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The Truth Behind Mr. Miles Guo's Interview with #HBO #VICEHBO-VICE's Deliberate Lies After Deceptive Editing [Part-13]:
‼️HBO-VICE’s discredit Mr. Guo for deceiving his investors. Using deceptive editing, HBO tried to ruin Mr. Guo’s public image. The uncut interview revealed the facts and exposed how HBO manipulated the interview.

#HBO #VICE 采访郭文贵先生背后的真相——揭露HBO-VICE精心编织的谎言 Part-13】:
‼️ HBO-VICE诋毁郭先生欺骗投资者,混乱剪辑,只留下郭先生不断说她撒谎的片段,故意贬低郭先生形象。我们还原当时的原始采访进行反击,以揭露HBO如何虚假剪辑采访视频。

YouTube link of full REBUTTAL video: https://youtu.be/VTQ91werzk8
GTV link of full REBUTTAL video (EN and CN subtitles): https://gtv.org/video/id=61c3bb8900f9a119180832eb
GETTR link of full REBUTTAL video (EN and CN subtitles): https://gettr.com/streaming/pkexq84603
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The Truth Behind Mr. Miles Guo's Interview with #HBO #VICEHBO-VICE's Deliberate Lies After Deceptive Editing [Part-14]:
‼️HBO-VICE’s questioning on the numbers of lawsuits Mr. Guo had. Again, HBO editing team took it out of context and tried to mislead audience. In the uncut interview, it again revealed how HBO deceivingly manipulated the interview.

#HBO #VICE 采访郭文贵先生背后的真相——揭露HBO-VICE精心编织的谎言 Part-14】:
‼️ HBO-VICE询问郭先生有多少诉讼,混乱剪辑,只留下郭先生说没准下一个官司就是针对女记者的片段,断章取义。我们还原当时的原始采访进行反击,再次揭露HBO如何欺骗性地对采访视频进行扭曲。

YouTube link of full REBUTTAL video: https://youtu.be/VTQ91werzk8
GTV link of full REBUTTAL video (EN and CN subtitles): https://gtv.org/video/id=61c3bb8900f9a119180832eb
GETTR link of full REBUTTAL video (EN and CN subtitles): https://gettr.com/streaming/pkexq84603
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The Interview by #IsobelYeung from #HBO #VICE was a Premeditated Plan to Defame Mr. Miles Guo [Part-15]:
🔥 Mr. Miles Guo has revealed the evil plans of the CCP to become world hegemony over the past 4 years. He has warned the world multiple times that the darkness has arrived. With his intelligent information and his 30-year knowledge of the CCP, so far, all his revelations have been proven and testified to be true.
‼️HBO-VICE's host of the interview - her background and connection with the CCP

HBO VICE ISOBEL YEUNG的采访是对郭文贵先生有计划的诽谤 Part-15】:
🔥 新中国联邦创始人郭先生带领的爆料革命向西方世界揭露中共CCP的邪恶并多次发出警告,最终得到验证,展示了新中国联邦和郭先生的真实实力。
‼️HBO采访郭先生的记者ISOBEL YEUNG亲共背景证明。

YouTube link of full REBUTTAL: https://youtu.be/VTQ91werzk8
GTV link: https://gtv.org/video/id=61c3bb8900f9a119180832eb
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#HBO #VICE 's Premeditated Lies — Uncut Interview With Miles Guo — Highlight (1) :
☘️ From 2017 to 2018, Miles Guo was the only Chinese telling all fellow fighters that we want to be #AntiCCP , take down the CCP, not anti-Chinese. What we want is to destroy the CCP system itself but not any one individual.
☘️ #CCP≠China , #CCP≠ChinesePeople
☘️ The 270-million family members of the 90-million CCP members cannot all be criminals and we have no proof for that.
☘️ We are even more opposed to blaming the damages of the CCP-created coronavirus on all Chinese people.

#HBO #VICE 有预谋的谎言 —— 郭先生未删减采访精彩片段一:
💦 郭文贵是2017年到2018年唯一的一个中国人,告诉我们战友,我们要反共、灭共,而不反华人,我们要的是干掉共产党这个体制,而不是某个人。
💦 #中共≠≠中国 , #中共≠≠中国人
💦 #9千万中共党员 的将近2 .7亿的家人没有证据证明他们都是坏人
💦 我们更反对把 #中共病毒 归罪于中国人 。
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#HBO #VICE 's Premeditated Lies — Uncut Interview with Miles Guo — Highlight (2) :
☘️ Miles is the first person to talk about the Xinjiang genocide.
☘️ But the rogue media never talked about it. Why? That’s because they just like to keep their dignity and their power and they are selfish.

