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12/26/2022 对邪恶说不 第37天:圣诞假期期间战友仍坚守前线,他们表示一想到国内的同胞仍在受苦,仍需要唤醒更多人知道关于中共的真相,他们就觉得坚持抗议很值得
#和平抗议 #新中国联邦 #普衡 #美迈斯 #中共渗透 #卢克
12/26/2022 SAY NO TO EVIL DAY 37: During the Christmas holiday, the fellow fighters have kept protesting on the frontline, saying that when they thought of their compatriots in Communist China that are still suffering and the need to awaken more people to the truth about the CCP, they would feel it is well worth protesting during the holidays.
#peacefulprotest #NFSC #PaulHastings #OMelveny&Myers #CCPinfiltration #LucDespins
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12/25/2022 对邪恶说不 第36天:圣诞节当天,在单伟建女儿家对面抗议的战友们来到了她家附近的社区,想让她的邻居和商家都了解中共高级间谍单伟建的所作所为,并喊话单伟建不要再与邪恶为伍。
#和平抗议 #新中国联邦 #普衡 #美迈斯 #中共渗透 #卢克
12/25/2022 SAY NO TO EVIL DAY 36: On Christmas day, the fellow fighters protesting across the street from the house of Weijian Shan’s daughter went to the nearby communities and wanted to let all her neighbors and nearby businesses know about the evil deeds committed by Weijian Shan, a senior spy of the CCP, and they called on Shan to cease siding with evil.
#peacefulprotest #NFSC #PaulHastings #O’MelvenyMyers #CCPinfiltration #LucDespins
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12/26/2022 对邪恶说不 第37天:圣诞假期期间战友仍坚守前线,他们表示一想到国内的同胞仍在受苦,仍需要唤醒更多人知道关于中共的真相,他们就觉得坚持抗议很值得
#和平抗议 #新中国联邦 #普衡 #美迈斯 #中共渗透 #卢克
12/26/2022 SAY NO TO EVIL DAY 37: During the Christmas holiday, the fellow fighters have kept protesting on the frontline, saying that when they thought of their compatriots in Communist China that are still suffering and the need to awaken more people to the truth about the CCP, they would feel it is well worth protesting during the holidays.
#peacefulprotest #NFSC #PaulHastings #OMelveny&Myers #CCPinfiltration #LucDespins
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1/11/2023 Miles Guo: How to uncover the culprits behind the CCP's infiltration in the US and corruption of the American judicial system? Here are my “3F Solutions”: 1) Follow the money, 2) follow the penises, and 3) follow the New Federal State of China.
#3FSolutions #FollowtheMoney #FollowPenises #FollowtheNFSC

1/11/2023 文贵直播:如何挖出中共对美国的渗透和腐败美国司法系统的黑手?文贵提出了“3F解决方案” - Follow the money(追踪金钱)、Follow the penises(追踪生殖器)、Follow the NFSC(跟着新中国联邦)
#3F解决方案 #新中国联邦 #司法腐败 #中共渗透 #追踪金钱 #追踪生殖器 #研究新中国联邦
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1/11/2023 文贵直播:如何挖出中共对美国的渗透和腐败美国司法系统的黑手?文贵提出了“3F解决方案” - Follow the money(追踪金钱)、Follow the penises(追踪生殖器)、Follow the NFSC(跟着新中国联邦)。
#3F解决方案 #新中国联邦 #司法腐败 #中共渗透 #追踪金钱 #追踪生殖器 #研究新中国联邦

1/11/2023 Miles Guo: How to uncover the culprits behind the CCP's infiltration in the US and corruption of the American judicial system? Here are my “3F Solutions”: 1) Follow the money, 2) follow the penises, and 3) follow the New Federal State of China.
#3FSolutions #FollowtheMoney #FollowPenises #FollowtheNFSC
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1/16/2023 Miles Guo's GETTR: Dead bodies are found everywhere in CCP China; banks in China not only prohibit people from withdrawing money, but threaten to throw those who dare to complain into mental hospitals; the poison of Communism has infiltrated the entire world, including the U.S., in the past ten years; the New Federal State of China is bringing hope to humanity, while the Communist Party only brought desperation
#NFSC #takeDowntheCCP #CCPInfiltration #dropDead #bankCollapse

1/16/2023 文贵盖特:中共国随处可见倒卧;银行不让取钱,谁闹直接扔进精神病院;共产流毒在短短的过去十年,渗透了美国和世界;新中国联邦给人类带来希望,共产党带来的是绝望
#新中国联邦 #消灭中共 #中共渗透 #倒地死 #银行崩塌
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🔥 美国前国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥、前国家安全顾问罗伯特·奥布莱恩、前白宫官员布莱恩·布拉托 — 20230129:
#中共威胁 #中共渗透 #蓝金黄 #中共病毒 #生化武器 #全球灭共 #消灭中共 #CCP≠Chinese #中共≠中国人民 #共产党不能代表中国人 #共产党是中国人民最大的敌人 #共产党是全世界灾难的根源 #百思
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2/8/2023 对邪恶说不第81天:因为收到了举报战友们挡路的电话,警察来到抗议现场,但检查后他们发现没有任何问题。警察对战友们非常友好,并称赞战友们做得对。
#和平抗议 #新中国联邦 #普衡 #美迈斯 #中共渗透 #卢克 #单伟建 #杨建翱

