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【NFSC 2nd Anniversary 】06/04/2022 Miles Guo: The whole world's disasters are caused by the CCP rather than the Chinese. However, people in Wall Street are aiding and abetting the CCP and selling out America. Mr. Bannon and I have been working hard to wake up the world, and that "take down the CCP" has become the No. 1 slogan in the world! We must show the world the good side of the Chinese people. Thanks to America for providing us with security and opportunities. We will never give up and we will win for sure!

【新中国联邦2周年】06/04/2022 郭先生:全世界的灾难是中共而不是中国人造成的,而华尔街却助纣为虐并出卖美国;两年来文贵和班农先生都在努力唤醒全世界,“灭共”已成为世界第一口号!我们要展示中国人好的一面,感谢美国提供给我们安全和机遇,我们永不言弃且一定会赢!

#新中国联邦 #NFSC #ROLF #法治基金 #纪念六四 #rememberjune4th
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【NFSC 2nd Anniversary 】06/04/2022:Japan has made it very clear that they will set up offices of governmental organizations in Taiwan. The U.S. told the CCP clearly that Japan will surely join the UN and become a permanent member, and the UN might be disbanded or restructured. Some U.S. senators are saying the U.S. should consider getting the money they funded the CCP in WWII back. If it happens, the CCP will definitely go bankrupt.


#新中国联邦 #NFSC #ROLF #法治基金 #纪念六四 #rememberjune4th
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【NFSC 2nd Anniversary 】06/04/2022 Miles Guo: The most important mission for all the Chinese around the world is to prevent anti-Chinese movements similar to the Indonesian mass killings of the Chinese from happening. The No. 1 requirement to join the New Federal State of China is to recognize, respect, and comply with the Declaration of the NFSC, and its rules and principles. We must establish the image for the new Chinese people.

【新中国联邦2周年】06/04/2022 郭先生:全世界华人当下最重要的使命就是避免类似印尼排华惨案的发生,加入新中国联邦的第一要求就是认同、尊重和遵守《新中国联邦宣言》及其准则;我们要树立新中国人形象

#新中国联邦 #NFSC #ROLF #法治基金 #纪念六四 #rememberjune4th
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【NFSC 2nd Anniversary】06/04/2022: Connie H. Morgan: The Himalaya Coin is very clean. That's why it was so stable when the rest of the cryptocurrencies were falling.

【新中国联邦2周年】06/04/2022 摩根夫人:喜币非常干净。 这就是为什么数字货币价格大跌时,喜币的价格很稳定

#新中国联邦 #NFSC #ROLF #法治基金 #纪念六四 #rememberjune4th
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【NFSC 2nd Anniversary】06/04/2022 Miles Guo: To all those in Communist China, members of the CCP, and those in the CCP's system, you will be rewarded with Himalaya Coins as long as you can provide the information that is helpful for taking down the CCP. Besides, all those who follow the Whistleblowers' Movement will get the Tang Ping (Lying-flat) Coins in the future!

【新中国联邦2周年】06/04/2022 郭先生:呼吁国内、党内和所有体制内的人,只要能提供有利于灭共的情报,就会获得喜币!只要是未来跟着爆料革命走的战友,就会有躺平币!

#新中国联邦 #NFSC #ROLF #法治基金 #纪念六四 #rememberjune4th
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【NFSC 2nd Anniversary 】06/04/2022 Miles Guo: The farm system of the New Federal State of China is a two-tier parallel system, which is different from the vertical system that can easily breeds corruption and bureaucracy. The design of our farm system comes from the old culture of association in China, which focuses on individuals. In our farms, members treat each other fairly, equally and respectfully.

【新中国联邦2周年】06/04/2022 郭先生:新中国联邦的农场制度是两个层级的平行系统,而不是容易产生腐败和官僚的垂直系统。农场制度的设计来自中国古老的结社文化,即注重个人,在农场里大家互相尊重,公平公正地相处。

#新中国联邦 #NFSC #ROLF #法治基金 #纪念六四 #rememberjune4th
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【NFSC 2nd Anniversary】06/04/2022 Miles Guo: The CCP has been frantically deleting data from social media world wide. This is absolutely a state level act! The CCP is so fearful! It was the June 4th incident in 1989 that sowed the seeds for today's Whistleblowers' Movement. The CCP has got itself into a dire situation!

【新中国联邦2周年】06/04/2022 郭先生:共产党最近在全球社交媒体删除数据,这绝对是国家行为!共产党太恐惧了!没有当年的89·64,就不会有今天的爆料革命。共产党已岌岌可危!

#新中国联邦 #NFSC #ROLF #法治基金 #纪念六四 #rememberjune4th
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【NFSC 2nd Anniversary】06/04/2022 Mr. Bannon: No other organization in the world has been able to achieve as much remarkable success within a year or two as the New Federal State of China, despite the constant attacks from the CCP! The NFSC will become one of the most powerful political and social organizations in the world!

【新中国联邦2周年】06/04/2022 班农先生:没有任何一个组织能像新中国联邦一样在一两年内,在不断遭受中共攻击的情况下取得如此卓越的成就,新中国联邦未来会成为世界上最强大的政治和社会组织

#新中国联邦 #NFSC #ROLF #法治基金 #纪念六四 #rememberjune4th
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【NFSC 2nd Anniversary 】06/04/2022 Miles Guo: The most important mission for all the Chinese around the world is to prevent anti-Chinese movements similar to the Indonesian mass killings of the Chinese from happening. The No. 1 requirement to join the New Federal State of China is to recognize, respect, and comply with the Declaration of the NFSC, and its rules and principles. We must establish the image for the new Chinese people.

【新中国联邦2周年】06/04/2022 郭先生:全世界华人当下最重要的使命就是避免类似印尼排华惨案的发生,加入新中国联邦的第一要求就是认同、尊重和遵守《新中国联邦宣言》及其准则;我们要树立新中国人形象

#新中国联邦 #NFSC #ROLF #法治基金 #纪念六四 #rememberjune4th
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【NFSC 2nd Anniversary】06/04/2022 Miles Guo: The New Federal State of China demands nothing from all its followers as long as they are sincerely dedicated to taking down the Chinese Communist Party. The Chinese should be treated as real human beings, and social class divisions are never allowed to exist in the New Federal State of China!

【新中国联邦2周年】06/04/2022 郭先生:只要是真心灭共,新中国联邦对所有跟随者别无所求;中国人要被当成真正的人来对待,新中国联邦绝不允许有阶级划分的存在!

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