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Am 8. April 2017 hat die Pacific Alliance Investment Group (PAG) über ihre Tochtergesellschaft Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P (PAX) bei dem Gericht in New York Anklage gegen Herrn Guo Wengui erhoben.
#PAG #PAX #HNA #VOA #WangQishan #ShanWeijian #YaoYilin #MilesGuo #internationalnews #hotnews
On 8 April 2017, Pacific Alliance Investment Group (PAG), through its subsidiary Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P (PAX), filed an indictment against Mr Guo Wengui in the New York court.
#PAG #PAX #HNA #VOA #WangQishan #ShanWeijian #YaoYilin #MilesGuo #internationalnews #hotnews
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中共操纵的PAG案一定会在美国掀起巨浪,PAG郭文貴破産案幕后操控人是单伟建也是中共的高级间谍,单伟建利用华尔街资本盗取美国人和以色列人的养老金和盗取西方高科技,损毁西方法制秩序 控制社交媒体 千人计划重要推手 他是王岐山绝对强大的海外蓝金黄势力。

China's Communist Manipulation of the PAG Case is Sure to Make Big Waves in America The man behind Miles Guo's bankruptcy is Shan Weijian, also a top-ranking spy for the CCP. Shan Weijian, who used Wall Street capital to steal the pensions of Americans and Israelis, and stealing Western high technology, destroying the Western rule of law, controlling social media, an important force behind the Thousand Talents Plan He is Wang Qishan's absolutely powerful overseas blue and gold and yellow power.

#盘古时讯 #多维网 #法律超限战 #多维 #pag #国家安全部 #太平联盟 #pax #法律超限战 #司法腐败 #司法渗透 #郭文贵 #单伟建 #ShanWeijian #PAGCase #MilesGuo #WangQishan #TopRankingSpyForTheCCP
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中共操纵的PAG案一定会在美国掀起巨浪,PAG郭文貴破産案幕后操控人是单伟建也是中共的高级间谍,单伟建利用华尔街资本盗取美国人和以色列人的养老金和盗取西方高科技,损毁西方法制秩序 控制社交媒体 千人计划重要推手 他是王岐山绝对强大的海外蓝金黄势力。

China's Communist Manipulation of the PAG Case is Sure to Make Big Waves in America The man behind Miles Guo's bankruptcy is Shan Weijian, also a top-ranking spy for the CCP. Shan Weijian, who used Wall Street capital to steal the pensions of Americans and Israelis, and stealing Western high technology, destroying the Western rule of law, controlling social media, an important force behind the Thousand Talents Plan He is Wang Qishan's absolutely powerful overseas blue and gold and yellow power.

#盘古时讯 #多维网 #法律超限战 #多维 #pag #国家安全部 #太平联盟 #pax #法律超限战 #司法腐败 #司法渗透 #郭文贵 #单伟建 #ShanWeijian #PAGCase #MilesGuo #WangQishan #TopRankingSpyForTheCCP
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11/21/2022 Miles Guo: Xi will definitely die in the hands of Wang Qishan. Weijian Shan, who belongs to Wang Qishan’s faction, certainly has the ability to destroy Xi.
#XiJinping #WangQishan #WeijianShan

11/21/2022 文贵直播:习近平一定会死在王岐山手里,单伟建绝对有能力毁掉习
#习近平 #王岐山 #单伟建
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#PAG #太平联盟 #单伟建 #中国 #习近平
#ShanWeijian #PAGCase #MilesGuo #WangQishan #TopRankingSpyForTheCCP
#郑州 #胡锦涛 #二十大 #习近平 #台湾 #中国 #隔离清零 #金正恩 #器官移植 #人口丢失 #世界杯
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12/4/2022 Miles Guo: Hu Shuli made almost all the reports on the assets of Xi Jinping’s family and their scandals. Many American intellectuals believe that Wang Qishan is the most open-minded cadre in the CCP, whereas Xi is the No. 1 enemy of the US. Without understanding Hu Shuli's relationship with Wang Qishan, Wang Enge, Li You, and others, one can hardly understand the game played by the CCP.
#HuShuli #XiJinping #MikeForsythe #WangQishan #CCP #LiYou #WangEnge #JiangZemin

12/4/2022 文贵直播:胡舒立几乎报道了所有习家资产和习家人的负面消息;美国很多知识分子认为王岐山是中共最开明的人,而习却是美国头号敌人;不了解胡舒立和王岐山、王恩哥、李友等人的关系,就搞不懂中共玩的游戏
#胡舒立 #习近平 #傅才德 #王岐山 #中共 #李友 #王恩哥 #江泽民
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2/15/2023 Miles Guo: When ChatGPT is asked about Mr. Miles Guo, the New Federal State of China, Mr. Li Hongzhi of Falun Gong and insider information of the CCP, it gives answers that were pre-formulated by the CCP!
#MilesGuo #chatGPT #LiHongzhi #FalunGong #MaJian #WangQishan #NFSC