2/8/2023 SAY NO TO EVIL DAY 81: The police came to the protest site because they received calls reporting that our fellow fighters were blocking the way, but after checking they found that there was no problem at all. The police were very nice to our fellow fighters and praised them for doing the right thing.
#peacefulprotest #NFSC #PaulHastings #OMelvenyMyers #OMM #CCPinfiltration #LucDespins #WeijianShan #YangJianao
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2/9/2023 对邪恶说不第82天:战友们来到美国是因为相信美国是个伟大的国家,结果在和平抗议活动中甚至不被允许竖立美国国旗。面对美国警察的百般阻挠,战友们把美国国旗披在身上,以表达对这片土地的爱。
#和平抗议 #新中国联邦 #普衡 #美迈斯 #中共渗透 #卢克 #单伟建

2/9/2023 SAY NO TO EVIL DAY 82: Our fellow fighters came to the US because they believe that America is a great country, but it turned out that they were not even allowed to fly the American flag during the peaceful protests. In the face of all the obstacles from the police, our fellow fighters draped the American flag over them to express their love for this country.
#peacefulprotest #NFSC #PaulHastings #OMelvenyMyers #OMM #CCPinfiltration #LucDespins #WeijianShan
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2/8/2023 对邪恶说不第81天:战友们一来到单伟建女儿就读的学校却被11位警察和1位学校负责人拦在校门口外,警察听了战友的解释后,也认为战友们的行为不违法违规,于是战友们得以进入校园,并采用了智慧的方法来让更多美国人知道中共的邪恶。
#和平抗议 #新中国联邦 #普衡 #美迈斯 #中共渗透 #卢克 #单伟建

2/8/2023 SAY NO TO EVIL DAY 81: Upon arrival at the school where Weijian Shan's daughter studies, the fellow fighters were stopped by 11 police officers and a school admin outside the school entrance. After listening to the fellow fighters' explanations, the police also believed that their actions were not illegal or against any regulations, so the fellow fighters were allowed to enter the campus, and they resorted to smart measures to let more Americans know about the evil of the CCP.
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2/10/2023 对邪恶说不第83天:在卢克前妻家的抗议现场,我们向一位女士有疑问的女士解释了为什么要在这里抗议的原因,得到了这位女士的理解和支持。她表示要站在正义的一方,帮我们传播真相。
#和平抗议 #新中国联邦 #普衡 #美迈斯 #中共渗透 #卢克 #单伟建

2/10/2023 SAY NO TO EVIL DAY 83: At our protest site in front of the house of Luc’s ex-wife, a lady came to us with questions regarding our protest. After hearing our explanation, the lady immediately expressed her understanding and support. She also said would be on the righteous side and help us spread the truth.
#peacefulprotest #NFSC #PaulHastings #OMelvenyMyers #OMM #CCPinfiltration #LucDespins #WeijianShan
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2/11/2023 对邪恶说不第84天:在卢克大女儿家附近和平抗议的战友们得到了当地探员、警察和邻居们的友善对待和支持!有一位路过的女士甚至倒车回来给战友们竖起大拇指!
#和平抗议 #新中国联邦 #普衡 #美迈斯 #中共渗透 #卢克 #单伟建

2/11/2023 SAY NO TO EVIL DAY 84: Local agents, police, and neighbors treat the fellow fighters who have been peacefully protesting near Luc Despins' oldest daughter's house with kindness and support. One lady driving by even backed up her car to give the fellow fighters a thumbs up.
#peacefulprotest #NFSC #PaulHastings #OMelvenyMyers #OMM #CCPinfiltration #LucDespins #WeijianShan
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3/1/2023 Miles Guo: We never expected that the US or the Europe would take down the CCP, our only hope is that they could stop supporting the CCP; there is only one way to have the Western countries united against the CCP, i.e., to make them feel being threatened, which has been accomplished by Comrade Xi-the-dead-emperor
#TongjiangNizhneleninskoyeRailwayBridge #JudyChu #internationalorganizations #CCPinfiltration #weaponizedmarket

3/1/2023 文贵直播:我们从未奢望美欧能灭共,我们只希望他们不再支持共产党;让西方联合灭共只有一招,令他们感到威胁,习死皇已经做到了
#中俄同江大桥 #赵美心 #国际组织 #中共渗透 #市场武器化
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【新中国联邦DC星火行动】3/2/2023 娜塔丽·温特斯:新中国联邦出色传递的信息在战斗室乃至美国整体都产生了共鸣;中、美劳动阶层有着不言而喻的同盟关系。
#战斗室 #班农 #新中国联邦 #中共威胁 #中共渗透

