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U.S. Senator Josh Hawley:
This is right - it’s time to strategically #decouple our economy from #China & start making things in America again

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【NFSC@CPAC 】3/3/2023 John Solomon, founder of Just the News: We Americans must separate the CCP from the Chinese people. Decoupling from the CCP is in our best interest. The Americans have miscalculated the Chinese Communist Party's intentions over the past few decades, while the CCP seeks global dominance both militarily and economically.
#US #CCP #decouple

【新中国联邦DC星火行动】3/3/2023 《Just the News》创始人约翰·所罗门:我们美国人必须把中国共产党和中国人分开,与中共脱钩符合我们的最大利益;美国人在过去几十年错误地估计了中共的意图,中共在军事和经济上都要称霸全球
#美国 #中共 #脱钩
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3/12/2023 Miles Guo: Xi Jinping and the CCP leave the world only one option: you let me be the boss; otherwise, I will destroy you completely!
#XiJinping #middleeast #originofcovid #decouple #RussiaUkraineWar

3/12/2023 文贵直播: 习死皇和中共留给世界只有一个选择:你让我当老大,否则我就要全面毁掉你!
#习死皇 #中东 #病毒溯源 #脱钩中共 #俄乌战争
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5/17/2023 【House Select Committee on the CCP】Former Reagan NSC senior director Roger Robinson: With the CCP's deteriorating economic situation and the United States' awakening, it is highly likely that the CCP, an authoritarian regime, will incite nationalism to divert public attention, and thus the possibility of attacking Taiwan will be greater.
#CCP #decouple #economicwarfare #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang

5/17/2023 【美国众议院中共问题特设委员会听证会】里根时期美国国安委高级主管罗杰∙罗宾逊:随着中共经济情况日趋恶化,以及美国的觉醒,中共这样的专制政权极有可能为了转移公众的注意力而煽动民族主义,因此攻打台湾的可能性会更大
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5/17/2023 【House Select Committee on the CCP】Former Reagan NSC senior director Roger Robinson reveals how the CCP obtains discretionary cash by issuing "anti-liberty bonds" in the U.S. He points out that it is not foreign entities but rather major U.S. banks that introduce CCP bonds into the American market.
#CCP #decouple #economicwarfare #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang

5/17/2023 【美国众议院中共问题特设委员会听证会】里根时期美国国安委高级主管罗杰∙罗宾逊揭露中共如何通过在美国发行“反自由债券”来获取可自由支配的现金,他指出,将中共的债券引进美国市场的并不是外国实体,而是美国的大银行。
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7/13/2023 【Hearing of the House Select Committee on the CCP】Piper Lounsbury, Chief Research and Development Officer at Strategy Risks, says that it is extremely risky for Americans to invest their pension funds in state-owned enterprises of Communist China! Because the CCP has the ability to shut down the market and take away Americans' money whenever they want. Unfortunately, most Americans are unaware of where their pension funds are invested.
#CCP #decouple #economicwarfare #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #GuoHasTheGoods
7/13/2023 【美国众议院中共问题特设委员会听证会】战略风险公司首席研发官派珀·朗斯伯里表示,美国人把养老基金投给了中共国的国有企业非常危险! 因为中共可以随心所欲地关闭市场,拿走美国人的钱。可悲的是,大多数美国人并不知道他们的养老基金被投资在哪里。
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7/18/2023 【Hearing on the Use of AI in the Military and Combat】Alexandr Wang, founder and CEO of Scale AI: When it comes to the competition with Communist China in the artificial intelligence industry, the U.S. must ensure that in the next phase, it is not only economically dominant but also has military leadership.
#CCP #USA #Decouple #AI
7/18/2023 【美国国会关于在军事和作战中使用AI的听证会】Scale AI 创始人兼CEO亚历山大·王:在涉及人工智能领域与中共国竞争的问题上,美国在下一阶段的目标是既要确保美国在经济上占据主导地位,又能在军事上具备领导力。
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9/13/2023【​​Nicole on the Winn Tucson China Watch】Kathleen Winn: I love that the NFSC was the first to expose the formation of the new Axis of Evil alliance between the CCP, Russia, and North Korea. This is also one of the reasons that Mr. Miles Guo cannot be released on bail and is being silenced. I cannot tell you enough how much I appreciate the work that the NFSC has done.

#decouple #divest #CCP #takedowntheCCP

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9/13/2023【​​Nicole on the Winn Tucson China Watch】Nicole Tsai: Before the meeting between Kim Jong-un and Putin, Xi Jinping and the CCP had sent representatives to Russia and North Korea respectively to discuss the collaboration among the three parties. Kim Jong-un’s visit to Russia is the result of their secret plan. The New Federal State of China obtained the intelligence about the formation of this new axis of evil ahead of time and exposed it to the world, and the current media reports also corroborate the accuracy of our intelligence.
#decouple #divest #CCP #takedowntheCCP

9/13/2023 【妮可参加温图森中国观察节目】妮可: 在金正恩和普京见面之前,习近平和中共就分别派代表去了俄罗斯和朝鲜,商讨中俄朝三方合作计划。金正恩访俄就是中共直接主导的三方密谋的结果。新中国联邦最早获得了有关这个新邪恶轴心计划的情报并曝光给了全世界,而目前各媒体的报道也都佐证我们情报的准确
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12/7/2023 Apple's largest electronics contract manufacturer, Protek, has seen a drastic reduction in its workforce. An online video shows that Protek, one of Apple’s top contract manufacturers located in Shanghai, used to employ 80,000 workers. Now there are only 10,000 employees left, and the manufacturing plant may soon be closed.
#CCP #decouple #Apple #Protek

12/7/2023 蘋果最大電子代工廠昌碩科技員工人數大減。網傳視頻顯示,位於上海的昌碩科技是蘋果最大的代工廠之一,曾經有8萬員工,而現在只剩下了1萬,而且可能很快會關閉。
#中共 #脫鈎 #蘋果 #昌碩科技

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N121910(特殊任务) 烽火行动1218-8

12/18/2023【AMFEST2023】DVS 7.0 (GETTR: @officialdvs7): We wrote the song “Take Down the XiCP" because the CCP is now Xi Jinping's CCP! Ito Da Truth (GETTR: @itodatruth): It's these inspiring things that make me so supportive of this organization when the members of the NFSC say they don't want any aid from the U.S.; they just need the U.S. to decouple itself from the CCP, and they'll do the rest.

#NFSC #TakedowntheCCP #decouple #XiJinping

12/18/2023【鳳凰城烽火行動】DVS 7.0:我們之所以創作《消滅習家黨》這首歌是因為現在的中共是習近平的中共!Ito Da Truth: 新中國聯邦人說不要美國的任何援助,只需要美國與中共脫鈎,剩下的就交給他們來做,正是這些鼓舞人心的事情讓我如此支持這個組織。

#新中國聯邦 #消滅中共 #脫鈎 #習近平