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1/11/2023 Miles Guo: The CCP’s infiltration has turned the two-party system of America into a zero-sum struggle, which is typical of the CCP. Under the influence of the CCP’s money, the West has got lost. Donations to religious organizations hit a new historic low. The US is facing an imminent financial crisis and great recession that will be even larger in scale than the Great Depression of 1929.
#CCP #infiltration #US #capitalism #theGreatDepression #financialcrisis

1/11/2023 文贵直播:中共的渗透让美国的两党制变成了中共那一套你死我活的政治斗争;被中共资本化了的西方已迷失方向;美国过去两三年各宗教组织接受的捐款创新低;美国即将面临比1929经济大萧条规模更大的经济危机和大衰退
#中共 #渗透 #美国 #资本主义 #经济大萧条 #经济危机
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1/11/2023 Miles Guo: the Whistleblowers Movement has warned the entire world that the darkness has arrived in the West; why is the CCP China embassy in the Bahamas so huge? Key West is across the strait, which is the major harbor for American submarines
#CCP #US #13579TopSecret #WashingtonDC #logistics #KeyWest #Submarine

1/11/2023 文贵直播:爆料革命早在五年前就警告全世界:黑暗已经到来;中共国巴拿马大使馆为什么如此庞大?一湾之隔就是美国基韦斯特(西礁岛)军港
#美国 #13579绝密文件 #华盛顿 #物流 #基韦斯特 #西礁岛 #潜水艇
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1/11/2023 Miles Guo: The CCP's infiltration of the US is on such a massive scale that I can keep on talking about it for a week straight without a break. The US and Europe are much worse off than what they used to be. Although I warned the Americans back in 2017 that the CCP would push the petroyuan, there are still many Americans holding naive attitude toward the CCP
#CCP #Infiltration #US #Europe #petroyuan #Saudi

1/11/2023 文贵直播:中共对美国的渗透罄竹难书,给文贵一周都说不完;美国和欧洲今非昔比,西方已尝到了中共铁拳的滋味;虽然文贵在2017年就警告美国人中共会推行石油人民币,但现在仍有很多天真的美国人
#中共 #渗透 #美国 #欧洲 #石油人民币 #沙特
MILES GUO Posting on #GETTR:It is said that the #US House Speaker McCarthy will go to Taiwan in early April, and before that the US President or⋯
#USHouseSpeakerMcCarthy #Taiwan #USpresident #USvicepresident
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#中共国 核机构仍在使用1997年就被列入 #禁售黑名单#美国计算机芯片

#China's Nuke Agency Using #US Computer #Chips that Has Been on #Blacklist Since 1997
MILES GUO Posting on #GETTR:The claims against the originators of COVID-19 are beginning to kick in, with the US claiming US$20 trillion. The #US Netizen Comments: also accelerate legislation or emergency executive orders to seize all CCP and #Chinese overseas assets in the US and its allied countries, with Japan, Canada, Europe and many other countries to follow.
#MilesGuo #TakeDowntheCCP #HimalayaOxfordVisionaryFarm #NFSC #MEGA #CCP #COVID #Vaccinesideeffects #Vaccine #Ivermectin #FDA #CDC #mRNA
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2/8/2023 Miles Guo: The CCP spy balloon incident indicates that the US has no idea about the intelligence of the CCP, its military layout around the world, and its military technology, strategy, and tactics! The CCP won this asymmetric war 100%, and this would be the most glorious moment of Xi Jinping’s lifetime.
#CCPspyballoon #US #CCPmilitaryintel #XiJinping