#HBO #VICE 有预谋的谎言 —— 郭先生未删减采访精彩片段二 :
💦 郭先生是第一个在大众面前谈论新疆种族大屠杀的人。
💦 但是流氓媒体从来没有谈论此事。为什么?那是因为他们只想维护他们媒体的尊严和权力,他们非常自私。
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#HBO #VICE 's Premeditated Lies — Uncut Interview With Miles Guo — Highlight (3) :
☘️ We will never forget the June 4th Tiananmen Square Movement. This was China trying to get its democracy, freedom, and free religions.
☘️ We are different from the CCP. The CCP is just a few people who are evil. They created the Hong Kong’s trouble, the genocide in Xinjiang and Tibet. They created the CCP Virus to kill people.
☘️ We put all the people who’d like China to have democracy and freedom together against the CCP. That is why we created the New Federal State of China.

#HBO #VICE 有预谋的谎言 —— 郭先生未删减采访精彩片段三:
💦 我们永远不会忘记89六四天安门广场的运动,这是中国试图获得民主、自由和宗教自由的运动。
💦 我们与中共不同,中共只是少数邪恶的盗国贼家族。他们制造香港的问题,新疆的种族灭绝,屠杀了西藏人民,制造了中共病毒来杀人。
💦 我们把所有希望中国拥有民主和自由的人联合起来反对中共,这就是为什么我们成立新中国联邦的原因。
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#HBO #VICE 's Premeditated Lies — Uncut Interview with Miles Guo — Highlight (4) :
💥 Why does Miles Guo so against the CCP?
☘️ Miles saw all the facts and truth of the disasters happening in China. He has prepared for nearly 20-30 years to be stronger, to build more relationships and more economy power.
☘️ He is #AntiCCP in his blood. #takedowntheccp

#HBO #VICE 有预谋的谎言 —— 郭先生未删减采访精彩片段四:
💥 郭先生为何如此反共?
💦 郭先生看到了中国发生的灾难的所有事实和真相,他已经准备了将近二、三十年,以使自己变得更强大,建立更多的关系和更多的经济力量。
💦 #反共 #消灭共产党 是在郭先生血液里的 !
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#HBO #VICE 's Premeditated Lies — Uncut Interview with Miles Guo — Highlight (5) :
💥 HBO-VICE just wants to create doubts if Miles is really anti-CCP, and discredits Miles who challenged the number one evil regime, the CCP.
☘️ We need to prepare for revenge, even more so when we take down the CCP. This is common sense.
☘️ Miles is the number one enemy of the CCP. We have the energy, power and capability to make miracle happen and #TakeDownTheCCP .
☘️ We know HBO-VICE will ask lie questions, and then deceptively edit a video with premeditated lies again.

#HBO #VICE 有预谋的谎言 —— 郭先生未删减采访精彩片段五:
💥 HBO-VICE就是想制造怀疑,看看郭文贵是不是真的反共,它们只会诋毁挑战头号邪恶政权中共的郭文贵。
💦 复仇都需要准备,何况灭共呢?这是常识!
💦 郭文贵是中国共产党的头号敌人,我们有精力、力量和能力让奇迹发生,打倒中共。
💦 我们知道 HBO-VICE 会提出谎言问题,然后再次用有预谋的谎言欺骗性地剪辑视频。
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#HBO #VICE 's Premeditated Lies — Uncut Interview with Miles Guo — Highlight (6) :
☘️ Miles never takes one dollar from the Whistleblower Movement and the New Federal State of China.
☘️ Miles is prepared from day one to take down the CCP. As long as it can take down the CCP, Miles can eat shit or be killed for a thousand times.
☘️Taking down the CCP requires true faith, not money.

#HBO #VICE 有预谋的谎言 —— 郭先生未删减采访精彩片段六:
💦 郭文贵从未从爆料革命和新中国联邦那里拿走一分钱。
💦 郭文贵从第一天起就准备打倒中共,只要能灭共,郭文贵可以吃屎或被杀一千次。
💦 灭共需要的是真正的信仰,而不是钱。
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