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2/19/2023 Miles Guo: The recent high level personnel changes in the financial system of Communist China indicates the forthcoming arrest of Wang Qishan and Meng Jianzhu; the massive exodus of capital resembles what happened in late Qing Dynasty and when Kuomintang was fleeing mainland China, foreshadowing the imminent collapse of a regime; it is said that 7,000 rich people will be arrested as a result of the implementation of “Common Prosperity”!

2/19/2023 文贵直播:近期中共国金融系统的人事变动是抓王岐山、孟建柱的前兆;大量资金外逃与当年国民党逃离大陆、清朝末年如出一辙,预示一个政权的崩塌;据说有7000富豪成为“共同富裕”的抓捕目标

#共同富裕 #王岐山 #孟建柱 #CommonWealth #WangQishan #MengJianzhu
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3/5/2023 Miles Guo: Could Xi-the-Dead-Emperor and the CCP stay alive till 2025?
#AmendConstitution #CCPVirus #Vaccine #HuJintao #WangQishan #MengJianzhu #Taiwan

3/5/2023 文贵直播:习死皇和共产党能活到2025年吗?
#修宪 #中共病毒 #疫苗 #胡锦涛 #王岐山 #孟建柱 #台湾 #武统
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3/6/2023 Miles Guo’s GETTR: Li Keqiang is nobody to Xi Jinping. Even Wang Qishan and Meng Jianzhu have no idea what type of person Xi is, and they tried to show their loyalty and recommend some people to Xi as their last effort, but to their disappointment, Xi had all of their recommended people arrested in the end.
#xijinping #likeqiang #wangqishan #mengjianzhu #thetwosessions

3/6/2023 文贵盖特:李克强在习近平眼里什么都不是,就连王歧山和孟建柱这些人都不了解习,最后还想表忠心给习推荐人,结果推荐不成反而全被习拿下
#习近平 #李克强 #王歧山 #孟建柱 #两会
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3/12/2023 Miles Guo: Han Zheng won’t stay idle and wait to be killed like what Wang Qishan did, and he is absolutely capable of eliminating Xi!
#HanZheng #WangQishan #XiJinping #eliminateXiJinping

3/12/2023 文贵直播:韩正不会像王岐山一样等死,他绝对有能力成为灭习的人!
#韩正 #王岐山 #习近平 #灭习
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3/12/2023 Miles Guo: Wang Qishan, Neil Shen, and Alvin Jiang deposited their money in the Silicon Valley Bank, whereas Silvergate Bank is No. 1 in the digital currency sector, and nearly 20% of its deposits belong to the CCP. So, what does the collapse of these two banks mean?
#SVB #SiliconValleyBank #SilvergateBank #Bitcoin #Ethereum #WangQishan #NeilShen #AlvinJiang

3/12/2023 文贵直播:硅谷银行里有王岐山、沈南鹏和江志成的钱;银门银行不仅是数字货币领域的老大,而且有近20%的钱是中共的;这两家银行的崩溃意味着什么?
#硅谷银行 #明星银行 #银门银行 #比特币 #以太币 #王岐山 #沈南鹏 #江志成
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3/12/2023 Miles Guo: America will not be able to save itself from this financial crisis! The CCP made it clear in 2000 that there would be a war between the US and Communist China! The US is setting itself up for a massive disaster by expecting Communist China to produce low-cost goods for the rest of the world by enslaving the Chinese people.
#US #CCP #financialcrisis #XiJinping #WangQishan

3/12/2023 文贵直播:美国在这次金融危机中将无法自救!中共在2000年就已明确,中美必有一战!而美国在寄希望于中共国奴役中国人为世界生产低端产品时便走向了巨大的灾难!
#美国 #中共 #金融危机 #习近平 #王岐山
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Ava讲到2017年4月19日,美国知音在郭文贵先生要谈到 #王岐山 时中断了他的采访,在华人世界引起轰动。人们惊讶到美国知音会做出这样的事,就像当年8964的学生可能想不到今天,逃离共产主义到美国的中国人还要和美国爱国者联合在一起在美国的土地上对抗中国共产党。

Ava mentioned that on April 19, 2017, Voice of America shut down the interview of Miles Guo before he talks about #wangqishan , which caused a sensation in the Chinese world. People were surprised that VOA would do such a thing, just like the students of 8964 may not have imagined that today, the Chinese who escaped communism and came to the United States will have to unite the American patriots to fight against the Chinese Communist Party on American soil.
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5/31/2023 The CCP authorities have reportedly extended the detention of Bao Fan for an additional three months, starting from May 7, 2023. Bao Fan, an influential figure in the Chinese investment sector exposed by Mr. Miles Guo as someone trusted by both CCP senior kleptocrats Wang Qishan and Meng Jianzhu, will continue to remain missing for several more months!
#BaoFan #WangQishan #MengJianzhu #CCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
5/31/2023 据报道,中共当局对包凡的留置从今年5月7日起延长3个月。这位被郭文贵先生爆出是王岐山和孟建柱共同相信的中共国投资界大佬,将继续消失几个月!
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Reuters reports that #Yellen will visit Communist China in early July. What is the purpose of Yellen's trip? Mr. Miles Guo revealed that Yellen is close to #WangQishan and #ShanWeijian . Yellen sees Xi Jinping as the biggest threat to the world.

路透社报道, 耶伦将于7月初访问中共国。耶伦此行的目的是什么?郭文贵先生透露,耶伦与王岐山和单伟健走得很近 。耶伦认为习近平是世界最大的威胁。

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8/28/2024 Does Wang Yilin's arrest connect to Miles Guo’s claims of CNPC funds in Wang Qishan’s accounts? Does it indicate escalating Xi-Wang infighting and a potential purge of Wang Qishan’s faction?

8/28/2024 王宜林被捕是否與郭文貴聲稱王岐山賬戶中有中石油資金有關?這是否表明習王內鬥升級,王岐山派系可能被清洗?

#MilesGuo #TakeDownTheCCP #WangYilin #WangQishan #CCP