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#蓬佩奥 20200226

The U.S. is imposing sanctions on 13 foreign entities and individuals in China, Iraq, Russia, and Turkey for supporting proliferation programs in Iran, North Korea, and Syria. We will continue to use all available measures to prevent #Iran from advancing its missile capabilities.

#伊朗 代理国防部长克里斯.米勒的声明。 
"由于最近伊朗领导人对特朗普总统+其他美国政府官员发出的威胁,我已经命令 "尼米兹 "号停止其例行的重新部署。现在,"尼米兹 "号将继续驻扎在美国中央司令部的行动区,没有人应该怀疑美利坚合众国的决心

Media is too big
11/22/2022 Miles Guo’s GETTR: Why is there little news about Xi Jinping’s visit to Saudi Arabia? What has happened after Biden shook hands with Xi? What will happen in Iran in the next few days? The world will experience more unrest as long as the CCP exists!
#XiJinping #SaudiArabia #Biden #Iran

11/22/2022 文贵盖特:为什么没有习近平去沙特的消息?拜登和习握手后发生了什么?伊朗接下来的两天会出什么大事?中共不灭,世界只会更动荡!
#习近平 #沙特 #拜登 #伊朗
Media is too big
1/31/2023 Miles Guo's GETTR: The Americans have realized that “Xi the Sun” is the boss of all the evil regimes in the world, which makes him the only enemy of the US; Russia is the only card that Xi could play on the Taiwan issue. Once Speaker McCarthy visits Taiwan, Xi would visit Russia; the big show just started
#XiTheDeadEmperor #Iran #Russia #NorthKorea #Taiwan

1/31/2023 文贵盖特:美国终于明白了,习太阳就是世界上其他邪恶国家的老大,所以习太阳是美国的唯一敌人;关于台湾问题,中共的底牌就是俄罗斯,麦卡锡访台、习就去俄罗斯,好戏开始了
#习死皇 #伊朗 #俄罗斯 #北朝鲜 #台湾
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2/16/2023 Miles Guo: What is the purpose of the Iranian president's visit to Communist China? A large number of CCP balloons will come in swarms over Japan. The first CCP balloon recently shot down by the US is by no means the first balloon to come to the US, nor will it be the last. The CCP will test various balloons in Taiwan and Japan and their surrounding areas.
#Iran #CCPspyballoons #CCPballoons #Japan #Taiwan #US

2/16/2023 文贵爆料:伊朗总统访华目的何在?中共气球会组团出现在日本上空;美国最近打下的第一个中共气球绝不是第一个飞来美国的气球,也不是最后一个;中共将在台湾和日本及其周边测试多种气球
#伊朗 #中共间谍气球 #中共气球 #日本 #台湾 #美国
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2/16/2022 Miles Guo: The purpose of Iran’s President Raisi’s recent visit to Communist China was to discuss with Xi Jinping how Khamenei’s death should be announced and to bring a large number of balloons back to launch an attack on Israel. They will make Syria the scapegoat afterwards
#Iran #KhameneiDeath #Xijinping #Raisi #spyballoon

2/16/2022 文贵爆料:伊朗总统莱希近日去中共国见习近平主要是商量如何宣布哈梅内伊的死讯,同时从中共处拿回大量气球以袭击以色列,然后栽赃叙利亚
#伊朗 #哈梅内伊死亡 #莱西 #习近平 #间谍气球
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2/19/2023 Miles Guo: The reason why Iran’s president Raisi returned Iran from China earlier than scheduled was because he couldn’t accept Xi Jinping’s condition that the national payment system of Iran must adopt the RMB and the CCP’s payment system, which must also be constitutionalized. It basically means that the CCP can have the total control over Iran by penetrating Iran’s critical vulnerability
#digitalRMB #Iran #Raisi #paymentsystem #CCP #Huawei

2/19/2023 文贵直播:伊朗总统莱希提前回国是因为不能接受习近平提出的伊朗国家支付系统必须采用数字人民币及中共的支付系统,且宪法化此要求,因为这无疑是等于中共完全掐住了伊朗的要害。
#数字人民币 #伊朗 #莱希 #支付系统 #中共 #华为
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2/16/2022 文贵爆料:伊朗总统莱希近日去中共国见习近平主要是商量如何宣布哈梅内伊的死讯,同时从中共处拿回大量气球以袭击以色列,然后栽赃叙利亚。
#伊朗 #哈梅内伊死亡 #莱西 #习近平 #间谍气球

2/16/2022 Miles Guo: The purpose of Iran’s President Raisi’s recent visit to Communist China was to discuss with Xi Jinping how Khamenei’s death should be announced and to bring a large number of balloons back to launch an attack on Israel. They will make Syria the scapegoat afterwards.
#Iran #KhameneiDeath #Xijinping #Raisi #spyballoon
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2/19/2023 Miles Guo: A razão pela qual o presidente iraniano Raisi devolveu o Irão da China mais cedo do que o previsto foi porque não pôde aceitar a condição de Xi Jinping de que o sistema de pagamento nacional do Irão deve adoptar o RMB e o sistema de pagamento do PCCh, que também deve ser constitucionalizado. Isto significa basicamente que o PCCh pode ter o controlo total sobre o Irão ao penetrar na vulnerabilidade crítica do Irão.

#digitalRMB #Iran #Raisi #sistemadepagamentos #PCCh #Huawei
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【NFSC @CPAC 】3/4/2023 Trump: I have known since my youth that Russia and Communist China must not be allowed to collude with each other. If I were in power, the evil alliance of Communist China, Russia, and Iran would not have existed.
#Russia #CommunistChina #Iran #evilalliance

【新中国联邦DC星火行动】3/4/2023 川普:自我年轻起我就知道,决不能允许俄罗斯和中共狼狈为奸。若由我执政,绝不会有现在中俄伊三国邪恶联盟的产生!
#俄国 #中共国 #伊朗 #邪恶联盟