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11/27/2022 Miles Guo: Xi Jinping’s plan for a Petroyuan won‘t fail and it will hit the US dollar hard. The CCP will continue spreading chaos and destruction to topple America and the West.
#Petroyuan #USDollar #AxisofEvil #Xijinping

11/27/2022 文贵直播:习近平的石油人民币计划不会失败,会重创美元。共产党会继续到处煽风点火搞乱美国和西方。
#石油人民币 #美元 #邪恶轴心 #习近平
Media is too big
1/11/2023 Miles Guo: The CCP's infiltration of the US is on such a massive scale that I can keep on talking about it for a week straight without a break. The US and Europe are much worse off than what they used to be. Although I warned the Americans back in 2017 that the CCP would push the petroyuan, there are still many Americans holding naive attitude toward the CCP
#CCP #Infiltration #US #Europe #petroyuan #Saudi

1/11/2023 文贵直播:中共对美国的渗透罄竹难书,给文贵一周都说不完;美国和欧洲今非昔比,西方已尝到了中共铁拳的滋味;虽然文贵在2017年就警告美国人中共会推行石油人民币,但现在仍有很多天真的美国人
#中共 #渗透 #美国 #欧洲 #石油人民币 #沙特
Media is too big
1/11/2023 Miles Guo: The CCP's infiltration of the US is on such a massive scale that I can keep on talking about it for a week straight without a break. The US and Europe are much worse off than what they used to be. Although I warned the Americans back in 2017 that the CCP would push the petroyuan, there are still many Americans holding naive attitude toward the CCP
#CCP #Infiltration #US #Europe #petroyuan #Saudi

1/11/2023 文贵直播:中共对美国的渗透罄竹难书,给文贵一周都说不完;美国和欧洲今非昔比,西方已尝到了中共铁拳的滋味;虽然文贵在2017年就警告美国人中共会推行石油人民币,但现在仍有很多天真的美国人
#中共 #渗透 #美国 #欧洲 #石油人民币 #沙特
Media is too big
1/11/2023 Miles Guo: The CCP's infiltration of the US is on such a massive scale that I can keep on talking about it for a week straight without a break. The US and Europe are much worse off than what they used to be. Although I warned the Americans back in 2017 that the CCP would push the petroyuan, there are still many Americans holding naive attitude toward the CCP.
#CCP #Infiltration #US #Europe #petroyuan #Saudi

1/11/2023 文贵直播:中共对美国的渗透罄竹难书,给文贵一周都说不完;美国和欧洲今非昔比,西方已尝到了中共铁拳的滋味;虽然文贵在2017年就警告美国人中共会推行石油人民币,但现在仍有很多天真的美国人。
#中共 #渗透 #美国 #欧洲 #石油人民币 #沙特
Media is too big
1/11/2023 Miles Guo: The CCP's infiltration of the US is on such a massive scale that I can keep on talking about it for a week straight without a break. The US and Europe are much worse off than what they used to be. Although I warned the Americans back in 2017 that the CCP would push the petroyuan, there are still many Americans holding naive attitude toward the CCP
#CCP #Infiltration #US #Europe #petroyuan #Saudi

1/11/2023 文贵直播:中共对美国的渗透罄竹难书,给文贵一周都说不完;美国和欧洲今非昔比,西方已尝到了中共铁拳的滋味;虽然文贵在2017年就警告美国人中共会推行石油人民币,但现在仍有很多天真的美国人
#中共 #渗透 #美国 #欧洲 #石油人民币 #沙特
Media is too big
2/12/2023 Miles Guo: When I witnessed government officials and company executives from the U.S. and Europe kowtowing and calling Xi Jinping “Xi Dada” back then, I knew right away that the world would be in trouble. From the release of the CCP virus and various unrestricted warfare to the ongoing balloon attacks, everything has proven my previous concern. When mankind worships totalitarianism, many people will abandon justice and God
#GoldmanSachs #BlackRock #MorganStanley #OneBeltOneRoad #Petroyuan #CCPBalloon

2/12/2023 文贵直播:当年看到美欧官员和公司高管卑躬屈膝喊习近平“习大大”时,我就知道世界要出大事儿了。后来中共放出了病毒,然后各种超限战,到现在的气球突袭,都无不证明了我当初的担心。当人类崇拜极权时,很多人就失去了正义和上帝。
#高盛 #贝莱德集团 #摩根士丹利 #一带一路 #石油化人民币 #中共气球