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11/4/2022 Miles Guo’s GETTR: Knowing the world is facing an unprecedented uncertainty, our fellow fighters should seize this opportunity to appreciate our families and friends!
#uncertainty #COVIDvaccinedisaster

11/4/2022 文贵盖特:全世界面临着前所未有的不确定性,战友们要把握好这个机遇来回报家人和朋友!
#不确定性 #疫苗灾难

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12/4/2022 Miles Guo’s GETTR: After this morning’s livestream, our fellow fighter within the CCP asked me to fill in one more point: the boss of this fellow fighter, who is among the 200 people one-tier below Xi Jinping, said that only those who did not take the COVID vaccines would survive. This senior CCP leader also said that after the COVID vaccine disaster, only the CCP members and their families would live on, implying that the COVID vaccines given to LaoBaixing were toxic while those given to the CCP members were fake! #COVIDVaccineDisaster #toxicVaccine

12/4/2022 文贵盖特:今天早上直播后体制内战友要求文贵再补充一点:该战友的领导是习近平手下二百人之一,这位领导说没打疫苗是捡条命,疫苗灾难来临时只有党员及其家人会活下来,暗示老百姓打的是毒疫苗而党员们打的是假疫苗!
#疫苗灾难 #毒疫苗
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12/29/2022 Miles Guo: The Chinese Communist Party will definitely be taken down by us by 2025. The massive deaths caused by the CCP virus and the COVID vaccine disaster and the major economic collapse of Communist China provide us with the most crucial opportunity to terminate the CCP; in addition to sticking to the characteristics of being law-abiding and non-violent, the New Federal State of China should also create new wealth for mankind via peace, civilization, and giving.
#NFSC #thePartyofXi #takedowntheCCP #CCPVirus #COVIDvaccinedisaster

12/29/2022 文贵直播:2025年以前共产党一定会被我们消灭;中共国的病毒和疫苗灾难造成的大死亡和经济大崩溃是我们灭共的最重要的机会;新中国联邦除了要继续坚持合法和非暴力的特色,还要用和平、文明、给予来创造人类的新财富
#新中国联邦 #习家党 #消灭中共 #中共病毒 #疫苗灾难
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12/29/2022 Miles Guo: A fellow fighter, who was a senior CCP official, said the greatest asset he had given his son was to ask him to join the Whistleblowers’ Movement.
#CCPVirus #fellowfighter #CovidVaccineDisaster

12/29/2022 文贵直播: 一位中共高官战友说他毕生给他的儿子最大的财富就是让他加入了爆料革命
#中共病毒 #战友 #疫苗灾难
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1/4/2023 Miles Guo: The COVID virus is perhaps going to take the lives of several old CCP kleptocrats in a couple of days. The tragedy of high death toll and no place to put the corpses will not be limited to China, and the COVID vaccine disaster will be inflicted on the entire world. Except for waiting to die, there is no option but to join the Whistleblowers’ Movement.
#CCPVirus #COVIDvirus #COVIDvaccinedisaster #Ivermectin #Artemisinin #Azithromycin #Dexamethasone #HCQ

1/4/2023 文贵直播:病毒可能在这几天还会带走几个老杂毛;大量死人、无处存放尸体的惨剧不会仅限于中共国,全世界将陷入疫苗灾难之中。除了等死,唯有加入爆料革命,没有别的选择!
#中共病毒 #新冠病毒 #疫苗灾难 #爆料革命 #伊维菌素 #青蒿素 #阿奇霉素 #地塞米松 #羟氯喹
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1/6/2023 Miles Guo’s GETTR: Since December 8th in 2022 till now, the actual number of deaths in Communist China has exceeded ten million, and the healthcare workers working on the frontline suffer the most deaths. The word “human mine” currently going viral inside China well explains that the CCP has been treating human beings as a mineral resource and a tool that they can take advantage of.
#humanmine #deathtoll #CCPvirus #covidvaccinedisaster #ChineseDoctors

1/6/2023 文贵盖特:从去年12月8号到现在,中共国实际死亡人数已突破一千万,死的最多的是前线医护人员;最近墙内的网络热词-“人矿”体现了中共一直都把中国人当成矿产资源和工具使用的事实!
#人矿 #死亡总数 #中共病毒 #疫苗灾难 #中国医生
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1/8/2023 Miles Guo: The onset of the COVID vaccine disaster in Communist China will be between this February and March, and another wave will come at the year's end.
#COVIDvaccinedisaster #massdeaths #CommunistChina #vitaminD

1/8/2023 文贵直播:中共国疫苗灾难真正开始的时间是今年二到三月份,到年底会再有一波
#疫苗灾难 #大规模死亡 #中共国 #维生素D
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2/22/2023 Miles Guo: The three most concerning issues faced by every country are: the political order of Europe and the world after the Russia-Ukraine war; whether or not the CCP will go to war with the U.S. and Europe in Taiwan; how the destructive impact of COVID vaccines on fertility will affect the future of mankind
#RussiaUkraineWar #Taiwan #COVIDVaccineDisaster #CCPSpyBalloon #decapitation

2/22/2023 文贵直播:目前各国最关注三件事:俄乌战争后欧洲和世界的政治秩序;中共是否会在台湾和美国以及欧洲发生战事;疫苗对生育的破坏对人类未来的影响
#俄乌战争 #台湾 #疫苗灾难 #中共间谍气球 #斩首