【NFSC@CPAC 】3/2/2023 Natalie Winters: The New Federal State of China did a wonderful job delivering messages that resonate with War Room and America writ large. There is an unspoken alliance between the Chinese and American working classes.
#WarRoom #SteveBannon #NFSC #CCPthreats #CCPinfiltration
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3/8/2023 Miles Guo: Qin Gang rose to power like a rocket because he is Xi's son-in-law; the CCP decided to push its luck for a fight against the western world
#qingang #sheepwarriorgang #xijinping #americantraitor #ccpinfiltration #ccpthreats

3/8/2023 文贵直播:秦刚火箭般地上位全仗着是习的女婿,中共抱着侥幸心理要跟西方世界一战
#秦刚 #战羊刚 #习近平 #卖美贼 #中共渗透 #中共威胁
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3/9/2023 Miles Guo's GETTR: It is said someone advised Xi Jinping to adopt a “quick&slow response” strategy to deal with Taiwan, which means, if circumstances are not in the CCP’s favor, they will ruin Taiwan’s economy and people’s livelihoods by creating chaos internally in Taiwan and harassing Taiwan externally; otherwise, they will quickly take over Taiwan when the U.S. is weak and the rest of the world is too busy to intervene. Will the CCP achieve its goal this time?
#Xijinping #TaiwaneseTraitor #CCPinfiltration

3/9/2023 文贵盖特:有人向习死皇提出了对付台湾的“缓急两用”方案,即形势不利时,通过在台湾内部制造混乱和在外部骚扰来搞垮台湾经济民生;如形势有利,即美国变弱世界无暇顾及时,中共则会伺机迅速拿下台湾。中共会得逞吗?
#卖台贼 #习死皇 #中共渗透 #台湾
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#FreeMilesGuoNow】 3/18/2023: Zhongyuan Foshou: “Your Honor, I am convinced that Mr. Miles Guo is innocent. I guarantee, based on my personal true stories and information, that the evidence you have received is fabricated and invalid. No matter how much injustice Mr. Guo is facing, I am still following him!”
#milesguo #whistleblowersmemovement #nfsc #freemilesguo #fbiweaponized #americantraitor #ccpinfiltration #unrestrictedwar

#立即释放郭文贵先生】 3/18/2023:中原佛手战友: “法官先生,我坚信郭文贵先生是无罪的,我用我个人的真实故事和信息保证,你们所接受的证据是伪证,是不成立的。无论郭先生遭遇何等的不公,我依然选择跟随郭文贵先生!”
#郭文贵 #爆料革命 #新中国联邦 #释放郭文贵 #联邦调查局武器化 #卖美贼 #中共渗透 #超限战
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#FreeMilesGuoNow】3/18/2023 Without eliminating the CCP, no one can guarantee that our children's healthy organs will not be harvested by the CCP. We are here to protest Miles Guo’s wrongful arrest by the FBI because we are all Miles Guo!
#MilesGuo #WhistleblowersMemovement #NFSC #FreeMilesGuo #FBIweaponized #Americantraitor #CCPinfiltration #unrestrictedwarfare

#立即释放郭文贵先生】 3/18/2023 如果不消灭中共,没人能保证我们孩子的健康器官不被中共摘取;我们来抗议FBI抓捕郭文贵先生是因为我们都是郭文贵!
#郭文贵 #爆料革命 #新中国联邦 #释放郭文贵 #FBI武器化 #卖美贼 #中共渗透 #超限战
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#FreeMilesGuoNow】3/18/2023 We are not the victims of Mr. Guo, but the victims of U.S. federal government agencies infiltrated by the CCP! Wake up, Americans! The CCP has infiltrated the DOJ, the SEC, and the IRS. None of you are safe!
#milesguo #whistleblowersmemovement #nfsc #freemilesguo #fbiweaponized #americantraitor #ccpinfiltration #unrestrictedwar #ccpballoon

#立即释放郭文贵先生】3/18/2023 我们不是郭先生的受害者,而是被中共渗透的美国联邦政府部门的受害者!美国人醒醒吧,中共潜伏在司法部、证监会和国税局,你们没有一个人是安全的!
#郭文贵 #爆料革命 #新中国联邦 #释放郭文贵 #fbi武器化 #卖美贼 #中共渗透 #超限战 #中共气球
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Republican President Candidates should focus on #CCP's threat and the Congress need to reform #FARA laws to protect American domestic institutions from #CCP infiltration.

共和党总统候选人应该关注 #中共 的威胁,美国 🇺🇸国会需要改革FARA法律,以保护美国国内机构免受 #中共渗透