2/15/2023 文贵直播:当问到文贵、新中国联邦、法轮功的李洪志先生和中共内幕时,ChatGPT给出的都是共产党设定好的答案!
#郭文贵 #李洪志 #法轮功 #马健 #王岐山 #新中国联邦
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2/15/2023 Miles Guo: Bruno Wu can make ChatGPT attack Falun Gong and the New Federal State of China and blocking the information about his lies and the number of companies he owns listed in China, and the sensitive information about the CCP senior cadres like Wang Qishan and Meng Jianzhu. This demonstrates the CCP’s powerful forces infiltrating the U.S.
#BrunoWu #WangQishan #MengJianzhu #FalunGong #Jews #NFSC

2/15/2023 文贵直播:吴征能让ChatGPT攻击法轮功和新中国联邦,屏蔽自己扯的谎、在中国拥有上市公司的数量和有关王岐山、孟建柱等老杂毛的敏感信息,可见中共在美国渗透的力量之强大!
#ChatGPT #吴征 #王岐山 #孟建柱 #法轮功 #犹太人 #新中国联邦
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2/19/2023 Miles Guo: The recent high level personnel changes in the financial system of Communist China indicates the forthcoming arrest of Wang Qishan and Meng Jianzhu; the massive exodus of capital resembles what happened in late Qing Dynasty and when Kuomintang was fleeing mainland China, foreshadowing the imminent collapse of a regime; it is said that 7000 rich people will be arrested as a result of the implementation of “Common Prosperity”!
#capitalFleeChina #WangQishan #MengJianzhu #CommonProsperity

2/19/2023 文贵直播:近期中共国金融系统的人事变动是抓王岐山、孟建柱的前兆;大量资金外逃与当年国民党逃离大陆、清朝末年如出一辙,预示一个政权的崩塌;据说有7000富豪成为“共同富裕”的抓捕目标!
#中共国资金外逃 #王岐山 #孟建柱 #共同富裕
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2/19/2023 Miles Guo: Bao Fan, who recently disappeared, is a man that even shocked Xi Jinping and one of the top three figures helping Wang Qishan and Meng Jianzhu launder money in Hong Kong and Macau.
#Baofan #Wangqishan #Mengjianzhu #moneylaundering

2/19/2023 文贵直播:最近消失的包凡是令习近平都感到震惊的角色,他是帮助王岐山和孟建柱在香港和澳门洗钱的前三号人物
#包凡 #王岐山 #孟建柱 #洗钱
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2/19/2023 Miles Guo: The recent TV series The Knockout actually implies that the CCP is directing public opinion before taking out Meng Jianzhu and Wang Qishan. The CCP is the real mafia in China. Nobody dare claim to be a mob boss in front of a CCP official.
#TheKnockout #MengJianzhu #WangQishan #PublicOpinionDirection #mafia #mobboss

2/19/2023 文贵直播: 最近播放的电视剧《狂飙》就是影射中共在整肃孟建柱和王岐山前所进行的舆论导向。中共就是中国真正的黑社会组织。在中共官员面前,没有人能敢自称是黑帮老大。
#狂飙 #孟建柱 #王岐山 #舆论导向 #黑社会 #黑帮老大
2/19/2023 Miles Guo: The recent high level personnel changes in the financial system of Communist China indicates the forthcoming arrest of Wang Qishan and Meng Jianzhu; the massive exodus of capital resembles what happened in late Qing Dynasty and when Kuomintang was fleeing mainland China, foreshadowing the imminent collapse of a regime; it is said that 7,000 rich people will be arrested as a result of the implementation of “Common Prosperity”!

2/19/2023 文贵直播:近期中共国金融系统的人事变动是抓王岐山、孟建柱的前兆;大量资金外逃与当年国民党逃离大陆、清朝末年如出一辙,预示一个政权的崩塌;据说有7000富豪成为“共同富裕”的抓捕目标

#共同富裕 #王岐山 #孟建柱 #CommonWealth #WangQishan #MengJianzhu
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3/5/2023 Miles Guo: Could Xi-the-Dead-Emperor and the CCP stay alive till 2025?
#AmendConstitution #CCPVirus #Vaccine #HuJintao #WangQishan #MengJianzhu #Taiwan

3/5/2023 文贵直播:习死皇和共产党能活到2025年吗?
#修宪 #中共病毒 #疫苗 #胡锦涛 #王岐山 #孟建柱 #台湾 #武统
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3/6/2023 Miles Guo’s GETTR: Li Keqiang is nobody to Xi Jinping. Even Wang Qishan and Meng Jianzhu have no idea what type of person Xi is, and they tried to show their loyalty and recommend some people to Xi as their last effort, but to their disappointment, Xi had all of their recommended people arrested in the end.
#xijinping #likeqiang #wangqishan #mengjianzhu #thetwosessions

3/6/2023 文贵盖特:李克强在习近平眼里什么都不是,就连王歧山和孟建柱这些人都不了解习,最后还想表忠心给习推荐人,结果推荐不成反而全被习拿下
#习近平 #李克强 #王歧山 #孟建柱 #两会