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2/12/2023 Miles Guo: When I witnessed government officials and company executives from the U.S. and Europe kowtowing and calling Xi Jinping “Xi Dada” back then, I knew right away that the world would be in trouble. From the release of the CCP virus and various unrestricted warfare to the ongoing balloon attacks, everything has proven my previous concern. When mankind worships totalitarianism, many people will abandon justice and God
#GoldmanSachs #BlackRock #MorganStanley #OneBeltOneRoad #Petroyuan #CCPBalloon

2/12/2023 文贵直播:当年看到美欧官员和公司高管卑躬屈膝喊习近平“习大大”时,我就知道世界要出大事儿了。后来中共放出了病毒,然后各种超限战,到现在的气球突袭,都无不证明了我当初的担心。当人类崇拜极权时,很多人就失去了正义和上帝。
#高盛 #贝莱德集团 #摩根士丹利 #一带一路 #石油化人民币 #中共气球
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3/11/2023 Miles Guo: What is happening on 311 (March 11) is much worse than that of 911; Silvergate Bank, Silicon Valley Bank, USDC and USDT are collapsing one after another … behind the scenes, the Communist Party has been withdrawing funds out of those pools …
The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Silvergate Bank is worse than the 911 attacks; USDC and USDT will collapse too, and an unprecedented economic catastrophe is on its way
#SiliconValleyBank #SilvergateBank #911 #311 #Blackstone #USDC #USDT #BlackRock

#硅谷银行 #银门银行 #911 #311 #黑石 #USDC #USDT #贝莱德
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10/4/2023 【Nicole on Grant Stinchfield Show @stinchfield1776】Grant Stinchfield: Companies like BlackRock and Sequoia Capital make a fortune in Communist China, while also donating to political parties and politicians in the US, protecting the CCP from scrutiny. Sequoia Capital is the "Victory Fund" of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy who pulled back the House Intelligence Committee's investigation into Sequoia Capital. Is that a coincidence?
#SequoiaCapital #BlackRock #KevinMcCarthy #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP

10/4/2023 【妮可做客 Grant Stinchfield Show节目】格兰特·斯廷奇菲尔德:贝莱德和红杉资本等公司在中共国赚得盆满钵满,并在美国通过给政党和政客们捐款,使中共免受美国的审查。红杉资本是前议长麦卡锡的“胜利基金”,也正是麦卡锡撤销了众议院情报委员会对红杉资本的调查,这难道是巧合吗?