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2/8/2023 Miles Guo: The Chinese spy balloon signals the CCP’s declaration of war on the US, but sadly no one in the world, including the American elites, really understands it; the New Federal State of China is the crucial force in taking down the CCP!
#CCPspyBalloon #NFSC #takeDowntheCCP

2/8/2023 文贵直播:间谍气球等同于中共对美国宣战,可惜全世界包括美国的精英没一个人说出来; 新中国联邦是推动灭共的中坚力量!
#中共间谍气球 #新中国联邦 #灭共
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2/8/2023 Miles Guo: The CCP spy balloon incident indicates that the US has no idea about the intelligence of the CCP, its military layout around the world, and its military technology, strategy, and tactics! The CCP won this asymmetric war 100%, and this would be the most glorious moment of Xi Jinping’s lifetime.
#CCPspyballoon #US #CCPmilitaryintel #XiJinping

2/8/2023 文贵直播:中共间谍气球事件表明,美国对中共的情报、在全世界的军事布局以及军事科技、战略和战术一无所知!中共100%赢了这场不对称战争,且这将是习死皇一生最辉煌的时刻
#中共间谍气球 #美国 #中共军情 #习近平
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2/12/2023 Miles Guo: The CCP has run out of money and will turn 8.6 million CCP members into contractors. However, the CCP is still willing to give out money to third world countries in exchange for their support at the UN.
#UnitedNations #CCPspyBalloon #takeDowntheCCP

2/12/2023 文贵直播:中共因没钱,把860万党员变成了合同工,但仍需要对外大撒币换取三流国家在联合国的支持
#联合国 #中共间谍气球 #灭共
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2/15/2023 Miles Guo: ChatGPT shamelessly whitewashes the CCP by claiming there is no evidence to support that Communist China is intentionally sending helium balloons to the US for any particular purpose and that the likelihood for the balloons to arrive in the US is extremely low.
#ChatGPT #helium #CCP #heliumballoons #CCPspyballoon #US

2/15/2023 文贵直播:ChatGPT为中共洗地,竟称没有证据说明中共国出于任何特定目的故意向美国发送氦气球,且气球到达美国的可能性极低
#氦气 #中共 #氦气球 #中共间谍气球 #美国
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2/19/2023 Miles Guo: The CCP spy balloon incident will bring to light those traitors in the U.S. to a large extent and will have a greater impact on the U.S. than Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor. The incident has forced many pro-CCP factions in the U.S. to change their tune, and will benefit the New Federal State of China’s mission to take down the CCP.
#CCPSpyBalloon #UStraitor #NFSC #Soros #Kissinger #GoldmanSachs #Morgan #Rockefeller

2/19/2023 文贵直播:中共间谍气球事件会在很大程度上让卖美贼曝光。 它给美国带来的影响要比日本偷袭珍珠港严重得多。气球事件让美国亲共派不得不出来表态,会帮助新中国联邦的灭共事业。
#中共间谍气球 #卖美贼 #新中国联邦 #索罗斯 #基辛格 #高盛 #摩根 #洛克菲勒
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2/19/2023 Miles Guo: The COVID origin is a good justification for the U.S. and the West to seize the CCP cadres’ overseas assets. The CCP spy balloon incident has changed the course of history and has had a huge impact on the military and geopolitics.
#investigateCOVIDorigins #US #CCPspyballoon #seizetheCCPcardresassets

2/19/2023 文贵直播:病毒溯源是美国和西方查封中共海外资产的好抓手,中共间谍气球改变了历史并对军事和地缘政治造成了巨大影响!
#病毒溯源 #美国 #中共间谍气球 #查封中共高官资产
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2/15/2023 文贵直播:ChatGPT为中共洗地,竟称没有证据说明中共国出于任何特定目的故意向美国发送氦气球,且气球到达美国的可能性极低。
#氦气 #中共 #氦气球 #中共间谍气球 #美国

2/15/2023 Miles Guo: ChatGPT shamelessly whitewashes the CCP by claiming there is no evidence to support that Communist China is intentionally sending helium balloons to the US for any particular purpose and that the likelihood for the balloons to arrive in the US is extremely low.
#ChatGPT #helium #CCP #heliumballoons #CCPspyballoon #US
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2/15/2023 文贵直播:中共国完全有能力生产氦气球,且有覆盖全国的几千个生产点,遗憾的是美国军事专家们对此一无所知。
#氦气 #中共 #氦气球 #中共间谍气球 #美国

2/15/2023 Miles Guo: Communist China is fully capable of manufacturing helium gas for helium balloons and it has thousands of production sites that cover the whole country, but unfortunately American military experts know nothing about it.
#helium #CCP #heliumballoons #CCPspyballoon #US
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2/22/2023 Miles Guo: The three most concerning issues faced by every country are: the political order of Europe and the world after the Russia-Ukraine war; whether or not the CCP will go to war with the U.S. and Europe in Taiwan; how the destructive impact of COVID vaccines on fertility will affect the future of mankind
#RussiaUkraineWar #Taiwan #COVIDVaccineDisaster #CCPSpyBalloon #decapitation

2/22/2023 文贵直播:目前各国最关注三件事:俄乌战争后欧洲和世界的政治秩序;中共是否会在台湾和美国以及欧洲发生战事;疫苗对生育的破坏对人类未来的影响
#俄乌战争 #台湾 #疫苗灾难 #中共间谍气球 #斩首
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3/5/2023 Miles Guo: With 1.4 billion people, Communist China can’t produce even a fraction of the output of high-end products manufactured by Taiwan, which has a population of only 23 million. That’s why Xi Jinping has jealousy, envy, and hatred towards Taiwan. Xi sent the balloons out at the critical time, which helped us step onto the stage of CPAC
#CCP #Taiwan #XiJinping #CCPspyballoon #XisDeathBalloon

3/5/2023 文贵直播:有14亿人的中共国生产的文明产品连仅有2300万人的台湾的零头都达不到,习近平能不羡慕嫉妒恨吗?关键时候习送来了“习死球”,助力新中国联邦登上CPAC的舞台!
#中共 #台湾 #习近平 #中共间谍气球 #习死球