2/8/2023 文贵直播:中共间谍气球事件表明,美国对中共的情报、在全世界的军事布局以及军事科技、战略和战术一无所知!中共100%赢了这场不对称战争,且这将是习死皇一生最辉煌的时刻
#中共间谍气球 #美国 #中共军情 #习近平
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中共已对美国宣战,新中国联邦在推动美国和中共脱钩 #中共 #美国 #新中国联邦 #推动脱钩 2/8/2023 The CCP has declared war on the United States and the NFSC is promoting a decoupling of the United States from the CCP #CCP #US #NFSC #PromoteDecouple
CCP’s spy balloons invaded #US airspace has raised more concerns among the American public about the threat to the #Communist China, and has also heightened the concerns of #American farmers about their own security..
The CCP claims that the #spy balloon is used for #meteorological research, it entered the #US due to #Force Majeure. It is completely accidental, so why are they afraid of talking to the US?
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2/13/2023 Brother Changdao told the congressmen on Capitol Hill that we, the citizens of the New Federal State of China, do not ask for any money, nor do we need the Americans to save the Chinese people. What the Americans should do is to stop providing aid to the CCP and remove the American sellouts. We, the New Federal State of China, have the ability to destroy the CCP in China!
#takedowntheCCP #WhistleblowersMovement #NFSC #US #CapitolHill #takedowntheCCP

2/13/2023 长岛哥在国会山告诉美国议员,新中国联邦人既不需要钱,又不需要美国人来救中国人,美国要做的是:停止帮助中共、清理卖美贼;我们新中国联邦有能力在中国消灭共产党!
#灭共 #爆料革命 #新中国联邦 #美国 #国会山 #消灭中共
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2/15/2023 Miles Guo: ChatGPT shamelessly whitewashes the CCP by claiming there is no evidence to support that Communist China is intentionally sending helium balloons to the US for any particular purpose and that the likelihood for the balloons to arrive in the US is extremely low.
#ChatGPT #helium #CCP #heliumballoons #CCPspyballoon #US

2/15/2023 文贵直播:ChatGPT为中共洗地,竟称没有证据说明中共国出于任何特定目的故意向美国发送氦气球,且气球到达美国的可能性极低
#氦气 #中共 #氦气球 #中共间谍气球 #美国
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2/16/2023 Miles Guo: What is the purpose of the Iranian president's visit to Communist China? A large number of CCP balloons will come in swarms over Japan. The first CCP balloon recently shot down by the US is by no means the first balloon to come to the US, nor will it be the last. The CCP will test various balloons in Taiwan and Japan and their surrounding areas.
#Iran #CCPspyballoons #CCPballoons #Japan #Taiwan #US

2/16/2023 文贵爆料:伊朗总统访华目的何在?中共气球会组团出现在日本上空;美国最近打下的第一个中共气球绝不是第一个飞来美国的气球,也不是最后一个;中共将在台湾和日本及其周边测试多种气球
#伊朗 #中共间谍气球 #中共气球 #日本 #台湾 #美国
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2/19/2023 Miles Guo: The COVID origin is a good justification for the U.S. and the West to seize the CCP cadres’ overseas assets. The CCP spy balloon incident has changed the course of history and has had a huge impact on the military and geopolitics.
#investigateCOVIDorigins #US #CCPspyballoon #seizetheCCPcardresassets

2/19/2023 文贵直播:病毒溯源是美国和西方查封中共海外资产的好抓手,中共间谍气球改变了历史并对军事和地缘政治造成了巨大影响!
#病毒溯源 #美国 #中共间谍气球 #查封中共高官资产
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2/15/2023 文贵直播:ChatGPT为中共洗地,竟称没有证据说明中共国出于任何特定目的故意向美国发送氦气球,且气球到达美国的可能性极低。
#氦气 #中共 #氦气球 #中共间谍气球 #美国

2/15/2023 Miles Guo: ChatGPT shamelessly whitewashes the CCP by claiming there is no evidence to support that Communist China is intentionally sending helium balloons to the US for any particular purpose and that the likelihood for the balloons to arrive in the US is extremely low.
#ChatGPT #helium #CCP #heliumballoons #CCPspyballoon #US
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2/15/2023 文贵直播:中共国完全有能力生产氦气球,且有覆盖全国的几千个生产点,遗憾的是美国军事专家们对此一无所知。
#氦气 #中共 #氦气球 #中共间谍气球 #美国

2/15/2023 Miles Guo: Communist China is fully capable of manufacturing helium gas for helium balloons and it has thousands of production sites that cover the whole country, but unfortunately American military experts know nothing about it.
#helium #CCP #heliumballoons #CCPspyballoon #US