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#FreeMilesGuoNow】 3/18/2023 Zhongyuan Foshou: The honorable judge, I have no reason to doubt Mr. Miles Guo’s great love and to worry if his love would jeopardize my safety, wealth, and faith. I swear it in the name of God!”

#立即释放郭文贵先生】 3/18/2023 中原佛手战友: “法官先生,我没有任何理由怀疑郭文贵先生的大爱,担心会对我个人安全财富信仰上带来任何损失,我以上帝的名来起誓保证!”
#美国司法部 #美国联邦调查局 #美国证监会 #GTV
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#FreeMilesGuoNow】03/18/2023 Prince Li: The hallmark of a tyranny is the corruption of the justice system, and that's what's happening right now in the United States of America. No one is safe from the CCP’s persecution. The CCP is coming after you no matter what races you're. We have to stand up to stop that now.

#立即释放郭文贵先生】03/18/2023 小王子:司法系统的腐败就是暴政的标志,而这就是此时此刻正发生在美国的事。在中共的迫害面前,没人是安全的。中共正在谋你的财,害你的命,不论你是什么种族。我们必须站出来阻止中共继续作恶。
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#FreeMilesGuoNow】03/18/2023 Mr. Miles Guo revealed CCP’s 13579 plan to manufacture and release a bioweapon against America within three years back in 2017. Many insiders and military scientists that the New Federal State of China have helped to rescue from communist China gave the world the solution and effective treatment for COVID 19 as early as 2020 and 2021.

#立即释放郭文贵先生】03/18/2023 早在2017年,郭文贵先生就揭露了中共计划在三年内针对美国制造和投放生物武器的13579计划。新中国联邦帮助从共产主义中国解救出来的许多业内人士和军事科学家在2020年和 2021年就为世界提供了中共病毒的解决方案和有效治疗方法。
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#FreeMilesGuoNow】03/18/2023 Miles Guo is a real man in court, he's in very good spirits. He told us not to worry. He's doing well. But America is not doing well. It is the darkest moment of history. Because the very institutions, the Department of Justice, the FBI, the SEC, that are tasked with a legal obligation of protecting Americans, are working with a hostile foreign regime, the CCP, to persecute the CCP’s most wanted enemy, Miles Guo, on American soil. In court, the prosecutors have admitted working with the CCP throughout the investigation on Miles Guo.

#立即释放郭文贵先生】03/18/2023 郭文贵先生在法庭上精神非常好,他是个真正的男人, 他告诉我们不要担心。他很好,但美国却不妙,这是历史上最黑暗的时刻。美国司法部、联邦调查局、证监会等有责保护美国的法治机构,正与敌国政权中共合作,在美国本土上迫害中共最想除掉的敌人郭文贵。而检察官在法庭上承认其与中共合作调查郭文贵。
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#FreeMilesGuoNow】 3/18/2023: Zhongyuan Foshou: “Your Honor, I am convinced that Mr. Miles Guo is innocent. I guarantee, based on my personal true stories and information, that the evidence you have received is fabricated and invalid. No matter how much injustice Mr. Guo is facing, I am still following him!”
#milesguo #whistleblowersmemovement #nfsc #freemilesguo #fbiweaponized #americantraitor #ccpinfiltration #unrestrictedwar

#立即释放郭文贵先生】 3/18/2023:中原佛手战友: “法官先生,我坚信郭文贵先生是无罪的,我用我个人的真实故事和信息保证,你们所接受的证据是伪证,是不成立的。无论郭先生遭遇何等的不公,我依然选择跟随郭文贵先生!”
#郭文贵 #爆料革命 #新中国联邦 #释放郭文贵 #联邦调查局武器化 #卖美贼 #中共渗透 #超限战
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#FreeMilesGuoNow】3/18/2023 Without eliminating the CCP, no one can guarantee that our children's healthy organs will not be harvested by the CCP. We are here to protest Miles Guo’s wrongful arrest by the FBI because we are all Miles Guo!
#MilesGuo #WhistleblowersMemovement #NFSC #FreeMilesGuo #FBIweaponized #Americantraitor #CCPinfiltration #unrestrictedwarfare

#立即释放郭文贵先生】 3/18/2023 如果不消灭中共,没人能保证我们孩子的健康器官不被中共摘取;我们来抗议FBI抓捕郭文贵先生是因为我们都是郭文贵!
#郭文贵 #爆料革命 #新中国联邦 #释放郭文贵 #FBI武器化 #卖美贼 #中共渗透 #超限战
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#立即释放郭文贵先生】3/18/2023 A fellow fighter, who is among those who were qualified to invest in the G-series private equity, bravely stood up to protest. Here is his message to the CCP: "Screw you! Let’s see who can hold on to the end!"
#loveMilesGuo #takedowntheCCP #Gseries #NFSC

#FreeMilesGuoNow】3/18/2023 一位老椅子战友勇敢站出来喊话中共:“去你妈的!看我们谁能够一直坚持到底!”
#爱文贵 #消灭中共 #G系列 #新中国联邦
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#FreeMilesGuoNow】3/18/2023 Fellow fighter in red: It is Miles Guo who let us understand why the Chinese people can’t live a decent life no matter how hard we work; it is Miles Guo who told the world COVID was released by the CCP, warned us not to take the lethal vaccines, and informed us that artemisinin is the antidote. We can’t lose such a great man and a hero!
#MilesGuo #CCPVirus #artemisinin #humineral #vaccinedisaster

#立即释放郭文贵先生】3/18/2023 红衣战友:是郭先生告诉我们,为什么中国人无论多么辛苦还是过不上好日子;是郭先生告诉全世界病毒是中共释放,告诉我们疫苗有毒不能打,告诉我们青蒿素是解药。我们不能没有这个好人,这个英雄!
#文贵先生 #中共病毒 #青蒿素 #人矿 #疫苗灾难
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#FreeMilesGuoNow】3/18/2023 We are not the victims of Mr. Guo, but the victims of U.S. federal government agencies infiltrated by the CCP! Wake up, Americans! The CCP has infiltrated the DOJ, the SEC, and the IRS. None of you are safe!
#milesguo #whistleblowersmemovement #nfsc #freemilesguo #fbiweaponized #americantraitor #ccpinfiltration #unrestrictedwar #ccpballoon

#立即释放郭文贵先生】3/18/2023 我们不是郭先生的受害者,而是被中共渗透的美国联邦政府部门的受害者!美国人醒醒吧,中共潜伏在司法部、证监会和国税局,你们没有一个人是安全的!
#郭文贵 #爆料革命 #新中国联邦 #释放郭文贵 #fbi武器化 #卖美贼 #中共渗透 #超限战 #中共气球
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#FreeMilesGuoNow】03/18/2023 The fellow fighters of the New Federal State of China, together with our supporters from the States and the rest of the world, are demanding that the DOJ, FBI and SEC must free Miles Guo immediately; the arrest of Miles Guo has sparked a new American movement for independence from the CCP
#weaponizedUSgovernment #DOJ #FBI #SEC #taxpayer #Tiananmenmasscre #1984 #1776

#立即释放郭文贵先生】03/18/2023 新中国联邦人和来自美国及世界的支持者站在一起,要求立即释放郭文贵先生,郭先生的被捕开启了一次美国和中共脱钩的新独立运动!
#美国政府武器化 #司法部 #联邦调查局 #美国证监会 #纳税人 #天安门大屠杀 #1984 #1776