangZemin #JiangZeminFuneral #HuJintao #XiJinpingvisitSaudiArabia #ZeroCovid #WhitePaperMovement #FlameRevolution
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12/4/2022 Miles Guo: Xi Jinping has accepted the three requests made by Jiang Zemin’s family after his death. Why did Xi only permit to hold a memorial service for Jiang Zemin instead of a farewell ceremony?
#XiJinping #JiangZemin #DeathofJiangZemin #ZeroCOVID #1989TiananmenSquareProtests #HuYaobang

12/4/2022 文贵直播:习近平已答应江家在江泽民死后提出的三个要求;习近平为何只允许举办江泽民的追悼会而不允许办遗体告别仪式呢?
#习近平 #江泽民 #江泽民之死 #清零政策 #8964 #胡耀邦
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12/4/2022 Miles Guo: Hu Shuli made almost all the reports on the assets of Xi Jinping’s family and their scandals. Many American intellectuals believe that Wang Qishan is the most open-minded cadre in the CCP, whereas Xi is the No. 1 enemy of the US. Without understanding Hu Shuli's relationship with Wang Qishan, Wang Enge, Li You, and others, one can hardly understand the game played by the CCP.
#HuShuli #XiJinping #MikeForsythe #WangQishan #CCP #LiYou #WangEnge #JiangZemin

12/4/2022 文贵直播:胡舒立几乎报道了所有习家资产和习家人的负面消息;美国很多知识分子认为王岐山是中共最开明的人,而习却是美国头号敌人;不了解胡舒立和王岐山、王恩哥、李友等人的关系,就搞不懂中共玩的游戏
#胡舒立 #习近平 #傅才德 #王岐山 #中共 #李友 #王恩哥 #江泽民
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12/5/2022 Miles Guo’s GETTR: Xi Jinping reneged on his promise to Jiang’s family and had Jiang Zemin’s body cremated, which made Jiang’s family so unhappy; the Chinese private entrepreneurs and the White Paper Movement will be facing an unprecedented and comprehensive suppression in the coming days; Only by being more insane can the CCP lead itself to its demise.
#JiangZemin #XiJinping #privateentrepreneur #whitepapermovement #A4Revolution #takedownccp

12/5/2022 文贵盖特:习食言火化了江泽民的遗体,这令江家很不满;民营企业家和白纸运动接下来会受到前所未有的全面打击;中共只有越疯狂,才能越快走向灭亡!
#江泽民 #习近平 #民营企业 #白纸运动 #灭共
12/5/2022 Miles Guo’s GETTR: Xi Jinping reneged on his promise to Jiang’s family and had Jiang Zemin’s body cremated, which made Jiang’s family so unhappy; the Chinese private entrepreneurs and the White Paper Movement will be facing an unprecedented and comprehensive suppression in the coming days; Only by being more insane can the CCP lead itself to its demise.
#JiangZemin #XiJinping #privateentrepreneur #whitepapermovement #A4Revolution #takedownccp

12/5/2022 文贵盖特:习食言火化了江泽民的遗体,这令江家很不满;民营企业家和白纸运动接下来会受到前所未有的全面打击;中共只有越疯狂,才能越快走向灭亡!
#江泽民 #习近平 #民营企业 #白纸运动 #灭共
12/5/2022 Miles Guo’s GETTR: Xi Jinping reneged on his promise to Jiang’s family and had Jiang Zemin’s body cremated, which made Jiang’s family so unhappy; the Chinese private entrepreneurs and the White Paper Movement will be facing an unprecedented and comprehensive suppression in the coming days; Only by being more insane can the CCP lead itself to its demise.
#JiangZemin #XiJinping #privateentrepreneur #whitepapermovement #A4Revolution #takedownccp

12/5/2022 文贵盖特:习食言火化了江泽民的遗体,这令江家很不满;民营企业家和白纸运动接下来会受到前所未有的全面打击;中共只有越疯狂,才能越快走向灭亡!
#江泽民 #习近平 #民营企业 #白纸运动 #灭共